Robb Wolf | Electrolytes: How Sodium, Potassium & Magnesium Help To Beat Brain Fog

“All of these problems that people usually ascribe to low-carb diets – the fatigue, the brain fog, the inability to get a pump while training, adrenal type issues, hormone dysregulation and what not – most of that is resolved with adequate sodium intake.” – Robb Wolf

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 403

Former research biochemist, New York Times Best Selling Author and Co-Founder of LMNT, Robb Wolf, returns for the fourth time to explore the relationship between electrolytes and our brain's ability to function well, the myths surrounding sodium, and why there is a direct impact to our thyroids when the body does not receive enough sodium. 

How much salt is actually good for your brain?

Find out why sodium as well as potassium and magnesium are so vital to help keep your energy up and beat brain fog.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘All of these problems that people usually ascribe to low-carb diets – the fatigue, the brain fog, adrenal issues, hormone dysregulation – most of that is resolved with adequate sodium intake.' – Co-Founder of @drinkLMNT @robbwolf” quote=”‘All of these problems that people usually ascribe to low-carb diets – the fatigue, the brain fog, adrenal issues, hormone dysregulation – most of that is resolved with adequate sodium intake.' – Co-Founder of @drinkLMNT @robbwolf”]

LMNT Grapefruit Salt | Limited Summer Edition!LMNT is a tasty electrolyte drink mix that replaces vital electrolytes without the sugar and dodgy ingredients. When summer brings the heat, LMNT brings the Grapefruit Salt. For a limited time, try all the flavors with a free 8-count LMNT sample pack on any purchase.

Why stay salty?

  • Kickstart Your Day
  • Power Your Workouts
  • Support Healthy Fasting
  • Ultimate Travel Companion

Listen to Josh Trent and Robb Wolf discuss how to beat brain fog, the relationship between electrolytes and our brain's ability to function well, and why more salt is better, not less HERE

Listen To Episode 403 As Robb Wolf Uncovers:

[1:30] Ivermectin – A Successful COVID-19 Treatment?

[15:00] How To Beat Brain Fog

  • Breaking down how electrolytes can help heal brain fog.
  • Why our PH and electrolyte levels need to be tightly regulated and what can happen if they go up or down by even just a little bit.
  • The fact that having too low of sodium in our bodies is a much graver situation than having too much.
  • Other common sources of brain fog including immunogenic foods such as eggs for Robb in his case.
  • Why our sodium intake decreases dramatically when we shift to a whole food, minimally processed diet because most of our sodium came from the processed foods we ate before.
  • Everyday food products to help you keep your sodium levels normal if you feel a dip in energy and brain fog including chicken bouillon cubes, pickle juice, and olives.
  • Why we tend to be scared of sodium because we so often associate it with processed foods.
  • How electrolytes can be a good source to boost your energy in the afternoon rather than another cup of coffee.
  • Why there really is no beneficial difference in the source of sodium you consume whether that is sea salt or refined table salt.
  • Why iodine was first introduced to foods like salt because in the early 1900s people suffered goiters due to living more interior and not consuming fish as often.
  • The difference between iodized salt and pink Himalayan sea salt and what to be aware of when we consider the minerals that are available.

[31:00] LMNT's Health Mission For The World

  • LMNT's mission and their focus to give you a product that tastes good and it's very convenient.
  • Josh's biohacking experiments comparing drinking just water vs drinking LMNT both during and after a sauna session.
  • Tyler Cartwright
  • Luis Villasenor
  • The fact that the main demographic that LMNT Co-Founders, Tyler Cartwright and Luis Villasenor, work with are women between the ages of 35 and 60.
  • How LMNT's formula came to be after looking at 300 different diet records of people who largely ate a whole, un-processed low carb diet.
  • How their product will help you address your sodium issues to improve your wellness.
  • Why it's hard to keep your magnesium levels healthy if you're depleted in sodium.

[42:00] Sodium Intake Truths & Myths

  • Exploring the truths and myths about sodium intake especially during pregnancy, water tension, and hypertension.
  • The fact that 80% of people are facing an underlying issue of hyperinsulinemia and their food choices are a primary driver of that.
  • Unpacking why hypertensive individuals that are put on a low sodium diet don't really see a change in their blood pressure.
  • Why hydration is not synonymous with water but with both water and electrolytes.
  • How we get into a hyponatremic state when we keep drinking water but our sodium levels are very low.
  • Why our hands, feet, and also brain swell when we over-hydrate and experience edema.
  • What happens when we sweat and why we mainly excrete sodium but not really potassium and magnesium.
  • Discussing when you should consume LMNT: pre, during, or post your workout or sauna.
  • How adequate post training or post stress sodium dramatically enhances recovery because of its connection to cortisol release.
  • What quantity of LMNT Robb personally drinks before going to the gym, class prep, and doing jiu jitsu exercise as a practical example.
  • How Robb's focus on nutrition in the past compared to now has dramatically improved his personal wellness.
  • Why it's important to keep your electrolytes stable pre, peri, and post workout for greater recovery.
  • What you might experience if you consume too much LMNT or sodium.
  • Why LMNT might taste very sweet when you're low on sodium and then you notice the sodium taste when you're leveled.
  • Signs that you don't have enough electrolytes in our body's system including cramping as a late stage sign.

