Running For Wellness With Elite Runner Tina Muir

running for wellness tina muir

“Running is a lot like life. The more you persevere through those difficult moments, the better it feels afterwards. I realized early on that if I could persevere better than most people, I would feel so much better knowing that I overcame the mental demons while I was running.” – Tina Muir

Running For Wellness With Elite Runner Tina Muir

Tina Muir is a Saucony sponsored professional ELITE runner who recently represented Great Britain in the World Half Marathon Championships. Tina is the Community Manager for RunnersConnect and host of popular running podcast Run to the Top.

Tina is originally from St. Albans, UK, now living in Lexington, KY with her husband (and coach) Steve. With PRs of 16:08 (5k), 33:24 (10k), 1:13 (half marathon), 2:41 (marathon), Tina may have elite speed, but she candidly shares what it means to train, live and breathe your dreams (while still maintaining balance!) on her blog

On this podcast, Tina shares her experiences and expertise, what it takes to build a strong body and mind, and most importantly how it feels to use running for life and wellness in an open and honest way.

Running For Health, Wellness, and Life

Every year hundreds of thousands of new runners lace up their new shoes and hit the pavement striding towards their wellness and health goals.  For Tina, and many of us on the wellness path,  running is more than just breaking a sweat, it's a way of living a wellness based life.

Over the past decade and beyond, Tina has worked her way to represent Great Britain as a professional athlete, but her road to the top has not come without busting through many personal and physical thresholds. She believes that whether you're an endomorph, ectomorph, or mesomorph, the right style of running has the potential to change not only your physical health, but to sharpen the edge of your mind.

As the community manager of Runners Connect, a pro, and busy wife, she literally runs and walks her talk.

From surmounting panic attacks, growing personal power, and upgrading emotional health, Tina believes in following her heart; it's the message she spreads not only on the Run to The Top podcast but on her highly popular running blog called “Fuel Your Future.”

She reminds us with her life's work how running can be a beautiful mirror for the mental hurdles we all scale.


“With running, it's actually us against sabotaging ourselves.” – Tina Muir


Being Imperfectly Perfect

Tina shares openly and honestly in this Wellness + Wisdom podcast and on her blog about running outside of the current paradigm where runners are “supposed” to look:

“For me, yes I could lose those extra few pounds, but then I risk sending myself down a dark, obsessive path, and it would mean I would not get to enjoy the cake and ice cream that does make me happy, so I would rather stay as I am, but know I am enjoying my food, and staying healthy as a runner. Every single body has something to celebrate. Every single runner has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and that should be taken into account. Do not spend your life trying to look like someone else, spend your life doing what makes you happy, and the rest will follow.” – Tina Muir

Resources From The Show

What You'll Hear On The Show

  • 1:30 Josh discusses today's show topics and Tina's bio
  • 3:20 Introduction to Tina
  • 7:13 Tina's mindset approach to running for wellness for anyone
  • 8:41 The importance of our mental narrative in running and in our wellness
  • 11:02 How to persevere through mental demons in running and life
  • 12:30 Overcoming self sabotage: What goes through the mind of new runner
  • 14:20 Why people use running to let go of old weight and how Tina's sister lost weight through running
  • 16:45 Identifying your body type and if steady state cardio is the right fit for you
  • 18:14 Tina's coaching of why running and strength training must be dine to prevent injuries
  • 20:01 How to train with running for fat loss if you have more than 20 pounds to let go of
  • 21:26 Preventing injuries when starting running no mater your body type
  • 22:45 The reason that 9 times out of 10 new runners have knee problems
  • 23:32 How to cultivate healthy competition with yourself and others
  • 26:45 How to practice self love and self care for the body and mind
  • 29:40 How to persevere through the struggle and why she “reveals too much”
  • 34:20 The gifts of running beyond weight loss, how running can change your life
  • 38:25 Running metaphor for life
  • 39:10 7 for 7 round with Tina and Josh
  • 43:24 Top myth in running: Why running isn't bad for your knees
  • 44:04 Tina's favorite Rocky Balboa quote even though she's from the UK
  • 47:03 The Run to The Top Podcast
  • 49:30 Takeaways from today's show



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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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