Autumn Smith: The Magic & Myths About Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

“Apple cider vinegar is going to promote blood sugar stability but also it's been shown to improve fat burning. The number one thing that I hear from people is that it takes away their cravings so you're using it in a beautiful, beautiful way. It promotes satiety; it makes you feel fuller longer. There's also research about cholesterol, how you can use it topically, and the list goes on and on.” – Autumn Smith

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 402

Co-Founder of Paleovalley, Co-Host of the ‎Optimize Paleo Podcast, and Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Autumn Smith, returns for a third time to discuss the magic and myths of apple cider vinegar, what inspired her team to create their Apple Cider Vinegar Complex, how she healed her own chronic health issues including IBS with supplements and lifestyle changes plus her own favorite tips to help you on your wellness journey for greater physical, mental, and emotional health.

Why should you add apple cider vinegar tablets to your daily health routine?

Discover how it can help you stabilize blood sugar, increase energy, burn more fat, reduce inflammation, improve gut health, and why Paleovalley decided to create their product in a tablet form. 

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Apple cider vinegar is going to promote blood sugar stability but also it's been shown to improve fat burning. The number one thing that I hear from people is that it takes away their cravings.' – Autumn Smith of @Paleovalley” quote=”‘Apple cider vinegar is going to promote blood sugar stability but also it's been shown to improve fat burning. The number one thing that I hear from people is that it takes away their cravings.' – Autumn Smith of @Paleovalley”]

Paleovalley's Apple Cider Vinegar Complex

Save 15% on your order with the code ‘JOSH' at


Autumn Smith: The Magic & Myths About Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)Introducing a powerful organic blend of apple cider vinegar and four more gut & health supportive superfoods.

Paleovalley Apple Cider Vinegar Complex is a powerful aid to get organic apple cider vinegar into your body faster, easier, and without having to tolerate the taste.

Their Apple Cider Vinegar Complex also contains four additional superfoods shown to support gut health, inflammation reduction, weight loss, and blood sugar stabilization. Unlike other similar products, they use all organic ingredients in order to avoid the pesticides and herbicides so prevalent in our food system today.

They use gentle processing in an effort to preserve as many of the unique and fragile nutrients found in apple cider vinegar and these other four superfoods as possible.


Listen To Episode 402 As Autumn Smith Uncovers:


[1:30] Is Your Energy Being Robbed?

[8:30] How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Stabilize Blood Sugar

  • How nutrition and supplements can support your self-love practices, reduce stress, and let go of fear.
  • Autumn's own health struggles with imbalanced blood sugar and brain inflammation.
  • Why balancing your blood sugar calls for an approach that is unique to you and your health.
  • The power of improving your health by first focusing on your blood sugar levels.
  • Josh's experience doing a recent 10-day Vision Quest and the power of nature to connect us to what is real.
  • Why people with the most stable blood sugar will live the longest lives.
  • How apple cider vinegar (ACV) can stabilize blood sugar and improve your health overall.
  • Other benefits of ACV which include increasing fat burn and reduce cravings.
  • Why liquid ACV can damage tooth enamel and that is why PaleoValley's ACV Complex is in tablet form.
  • Other beneficial ingredients in Paleovalley's ACV Complex: cinnamon, turmeric, lemon, and ginger which also help reduce the production of gas in your digestion tract.

[18:30] Guidelines for Taking Paleovalley's ACV Complex

  • Josh's experience taking the Paleovalley ACV Complex plus added benefits he has noticed such as a calming effect.
  • How often, how much, and when Autumn recommends take the ACV Complex.
  • What to be aware of if you're on certain medications especially for diabetes and blood thinners.
  • A breakdown of all you need to know about ACV from how it's made to truths and myths about it.
  • Why it's the acidic acid, not the nutrients, that are actually key for all the health benefits you receive when you take ACV.
  • The evidence out there at ACV can help improve your cholesterol levels especially HDL.
  • How liquid ACV can impact the skin and esophagus and thus it's so important that it has been diluted.
  • Why you shouldn't rely on ACV 100% without also living a healthier lifestyle with exercise and good nutrition.
  • How long Autumn has been taking ACV in tablet form.
  • Differences between taking ACV as a tablet compared to liquid form.

[31:30] Why Small Steps Make A Huge Health Difference

  • What steps you can do to improve your health when experiencing high levels of stress in addition to adding ACV to your healthy habits.
  • Small, easy to do changes you can make like drinking more water every day and then go from there with bigger goals.
  • What Autumn didn't understand about nutrition when she was a professional dancer especially about calories.
  • How Autumn's blood sugar roller coaster took her on dramatic mood swings when her nutrition was off.
  • Why poor blood sugar levels can increase your risk to chronic degenerative diseases including Alzheimer's, insulin resistance, Type 2 Diabetes, and heart disease.
  • The power of stabilized blood sugar for greater energy, vitality, and sleep.