[58:00] Are You Drinking Too Much Water?

  • How Robb adds the chocolate flavored LMNT to his 2nd cup of coffee in the morning.
  • What we do to disrupt our electrolyte status without even realizing it.
  • Why Robb probably wouldn't even need the LMNT in his 2nd cup if he didn't drink as much coffee in his first mug.
  • Why Robb believes our Paleo ancestors did not consume as much water as we're advised to drink today.
  • How butchering techniques can increase or decrease the amount of sodium and potassium in our meats.
  • Who shouldn't consume LMNT: those with hypertension and existing blood pressure.
  • Why women can experience increased insulin resistance and gestational diabetes during their pregnancy.
  • Why you may want to consider a low carb diet to improve your wellness if LMNT is not a good fit for you.
  • Why what a woman eats before and during her pregnancy can impact her insulin resistance.
  • Exploring when a woman could consume supplements and electrolytes such as LMNT during her pregnancy.
  • Why LMNT is great for a woman who is breastfeeding to help with latching and increasing breast milk supply.

[1:16:00] Honoring Your Own Health

Power Quotes From The Show

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Somewhere along the line hydration became synonymous with water but it is not. If you look in a textbook of medical physiology, hydration is water and electrolytes in specific ratios.' – Co-Founder of @drinkLMNT @robbwolf” quote=”‘Somewhere along the line hydration became synonymous with water but it is not. If you look in a textbook of medical physiology, hydration is water and electrolytes in specific ratios.' – Co-Founder of @drinkLMNT @robbwolf”]

The Dangers Of Low Electrolyte Levels

“Somewhere along the line hydration became synonymous with water but it is not. If you look in a textbook of medical physiology, hydration is water and electrolytes in specific ratios. If you just add water you end up in a hyponatremic state; a low sodium state and this explains things like hand swelling. Most people are familiar with experiencing their hands swelling up when they go hiking and they drink lots of water, they're sweating like crazy, and they're swelling up because virtually nobody supplements with sodium…

…When our sodium levels are low, we will tend to get edema and this is when our hands, feet, and brain will also swell. This is what kills people when they over hydrate with only water like in hazing events or while training for and running in marathons. The next time you go hiking, drink pickle juice or LMNT, and notice how you don't swell.” – Robb Wolf

Why Sodium Is So Important When You Sweat

“When we sweat, we mainly excrete sodium. We don't really excrete potassium or magnesium; there's a little bit but it's orders of magnitude different. So, in that high sweat scenario: a sauna, exercise, ruck marching; stuff like that – you need to mainly focus on sodium. Over the course of a month yes we need sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphates, bicarbonates – all of the electrolytes but in that time course of a hard, physical event or sauna, the main problem is the rapid and significant loss of sodium. So, that is another reason why you really have to target that.” – Robb Wolf

Achieving Stable Sodium Levels Pre, Peri, and Post Workout

“Adequate post training or post stress sodium dramatically enhances recovery and there are a ton of mechanisms for why but one of the things that adequate sodium levels effect is cortisol release because it's less of a stress. If the body is getting adequate sodium, it's signalling the body that it's okay and it has enough nutrient resources to be able to recover. So pre workout sodium intake is really important depending on the duration of the event and then on the recovery side we also need adequate sodium and electrolytes….

…During the workout, sipping a drink like LMNT that will keep you well hydrated. When I was trying to do training like this ten plus years ago I would just be absolutely crushed after a workout and I think it was because I wasn't properly addressing my electrolyte levels like I am today. This pre, peri, and then post supplementation is really important to be on point if you want to optimize the whole workout experience.” – Robb Wolf

Links From Today's Show 

About Robb Wolf

Robb Wolf | Electrolytes: How Sodium, Potassium & Magnesium Help To Beat Brain FogRobb Wolf, a former research biochemist is the 2X New York Times/WSJ Best Selling author of The Paleo Solution and Wired To Eat.  Robb has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world via his top ranked iTunes podcast, books and seminars.

Robb has functioned as a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism (Biomed Central) and as a consultant for the Naval Special Warfare Resiliency program. He serves on the board of Directors/Advisors for: Specialty Health Inc, The Chickasaw Nation’s “Unconquered Life” initiative and a number of innovative start ups with a focus on health and sustainability.

Robb holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and is a former California State Powerlifting Champion (565 lb. Squat, 345 lb. Bench, 565 lb. Dead Lift) and a 6-0 amateur kickboxer. Wolf has provided seminars in nutrition and strength & conditioning to a number of entities including NASA, Naval Special Warfare, the Canadian Light Infantry and the United States Marine Corps.

Robb lives in Texas with his wife Nicki and daughters Zoe and Sagan.

The Salty Science of Electrolytes


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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