Thaddeus Owen: The Truth About 5G

“5G is not about faster download speeds. 5G is about tracking, surveilling, and controlling what is messaged to you. 5G is about mining your data and making you into more of a consumer by connecting everything around you.” – Thaddeus Owen

Companies are stating that the extra 5G bandwidth will greater serve humanity at a higher level but how does this wireless radiation network actually impact our mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing?

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 279

Co-Founder of PrimalHacker, Thaddeus Owen, returns to discuss the definitive NTP Cell Phone Study by the US government that cell phones do cause cancer, the healing wavelengths that exist such as PMF yet we're not using them, and how we can be pro-active about reducing 5G wireless radiation.

Listen and learn about the results from 5,000+ peer-reviewed scientific studies that prove the biological effects of wireless radiation of cell phones, WiFi routers, and Bluetooth.

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PrimalHacker Retreats

Click here to sign up for the next PrimalHacker Retreat

Thaddeus OwenTribe • Health • Grounding • Skills • FunPrimalHacker Retreats allow us to share what we've learned on our Biohacking journey with all of you!

For the last 3 years, PrimalHacker Founders, Chris and Thaddeus, have been working together to find the best way to help people by sharing what they have learned through their own journey towards optimal health and wellness.

These multi-day retreats are designed to fully immerse you in the world of biohacking combined with ancestral health. While here you will be learning from and have access to some of the most knowledgeable people in the area of health and wellness.

You'll feel right at home here whether you're a complete health and biohacker newbie or a seasoned veteran!

PrimalHacker Retreat

When you come to a PrimalHacker retreat, you will immediately feel right at home with the instructors and the other guests. We are all an extended tribe of people that are passionate about taking advantage of everything that ancestral wisdom and cutting-edge scientific research has to offer us in terms of our own health.

While there will be a large emphasis on gaining new knowledge and learning new skills, one of the biggest draws that we have found to our retreats is by far the TRIBE it attracts. One of the best ways to become fully immersed in anything is by going through an experience with like-minded people. That's just one of the many things that our retreat have to offer.

Thaddeus Owen


Cellphone Silver-lined Faraday Cage Pouch

Get your PrimalHacker Cellphone Silver lined Faraday Cage Pouch

Thaddeus Owen

Want to reduce the radiation from your phone? Don't want to be tracked by the GPS chip? Put your phone in this pouch.

How about to ensure you sleep well at night? What about keeping your phone in your pocket? Better get one of these!

A faraday prevents most of the microwave radiation, cell signal, WiFi, or Bluetooth from getting to your phone or emitting from it.

Remember, when your phone is completely cinched into this bag, it won't get data or calls. But if you just open the top of the bag, it will reduce nearly ALL the radiation and still allow data and calls.

You can even put the phone in the pouch with the top open so put it close to your head and talk on it without irradiating your brain like you would when you put an unshielded cellphone to your head.

Light Hacking | Thaddeus Owen | TEDxGullLake

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘5G is not about faster download speeds. 5G is about tracking, surveilling, and controlling what is messaged to you. 5G is about mining your data and making you into more of a consumer by connecting everything around you.' – @PrimalHackr” quote=”‘5G is not about faster download speeds. 5G is about tracking, surveilling, and controlling what is messaged to you. 5G is about mining your data and making you into more of a consumer by connecting everything around you.' – @PrimalHackr”]

Listen To Episode 279 As Thaddeus Owen Uncovers:

  • PrimalHacker's mission to teach people about the impact of living an indoor vs. outdoor lifestyle and give them the tools and information to optimize their biology indoors.
  • Why biohacking has been given a bad reputation even though it's actually a good thing.
  • What 5G actually is, what it means for our health, and why we should be concerned about it in the first place.
  • Some of the many ways wireless radiation affects the body including brain tumors, leaky blood-brain barrier, DNA damage, reproductive fertility, sleep, the ability to learn and more.
  • How the medical community is actually using wireless radiation to create a leaky blood-brain barrier in order to deliver chemotherapy to brain cancer patients.
  • The financial interest in investing in 5G including creating mesh networks in communities.
  • Fact that the GPS chip is never actually turned off and can still track you even when you turn off the phone or the ‘Location' option.
  • Steps you can take to turn off the tracker in your phone but have to really dig through the menu to do it.
  • Importance of trying to distance yourself from your cell phone, other wireless devices, and WiFi routers as much as possible.
  • Our cell phone manuals come with warnings about being too close to them.

