Kelly Claes & Dr. Tim Brown: Shaping Future Generations Through Movement & Sports

Kelly Claes + Dr. Tim Brown_ Shaping Future Generations Through Movement & Sports WELLNESS FORCE EPISODE 189

Kelly Claes & Dr. Tim Brown: Shaping Future Generations Through Movement & Sports

“It didn't really click with me until I was a Junior at the university that there were a lot more factors to wellness. I would wear the Intelliskin a lot to study and to get my posture in check, but I didn't really think about food as a huge factor or how sleep and recovery could greatly affect my performance. There are so many little nuances to wellness and I've begun to integrate that focus into my life.” – Kelly Claes

How can we use movement and sports to support future generations to become more self-aware, build character, and live life well?

In Wellness + Wisdom episode 189, Professional Beach Volleyball Player and motivational speaker, Kelly Claes, along with IntelliSkin Inventor, Dr. Tim Brown, share what it means to be fearlessly authentic despite what other people believe, the keystone habits that young athletes can put into practice, and how we can help shape future generations through optimal mindset, movement, and sports.

Find out why skill and talent both pale in comparison to heart, attitude, and ambition when it comes to movement and sports.

Join The Surf Movement Masterclass

Only 2 weeks left to join Dr. Tim Brown and Wellness + Wisdom host, Josh Trent, at the 2-day Surf Movement Masterclass at Hurley Headquarters in Costa Mesa, CA on April 28-29.

Head over to  for more information. 

The Surf Movement Masterclass is an opportunity for the Surf Healthcare Community to spend two days with experts who treat and train surfers on the WSL Tour and USA Surfing.

They have assembled a dream team panel to discuss the Mind, Body, and Movement of the Surf Athlete. Their MasterClass Faculty will teach movement based restoration through observation, examination, treatment, training, recovery and athlete education.

Join the 2-day Surf Movement MasterClass this April to see, hear, work and play with their MasterClass Faculty.

Surf Movement Masterclass

Listen To Episode 189 As Kelly Claes and Dr. Tim Brown Uncover:

  • How she became involved in volleyball and what she loves about it.
  • Why height isn't a determining factor for success in volleyball; it's about heart and attitude.
  • How they were able to get in contact with each other and how they both share a love for the game of beach volleyball.
  • The example she's putting out for the world of volleyball right now.
  • What it was like to grow up in an environment heavily focused on athletics.
  • Differences between indoor and outdoor volleyball and why she chose outdoor volleyball.
  • What fascinates her about wellness as a pro athlete.
  • The various injuries and forms of pain she has experienced and still feels.
  • What posture issues she was experiencing before she started using Intelliskin and met Tim.
  • How she sets up her mindset for positive thinking whenever she experiences an injury.
  • Why she's so vocal about her love of video games.
  • What it means to be fearlessly authentic despite what other people believe.
  • How she remains true and centered in her beliefs around social media.
  • What sports can teach us about life and how it drives us to improve and refine our character.
  • How taking a breath and singing a song in her head helps calm her down and get rid of the negative voices in her mind.
  • How she gets over bad habits and picks up on new skills.
  • Her strong Christian faith and how that impacts how she sees life.
  • How parents can instill this passion in sports and athletics in their children's interests.
  • The example she's setting for teenagers, young adults, and future generations.
  • How she uses video games as a way to recover, decompress, and recharge.

Power Quotes From The Show

“For any type of a rotational athlete that's unilateral – a pitcher, quarterback, or volleyball player, there are inherent dangers to only playing with one side of your body. Whether right handed or left handed, we use one side of the body differently than the other. So, I encourage all my athletes to be ambidextrous and use both sides of their body because the body will become more balanced that way.” – Dr. Tim Brown 

“My love of video games is what makes me ‘me' and I think everybody's interests are different and whatever you love, you speak more passionately about, you do better at it, and those are the things that you should advocate for and do. Don't try to be anybody else. If you see somebody else being successful in a field, but it's not your passion, then don't try to copy them just because they're doing it. Do what you love.” – Kelly Claes

“It's just a matter of taking the imbalances that volleyball creates and that life has created in Kelly and testing her body through movement methods that allow me to understand what's been overused and overstretched versus what's been underused and undertoned. In the areas that are underused and undertoned, I create length and circulation to allow Kelly and others like her to move towards that symmetry that we never, ever reach.” – Dr. Tim Brown 

“I fell in love with outdoor beach volleyball because it's just you and one other person on the court. The chemistry that goes into a partnership is so important. It's so vital to know that other person both on and off the court.” – Kelly Claes

“Being fearlessly authentic means becoming comfortable with yourself. It is recognizing that you are unique and your path is unique. Most people don't want to walk down the same path that others have walked before so they choose to be bold and take a different approach to things and that's what we need to celebrate with future generations. That's what's going to help us grow as a community.” – Dr. Tim Brown

Links From Today's Show

About Kelly Claes

Kelly ClaesKelly Claes is a Professional Beach Volleyball Player, a motivational speaker, USC alumni and in her free time is a self-proclaimed Comic Con Conqueror and Video GameLover.With partner Sara Hughes, Claes helped win a fourth-consecutive national championship for USC and stunned the 2016 Olympic gold medalists to claim a bronze medal in the World Series of Beach Volleyball.

About Dr. Tim Brown

Dr. Tim BrownDr. Tim Brown is a world-renowned Chiropractor and Movement Specialist who treats athletes at the highest levels of professional sports. Dr. Brown is the Founder ofIntelliSkin, a human technology company, and the Co-Medical Director for the WorldSurf League, Northern Hemisphere.

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? The BREATHE | Breath & Wellness 21 day guided program was made for you. I created BREATHE after my own dark nights of the soul and years of research traveling the world in search of the truth about self-healing.


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