Wellness + Wisdom Episode 376
World-Renowned Human Performance Presenter, Division 1 Strength & Conditioning Coach, Kambo Facilitator, and Creator of the digital Kettlebell Lifestyle program, Mike Salemi, returns to unpack the concept of movement as medicine, how to cultivate body awareness, his advice for starting a brand new fitness program, and how our physical health impacts our emotional, spiritual, and mental wellbeing.
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Listen as Mike shares why movement is medicine, the power of trusting the wellness journey, and how breathwork strengthens both the mind and body.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘A kettlebell swing is not by any means the first place I would start someone. So often times I have to tell someone to focus on where they are at and re-establish from there with good positioning.' – @mike_salemi ” quote=”‘A kettlebell swing is not by any means the first place I would start someone. So often times I have to tell someone to focus on where they are at and re-establish from there with good positioning.' – @mike_salemi “]
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Listen To Episode 376 As Mike Salemi Uncovers:
[1:30] Movement Is Medicine
- Mike Salemi
- 274 Mike Salemi
- Kettlebell Lifestyle
What's new for Mike since he last came on Wellness Force for episode 274 – The Journey To Strength.
Why it seems like more and more wellness leaders are leaving California for Texas.
The impact of COVID-19 on his professional coaching career as he's had to pivot and adapt with it.
How he's brought his kettlebell programs including his latest, Kettlebell Lifestyle, to people online in 2020.
Why we're at a time where we need movement as medicine more than ever in our world.
- Paul Chek | All Is God: Three Part Series
His experience working with and studying from experts and masters of their craft like Paul Chek.
What his program, Kettlebell Lifestyle, will teach you as you continue to practice it.
The importance of learning the principles of our body's physiology and utilizing that knowledge to help us use movement as medicine.
[14:00] Cultivating Body Awareness
What advice he can give to someone beginning a new fitness program and how to cultivate greater body awareness.
Why you will learn so much about yourself, your mind, and what you're capable of when you push your body and you are a lot stronger than you think you are.
The various rites of passage that exist in other parts of the world that call for great athletic ability yet we lack this in the US.
Why most people stay in a competitive phase for their workouts like P90X or CrossFit but you have to constantly ramp up to that level of fitness which can take its toll on the body.
Breaking down the four phases of the Kettlebell Lifestyle.
What most people don't know about the kettlebell swing including why it's not a good movement for everyone to start off with.
The power of micro-movements to build up to macro movements.
Why awareness is the biggest factor in and outside of the gym that will create the prerequisites for change anywhere.
[21:00] How Breathwork Strengthens The Body And Mind
How physical movements can also help our emotional wellbeing.
- breathwork.io
How improved breathwork can lead to greater posture and physical movement.
His morning routine to help you warm and open up the body first thing when you wake.
Why the spine is everything to him when training and strengthening the body.
How just his 10 minute morning routine can be a total game-changer for anyone from workout beginners to people with big fitness goals.
Why movement is so much more than building our muscle mass but also acts as a form of medicine to heal us.
- Soltara Healing Center Ayahuasca Retreats In Costa Rica
Why our emotional and physical health is more likely to be stagnant the more we sit all day and especially if our posture is poor.
His intention practice go-to when working out especially during pushing and pulling exercises.
[30:00] Staying True To Your Heart's Intention
Real-time feedback on emotional health he has received from people in 20+ countries on his Kettlebell Lifestyle program.
The importance of taking any fitness program including Kettlebell Lifestyle and making it individualized for you and your wellness journey.
Why micro-movements and stretches have so many beautiful benefits especially when we're intentional with them.
What motivates him to continue to do this great work for the health and wellness community.
Labels people place on Mike and what they soon realize after talking to him or listening to what he has to say about wellness.
The fact that we're all evolving especially if we're aligned with our heart.
What his experience has been like serving Kambo in ceremony and why it's been such an honor for him.
[44:00] Is Kettlebell Right For You?
Unpacking who is right for kettlebell movements and what to know before you begin one.
How he designed his Kettlebell Lifestyle program to help people know where to start and guide them along the process.
Why he designed the program for someone who has had very little to no resistance or kettlebell training.
How you can tweak the Kettlebell Lifestyle program to fit your needs and ability.
- Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg Mckeown
How he's been able to connect with people from all over the world with his program.
Who else is a part of helping guide you during the Kettlebell Lifestyle program other than just Mike as Course Contributors.
What most people get wrong about using kettlebells and what he wants them to know.
Why even just mentally preparing yourself to approach the weight of the kettlebell with respect is an important practice.
[1:01:00] Trusting The Wellness Process
The importance of just trusting the process, being patient, having an open mind, and giving your all to a fitness program.
How being in lockdown has greatly impacted people's fitness and health goals because they couldn't go to the gym.
Why starting over with a clean slate can be scary but it's also something beautiful and such a blessing throughout your life and health journey.
His three greatest core values in life which also act as his guiding posts: Freedom, Health, and Service.
The intention he has to help people create more freedom during their mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical journeys.
How his definition of wellness has changed since he was last on Wellness Force.
Power Quotes From The Show
[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Exercise is medicine and with more or less good technique, there's really no bad exercise; there's only wrongly prescribed exercise.' – @mike_salemi ” quote=”‘Exercise is medicine and with more or less good technique, there's really no bad exercise; there's only wrongly prescribed exercise.' – @mike_salemi “]
Step Up Your Fitness Game With Posture & Breathwork
“The Kettlebell Lifestyle program isn't just a reflection of how I teach but of my life. So, every single morning there's a new routine you do that's under 10 minutes long that incorporates what I call core temperature warm-ups to prepare the body and then we move directly to a few mobility exercises primarily focused on the spine. For me, the spine is a priority over everything when it comes to training. Then from there, we do typically two to four breathing exercises and you're done. Depending on where you are at in your wellness journey just doing the 10 minute morning routine changes the game for some people.” – Mike Salemi
Why Awareness Is The No. 1 Catalyst For Change
“A kettlebell swing is not by any means the first place I would start someone. So often times I have to tell someone to focus on where they are at and re-establish from there with good positioning. Honestly, the number one thing as it relates to coaching movement in the gym and outside are micro movements. Micro movements create macro movements. The ability to just make these small fine attunements in awareness is the biggest thing in and out of the gym that is going to create the prerequisites for change.” – Mike Salemi
How Emotion Impacts The Physical Body
Links From Today's Show
About Mike Salemi
Mike's Coaching Journey
The BEST Rotational Kettlebell Exercise You Can Do