Learn More:

  • Myths and facts about how cell phones actually cause damage to the body including creating too much calcium in the body that it inflames the cells.
  • Programs and products that PrimalHacker is selling to help people protect themselves from the hazards of wireless radiation.
  • How a celery seed extract (a calcium channel blocker) supplement could benefit your health against 5G.
  • Reason why people are not taking 5G seriously and what common misconceptions exist in society.
  • The Lloyds of London insurance policy which refuses to insure anyone including cell phone companies for harm against 5G wireless radiation.
  • What a Faraday Cage is and why we should be putting our airplane-mode set phones in them at night while we sleep.
  • The importance of only turning your phone's Bluetooth, Cellular Data, Cellular Talk, and WiFi on when you really need them.
  • His advice for fellow parents who have children that constantly use cell phones and other wireless devices.
  • In-person retreats he puts on in a natural, beautiful setting free of wireless radiation where people learn primal biohacking and ancestral techniques for better health.
  • Why biohacking is actually a form of self-love and care for the mind, body, and soul.

Thaddeus Owen and Josh Trent at Paleo f(x) 2019

Thaddeus Owen Josh Trent WELLNESS FORCE RADIO PALEO FX 2019

Power Quotes From The Show

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Why do you need to wait until you're sick to do something that your human biology is designed to do to keep you healthy for the long-term?' – @HiPer4m of @PrimalHackr” quote=”‘Why do you need to wait until you're sick to do something that your human biology is designed to do to keep you healthy for the long-term?' – @HiPer4m of @PrimalHackr”]

“Don't wait until you're sick to get healthy. If you love yourself enough, you're going to understand that you are connected to everything on this planet and you're going to connect yourself consciously to those things and express it to the world through your thoughts, actions, and words.” – Thaddeus Owen

Wireless Radiation

“There are many effects from wireless radiation but the only way cell phones are regulated for safety is through whether or not they heat the body like a microwave oven. If your body heats up while using a cell phone, they call that “damaging” but that is not how wireless radiation affects the body. It affects the body through at least four different mechanisms and the higher the frequency and the more power you put behind it, the more damaging it will be. There are over 5,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies showing the biological effects of wireless radiation like those from cell phones, WiFi routers, and Bluetooth.” – Thaddeus Owen

(PMF) Wavelengths

“Because our bodies are tuned to wireless radiation, it can be done in a way that heals the body. There are healing wavelengths that people are using all of the time such as Polarization-Maintaining Fiber (PMF) wavelengths. Can you use a cell phone and a WiFi router on a healing frequency? Yes! Are we doing this? No, and one has to question why that is.” – Thaddeus Owen

Advanced Technology

“The more you dive deep into the primal ancestral and the more we look into this advanced technology, the more we need to realize who we are and put that energy out there because microwave radiation is just wireless frequencies and we can say it harms us but what if that was the most biologically adaptive frequency that we're able to change through our connection, entanglement, thoughts, and actions to be positive. Microwave radiation might just be something that can heal you instead of thinking of it in a harmful way but you can only do this if you are connected, centered, and looking at both the ancestral and the modern to integrate those two things to live in this modern world but in a way that you show up from your true self and really, deeply connect with others.” – Thaddeus Owen

How EMF Affect People We Know

Links From Today's Show

About Thaddeus Owen

the truth about biohacking thaddeus owen wellness force radioThaddeus Owen  began his journey outdoors, camping and fishing as a boy in the Adirondacks and Central NY forests. After a decade spent developing pharmaceutical products, he just couldn’t face another day adding terrible ingredients like high fructose corn syrup and numerous red dyes into children’s medicine. He shifted gears and engineered a successful work from home assignment following Tim Ferriss’s 4 Hour Workweek. From there, he was able to find a way to incorporate more movement, nature, and sunshine into his work environment.


After learning about biohacking from the man who coined the term, Dave Asprey, Thaddeus healed his own anxiety, lowered his blood pressure and fixed his sleeplessness using biohacking, PrimalHacking, and Qigong. He spends his free time experimenting on himself in hopes of helping others on their journey. He writes about his experiments on He also spends time with his two boys learning martial arts, shooting arrows at targets and hiking.

Thaddeus is a certified Bulletproof Coach from the first-ever class of coaches, holds a personal training certification, nutrition certification, Master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition and studied Chemical Engineering a long time ago.

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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Trent Family

Find freedom from chronic stress using your breath.

Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? The BREATHE | Breath & Wellness 21 day guided program was made for you. I created BREATHE after my own dark nights of the soul and years of research traveling the world in search of the truth about self-healing.


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