From Weight Loss Resistance To High Performance With Dr. Matt Accurso

Dr. Matt Accruso From Weight Loss Resistance to High Performance Wellness + Wisdom

“I don't want someone to feel that they need my help. I want them to feel empowered about their body. The most powerful part about the whole journey with anyone that I've ever worked with is the long-term sustainable result. I want you to leave my care and I want you to teach your family and other people how to be healthy.” – Dr. Matt Accurso 

From Weight Loss Resistance To High Performance With Dr. Matt Accurso

Many sources have claimed that we can only combat weight loss resistance and gain high performance energy if we stick to a strict “one fits all” nutrition and exercise regime. However, living a healthy lifestyle isn't just about checking off a doctor's to do list as we go through life.

Health goes beyond the surface with a closer look at our body's cells, hormones, gut, and brain connection. 

Lead Training Doctor at Designer Health Centers, Dr. Matt Accurso, shares his experience and tips on how we can become health empowered, lose old weight, and gain the energy we crave to develop into high performers.


Become Health Empowered


“Your body has the power to do what it needs to do. All I simply did was address the deficiencies and toxicities and then we let your body heal.” – Dr. Matt Accurso on helping his health participants.


When you visit with your physician, don't see yourself as just a patient. Instead of just a patient, you are a health participant because you are there to take control of your own health.

A physician can help you with a medical problem that needs to be addressed with a short term solution. However, that one visit is not going to fix all of your health needs. Instead of relying on a physician, specialist, or therapist to fix all of your health problems, take responsibility into your own hands.

You are empowered to live a long, healthy journey by making good decisions that will impact your health.


Defeat Weight Loss Resistance


Weight loss resistance happens when the brain is trying to communicate to the body yet cell receptors are blunted so they can't hear what's happening from the brain. By simply adding more good fats in your diet, you actually start to replenish those cells in the thyroid and gut.”- Dr. Matt Accurso


Rather than looking at your body as a whole, look at it in parts and pieces like a puzzle. View the body from the outlook of its cells, organs, hormones, micronutrients, and gut health. Everything in the body plays an important part and anything could be preventing you from losing old weight.

Many popular diets will help people lose sugar weight, but they're not sustainable for long-term weight (Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and traditional diets).

A long-term diet has to promote proper hormonal function health as well in the brain and body.

Two hormones in the body that are key to losing weight are leptin and ghrelin.


Regulate Hormones for Healthy Weight Loss

Ghrelin hormones increase hunger in the body and leptin manages energy, weight loss, and reducing appetite. Unlike other diets that focus on low-carb diets and staying away from fats, the Ketogenic Diet focuses on eating healthy fats.

Once you've reached the ketosis stage, your body is better at regulating the ghrelin and leptin hormones to help increase weight loss.

Not only will Ketosis help increase the body's weight loss, but it will also replenish the body's cells. Once thyroid and gut cells are replenished, they can better community with the brain.


Regain Your Energy

Depending on what you eat on a day-to-day basis and your sleep cycle, you may find yourself with either little energy or a sufficient amount to get you through the day.

If you find yourself exhausted or getting very little sleep, pay attention to you diet. 

If a person does not have enough healthy fats in their diet is consuming too many toxins, they need they pay closer attention to their diet. Without healthy fats and nutrition, a person may have a macronutrient deficiency that is creating interruptions during the REM sleep cycle.

If you wake up feeling energized, but then crash after lunch, you might not be getting the nutrients you need to help you rest and regain your energy. 

Sleep and diet are key to feeling energized from morning to night. One method is to get into a state of Ketosis so that your body is burning fat on a regular basis. Otherwise, you can make simpler changes to your diet including:

  • Not snacking between meals.
  • Eating a low-carb diet and healthy fats i.e. nuts and seeds.
  • Starting to take vitamins and supplements without USPS vitamins.

Following a healthy diet that can increase your energy for higher performance means eating more:

  • Fresh water fish with fatty Omega 3
  • Free range white meat
  • Grass fed red meat

Specific foods with Omega 3 have so many benefits i.e.:

  • Triggering healthy hormones
  • Increasing cell-to-cell communication
  • Improving your brain's and body's health


Beat Fatigue with Neurological Overload Sets

One way to beat fatigue is to do Neurological Overload Sets (created by Ben Pakulski). NOS is a functional fitness type approach exercise to help you fatigue your nervous system while fatiguing the muscle by doing 60-80% of your max power and then holding position at the end of each set for about 20 seconds.

By overloading the nervous system, you can optimize your energy levels and reconnect the brain synopsis. Other exercises such as Pilates, Tabata, and anything else that includes an isometric hold and nervous system training is great to enhance the brain's memory and function.