[45:00] The Difference Between People Pleasing & Serving People

  • What Autumn has added to her Wellness Wheel since the COVID-19 pandemic began to support herself.
  • How Autumn set up healthy boundaries to connect to herself and her intuition to find out what exactly she wants for her life, what she wants to create, what relationships are helping her, and what is holding her back.
  • Struggles we all face here and there with being People Pleasers and the downside to that behavior.
  • How taking care of yourself can help you operate at a greater capacity to truly serve the people you care about.
  • The true difference between people pleasing and the power of serving others.
  • How she helps people along their wellness journey to make radical change when they're ready for it.
  • What steps Autumn has taken to step into her higher self and recognize that she is enough.
  • Breathwork for letting go of shame, comparison, and self rejection.
  • How to become the best version of yourself and let go of fear.

[46:00] Unpacking The Organic Certification Process

Power Quotes From The Show

[click_to_tweet tweet=”“Having stable blood sugar is so central. They find that the people who have the most stable blood sugar actually live the longest lives.' – Autumn Smith of @paleovalley” quote=”“Having stable blood sugar is so central. They find that the people who have the most stable blood sugar actually live the longest lives.' – Autumn Smith of @paleovalley”]

Stabilize Your Blood Sugar & Beyond with ACV

“Having stable blood sugar is so central. They find that the people who have the most stable blood sugar actually live the longest lives. When I got married, I realized just how amazing life is and so I wanted to create a tonic that would help me promote longevity on a regular basis. So I found ingredients that would first of all help bring down inflammation naturally but also stabilize blood sugar because I know it's so important and so many people are lacking it. This search led me to apple cider vinegar and I was just blown away by it. Hippocrates supposedly it and it's been used for thousands of years for so many different applications.” – Autumn Smith

Our Beautiful Connection With Nature

“We are in this world today where we think there's a pill for every ill and that's the answer were should be looking for but our company, Paleovalley, and our products like our Apple Cider Vinegar Complex are about sharing the beautiful wisdom that exists between earth and our bodies. We've evolved using that intelligence yet somehow I feel like we have become very disconnected from nature and so our product line focuses on trying to help people come back to that. We look at the wisdom of Mother Earth and we just bring the highest quality ingredients from nature into a version that people can use on a daily basis.” – Autumn Smith

High Blood Sugar & Chronic Disease

“As a teenager, I was on this blood sugar roller coaster that I had no ideas was profoundly affecting my mood but once I stabilized that and started studying health, I realized that it's not just fun to have unstable blood sugar because you're hangry, it legitimately increases your risk for pretty much every degenerative chronic disease there is, right? Insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's and more. But if we can use apple cider vinegar or something similar to bring blood sugar stability back to normal, you have this incredible wealth of bandwidth all of a sudden; you have more energy, vitality, and can sleep better. This comes into place with all of the other factors on the wellness wheel.” – Autumn Smith

Links From Today's Show 

About Autumn Smith

Autumn Smith: The Magic & Myths About Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)Autumn Fladmo Smith has been a health enthusiast her entire life. She began her academic career with a Bachelor's degree in psychology and a minor in dance from the University of Montana. Upon graduation, Autumn danced professionally while becoming a certified yoga instructor.  Hoping to combine her love of dance with her passion for health, Autumn became a celebrity fitness trainer with Tracy Anderson, most notably completing a world tour with Jennifer Lopez.

While working as a fitness trainer, Autumn could see that exercise alone was not enough for many of her clients to achieve the radiant health they worked so hard to achieve. Meanwhile, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and anxiety continued to plague her personal health, starting in adolescence.

Autumn's Mission

These frustrations further ignited her passion and interest in the study of holistic nutrition. Through self-guided research, she and her husband, Chas, healed her IBS with the paleo diet.  She then studied with the Institute for the Psychology of Eating to become a Certified Eating Psychology Coach and Hawthorn University where she obtained a Masters in Holistic Nutrition.
In 2013, she founded Paleovalley with her husband and brother-in-law. Paleovalley’s mission is to disseminate excellent nutritional information and organic food products with 100 million people worldwide. Autumn's commitment to health reached new heights last year following the birth of their son, Maverick.

THE #1 MENTAL HEALTH NUTRIENT (It's not what you think)


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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