Wellness + Wisdom Episode 379
Keto Diet Expert, Host of the Fit2Fat2Fit Experience Podcast, and Author of the NY Times Best Selling book, Fit2Fat2Fit, Drew Manning, comes back to share how you can be fit after 40, how he's changing the world of the fitness industry with his Back2Fit weight loss approach, how the three arcs of intelligence can help you sustain a healthy lifestyle, and why hitting rock bottom is actually a blessing.
Discover why losing weight is not the key to happiness but the other way around.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘I'm on a mission to disrupt the fitness industry by leading with empathy first and a better understanding on the mental and emotional side so that people don't view physical transformation as this chore.' -@fit2fat2fit” quote=”‘I'm on a mission to disrupt the fitness industry by leading with empathy first and a better understanding on the mental and emotional side so that people don't view physical transformation as this chore.' -@fit2fat2fit”]
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Listen To Episode 379 As Drew Manning Uncovers:
[1:30] What Is Empathy?
- CURED Nutrition
- Fit2Fat2Fit
- Fit2Fat2Fit by Drew Manning
- Back2Fit
- His achievement of running 100 miles in less than 24 hours.
Digging into what's going currently going on in Drew's life and what it means to love and respect your physical body.
Why he's doing a second round of Fit2Fat2Fit with the goal to gain 75 pounds weight gain after 40 with the focus on empathy.
Breaking down what empathy is and why it doesn't necessarily mean becoming codependent and attached to it.
Why empathy without boundaries is enablement.
What has been going on in Drew's heart this year with all of the challenges 2020 has brought him specifically with this weight gain.
- Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown
Why this new version of Drew is more honest and open than his previous self.
What he's realized about himself and life including just how much harder Fit2Fat2Fit would be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as he's now more open about his emotions.
Why there's so much more to getting healthy than most people realize.
[15:00] Why Losing Weight Isn't The Key To Happiness
Why the weight loss journey doesn't automatically give a person happiness; that is something that is achieved through the inner work.
How we've been programmed to see weight loss as something that can only be achieved if we look like an Instagram model.
Why so many people think they won't be respected or loved unless they lose weight.
The fact that we so often turn to outside things like money, materialism, and even our looks to “fix us.”
His mission to help people operate out of a place of self-love and treat their bodies kindly.
The power of respectfully treating our bodies with the focus on care rather than results so that we fall in love with the process.
Why he wants people to join him on his Fit2Fat2Forty journey in January to learn how to shift their perception of what it means to be healthy.
[19:00] The Arc Of Intelligence For Wellness
What intelligence about wellness he's gathered on his mission to gain weight.
Unpacking the biggest prices he has paid during this embodiment of wellness intelligence including the mental and emotional struggles.
How he's opened up on social media about the real mental and emotional struggle he's going through during Fit2Fat2Forty to make people more aware of their weight loss journeys.
The connection between sleep deprivation and mood and energy.
How his Fit2Fat2Forty journey has impacted his daughters and his relationship with his girlfriend.
His personal transformation from the first round of Fit2Fat2Fit 10 years ago to now.
How COVID-19 is forcing us to take a closer look at our own wellness before we can fix the world's problems.
Why there's no such thing as an outside fix for an inside problem when it comes to becoming healthy.
[27:00] How To Let Go Of An Addiction
Josh's own addiction with pornography and how Drew helped him with it by introducing him to Kathryn Dixon.
- Kathryn Dixon
- Paul Chek | All Is God: Three Part Series
Drew's own journey with porn addiction and what most people don't realize about their individual addictions.
How he has helped people overcome emotional eating through self-awareness and thoughtfully responding in the moment instead of reacting.
The steps he took to let go of addiction by reframing and understanding from a heart to heart level by asking himself the deepest, hardest questions.
Why self-love isn't a light switch but actually a long journey of looking hard at yourself, your thoughts, and your behaviors.
Unpacking how society teaches us multiple, separate ways of healing ourselves but they're actually all connected.
How being a dad has helped him focus on becoming the best version of himself so that he can set an example for his daughters.
[36:00] Why Hitting Rock Bottom Is A Blessing
- Eckhart Tolle
Why he believes that hitting rock bottom can be such a blessing in disguise.
Exploring his own rock bottom and how it led him to such radical change when he left his religion and got a divorce.
- Loving What Is: How Four Questions Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie
What he did to help himself heal over the years after hitting his rock bottom.
Why some of us may have to go through multiple rock bottom moments to enforce radical change and help us be open to shifting our perception to let growth happen.
How his connection to Spirit and spirituality been tested during his Fit2Fat2Forty journey.
What has come up for him now during the pain and the hurt of Fit2Fat2Forty and why he knows he needs time to heal his emotions.
Why sometimes we just want to bypass all the pain we're experiencing and fast forward to the good part but we have to sit with every experience to receive its opportunities and heal.
[43:00] A New Way Of Being For Men
The struggles that Drew knows he will face in January 2021 as he flips the switch and focuses on getting healthy and fit.
Drew's invitation to people to join him as they focusing on their health journey together with Back2Fit.
How Drew is helping to change the narrative on what it means to be a man.
Why we all need to wake up and care when it comes to our health, relationships, and spirituality because apathy is one of the lowest human emotions.
How this new narrative of truth will guide us in 2021.
Drew's mission to disrupt the fitness industry by leading with empathy first so that people don't view being healthy as a chore.
His words of guidance to those who are feeling defeated about their situation.
Why you are worth it to keeping fighting with all that you have faced in 2020.
- Back2Fit.
How he would define wellness now with the new knowledge that he has gained since the last time he was on Wellness Force.
Power Quotes From The Show
[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Focusing on health from a place of self-love and making that shift in perception is really key so that you don't see living a healthy lifestyle as a punishment or a chore to get results and be happy.'- @fit2fat2fit ” quote=”‘Focusing on health from a place of self-love and making that shift in perception is really key so that you don't see living a healthy lifestyle as a punishment or a chore to get results and be happy.'- @fit2fat2fit “]
Learning To Fall In Love With The Process
The Emotional Journey To Physical Transformation
What True Health Success Looks Like
Links From Today's Show
- CURED Nutrition
- Fit2Fat2Fit by Drew Manning
- Back2Fit
- Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown
- The Nutty Professor Trailer
- Kathryn Dixon
- Paul Chek | All Is God: Three Part Series
- Loving What Is: How Four Questions Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie
- Leave Wellness Force a review on iTunes
- breathwork.io
- M21 Wellness Guide
- Fit2Fat2Fit
- Drew Manning
About Drew Manning
Health and fitness expert, Drew Manning, is the New York Times best-selling author of Fit2Fat2Fit: The Unexpected Lessons from Gaining and Losing 75 lbs on Purpose and has for years been a leading voice in the burgeoning Keto Diet movement.
Drew is also the creator of the A&E Show Fit to Fat to Fit and the host of The Fit2Fat2Fit Experience podcast. With over a million social media followers, Drew continues to transform people's lives all around the world.
Known for his straightforward and empathetic fitness and health coaching, Drew has been featured on The Dr. Oz Show, CNN, Good Morning America, The Tonight Show, The View, and MSNBC, among other media outlets.
He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his daughters, who remind him every day not to take things too seriously.
Official Fit2Fat2Forty Launch