Enjoy the Seasons of Life


“Don't beat yourself up if you're going through a season.”


As we go through life, we strive to do it all and as hard as we might try, it's impossible to do everything at once. We all go through different seasons or stages of life that come and go as soon as we begin to experience them.

Maybe you've already experienced the seasons of beginning college, a career, or your own family? Each season is different and has it's ups and downs that can create stress within the body and mind.

To gain more energy and peace of mind, focus on enjoying and respecting that season. Take your time and be easy on yourself.

You might have to adjust your schedule and habits according to that season, but that doesn't mean you can stop focusing on your health or what is important to you. Know your triggers and what's going to crush your energy.


Turn to Positive Thinking

Because our body is one big puzzle piece, not only are our organs, cells, and brain connected, but our hormones and genetics as well. In fact, our genetics and thoughts give us this amazing power to structure our environment when we turn on the right genes and think positively.

But what happens if negative thoughts creep up and block us from achieving high performance? Dr. Matt Accurso has this great system to help him create positive thoughts.

If he feels a negative thought comes into his head when he wakes up first thing in the morning, he doesn't get up until he's replaced it with a positive thought in his mind. What does he think about?

He turns to thoughts of gratefulness while maintaining a breathing pattern until he feels enough joy and happiness that those negative thoughts have disappeared.

If you're experiencing negative thoughts, I encourage you to try this method. I know that I will!


Resources From The Show


Dr. Matt Accurso: Avoid Premature Aging Naturally

About Dr. Matt Accurso

Dr. Accurso is a leading authority in Human Potential Healthcare and has been featured in INC magazine among other reputable media outlets.

He’s a world leading expert in helping executives and entrepreneurs access peak performance through cutting-edge research supported strategies such as lifestyle genetics, cellular detoxification and advanced customized nutritional solutions to create long-term sustainable transformations in the high performers he helps.

These clinically proven strategies have yielded very high success rates among his clientele leading to a 3x increase in energy, a doubling of productivity, a 4x increase in wellbeing scores and an average of an 85% reversal of today's disease promoting factors.

In addition to transforming the lives of executives and entrepreneurs, he speaks in Asia, Canada and across America on advanced performance strategies in which he also lectures to doctors around the world on how to implement these cutting edge solutions.


What You'll Hear On The Show


About Dr. Matt Accurso: What's something fun about you?

4:45  Tell us about your uncle; how did he inspire you?

6:50  Did you have any other experiences or feelings that pulled you towards your calling?

9:10  How did your father's death affect you personally and mold you as a physician?

13:15  How did you become a Bulletproof Executive Recommended Doctor? How can others become certified?

16:20 What are health participants? How do they differ from patients?

18:55  How would you define weight loss resistance and how do you help clients who experience it?

20:30  How does Ketosis and the Ghrelin & Leptin hormones increase healthy weight loss?

23:15  What blocks the brain? Can you test it with biomarkers or something else?

25:50  What if a person is not seeing results in their health especially their mental and sleep health? How do you begin to help them?

29:00  Wellness Force Discount  for Grass Fed Collagen from Perfect Supplements

30:00 Nutrition Rules of Thumb

32:00  When someone wants more energy, is that separate from weight loss?

35:00  How do you balance your practice with your family life and still have so much energy?

40:40  Epigenetics-How can we structure our environment so that we can turn on the right genes?

46:20 7 for 7 round: Josh asks Matt 7 fast questions


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About The Author, Lauren Bryant, Podcast Production

lauren bryant wellness forceLauren Bryant

is the Podcasting Assistant and Show Notes Writer for Wellness + Wisdom. She has a BBA in both Marketing and Spanish for Business as well as certificates in Advanced Business Communications and International Business from the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire.

Lauren’s wellness journey began at a young age when she joined her local YMCA swim team, The Wave, of La Crosse, WI. One of the most profound views on wellness that anyone has said to her was when she was an assistant swim coach for that same YMCA swim team.

One day during a practice, former head swim coach, Jon Brenner, shared with her that the most important thing about coaching the swimmers was that “It doesn’t matter if they become the best athletes in the world. What’s important is that we give them the tools and guidance they need to live a healthy, active lifestyle for the rest of their lives.”

Since hearing those words, she has taken it to heart to not only focus on continuously living her own healthy lifestyle, but to help others pursue their wellness goals as well.

Lauren is not only an avid swimmer, but a fan of running, yoga, cooking, and doing any activity outside that involves being surrounded by nature. In the Fall of 2014, she completed a long-awaited goal of walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain.

According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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