Troy Casey: The Emotionally Intelligent Cowboy | Breathwork & Plant Medicine

Troy Casey

“We see the primal, wild side of us that we all want to let out but sometimes we go out of balance. The pendulum swings both ways; if you have absolute wellness and then absolute debauchery on the other end, you might want to keep it balanced. We live in big cities with 5G, pollution, and other hazardous elements that we have to deal with while also moving forward. So, walk the razor's edge and do the best you can.” – Troy Casey

What does it mean to be a man in the modern world?

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 314

Creator and CEO of Certified Health Nut, International Speaker, and C.H.E.K Institute Specialist, Troy Casey, shares his favorite tips for living a balanced life well and what lessons he has learned thus far including the power of forgiveness.

Discover what steps you can take today to start truly feeding your soul


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[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Stop focusing on what other people think and start focusing on what feeds your soul.' – @MrHealthnut” quote=”‘Stop focusing on what other people think and start focusing on what feeds your soul.' – @MrHealthnut”]


Working With Troy

Listen To Episode 314 As Troy Casey Uncovers:

[3:50] The Birth of Certified Health Nut In The Amazon

[13:00] Staying Balanced To Be The Best You

  • How he stays balanced to show up as the best version of himself every day.
  • The gut-health connection and how he healed his gut dysbiosis over many years. (13:45)
  • Physical and emotional wellness connections plus how to heal them at the same time. (15:30)
  • The difficult birth he experienced by being pulled out from his mother while she was unconscious.
  • Leonard Orr rebirthing practices
  • How juicing was a first step that impacted his wellness.
  • His views on colonics and enemas plus why you shouldn’t become dependent on them (20:00)
  • Why aged urine enemas have truly helped heal his gut’s health.
  • Urine therapy and urine fasting as a biofeedback loop to self-correct itself and why he likes the way it feels as he heals. (21:30)
  • Sexual abuse he experienced while finding work as a model.
  • His ability to have a very high intuition that allows him to assess threats.

[24:00] Trauma As A Part Of Our Growth Projectory

  • His early home life experience and how his parents fighting physical while he was in the womb impacted him.
  • How his family's history led him to become highly sensitive to noise when he is tired or feeling really vulnerable.
  • The high levels of abuse his grandfather experienced living in an orphanage that was epigenetically imprinted on him.
  • Why your curse is your gift to understanding yourself, healing, and growing.
  • 311 Mark Wolynn
  • How we can trace back our healing to family trauma and becoming aware of that.
  • His mission to be a messenger or ‘test monkey’ to everyone else who is looking for the answer to greater wellness and self-fulfillment.

[31:00] Opening Up To Be Our Own, Authentic And Primal Selves

  • The wild man inside of all of us that we want to let out and be ourselves.
  • 275 Paul Chek
  • Importance of applying all of the ideas out there on living life well and lead by example
  • What it means to be a man in our modern world. (34:30)
  • David Deida
  • The masculine role to allow the feminine to flourish and flower.
  • Our law of gender and why it's always at play. (37:00)
  • The yin and yang that is at play in all of us to help keep us balanced.
  • Impact of he and his wife swapping their feminine and masculine roles while raising a family.
  • The importance of really listening to his primal inner guidance to gain back his masculine role and allow his wife to thrive in her feminine.
  • How just surrendering to what is and focusing on self-care and self-love should be the first thing you focus on.

[42:00] Troy's Own Journey Of Healing and Gratitude

[57:00] Troy & Yuri's Divorce And Second Marriage

  • Troy and his wife's divorce and second marriage.
  • Their eye gazing experience and how impactful that was for their relationship. (59:00)
  • The difference that Ayahuasca has made for their relationship and how they respect each other.
  • Why she was never a big believer in plant medicine until she did it every month for a year. (1:01:30)
  • How much and when is the recommended amount of plant medicine one should consider taking.
  • Yuri’s struggle to break away from the fashion industry and focus more on what she loved. (1:03:00)
  • How Yuri was driven by the fear of not having enough as a mother.
  • The positive impact that their legal divorce actually had on their relationship because they had to figure out their problems separately.

[1:11:00] Troy and Yuri's Healing Journey

  • Thoughts and feelings he had about himself, what made him happy, and about Yuri before their second marriage. (1:12:00)
  • Why he let go of porn and how that has impacted him and their relationship.
  • Their shot at therapy before plant medicine and why the ceremonies were the only way to get clear about their relationship.
  • Erin Claire Jones
  • What he learned in 2006 from his plant medicine journey in the Amazon and what specific visions he had.
  • How he was able to forgive himself during a plant medicine ceremony on the night of his and Yuri’s second wedding.
  • His plans for integrating forgiveness from the ceremony in 2020. (1:27:00)
  • The upcoming book he has coming out and what foundation principles you will learn from ready it.
  • M21 Wellness Guide
  • Wellness Force Community

Power Quotes From The Show

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Man is there to set up the perimeter so that the feminine can dance and flower. We're complementary opposite forces.' – @MrHealthnut ” quote=”‘Man is there to set up the perimeter so that the feminine can dance and flower. We're complementary opposite forces.' – @MrHealthnut “]

What Fuels Troy's Soul

“I stopped caring about what other people think and started focusing on what feeds my soul. What feeds my soul is being as naked as possible in the sun, being as barefoot and grounded with the earth as much as possible, and moving my body most of the day. My fuel is organic food, good water, and damn good sleep. I need to get my mind right if I'm using Wi-Fi and electricity is all around me. I need to be balanced in this world and so I put all of those elements first otherwise the worst part of me comes out. This is not only about balance, but self-medication through our natural environment.” – Troy Casey

Letting Our Primal Selves Shine

“Every single person has that wild animal inside of them and they want to let it out whether that's through intimacy or letting themselves grow a beard. Everyone just wants to let themselves be free, hang out, and be themselves.” – Troy Casey

The Power Of Forgiveness

“All is forgiven. Period. Forever. If I forget that, remind me. I used to be an angry guy so if someone shows that side of themselves to me, I remember that and forgive them. Even if things don't work out in business or relationships, things are still forgiven.” – Troy Casey


Real MAN Talk: Are Your Lifestyle Habits and Mindset Holding You Back?

Links From Today's Show

About Troy Casey

Troy CaseyLeading Longevity Authority, Troy Casey, Certified Health Nut, has successfully restored physical, mental and emotional balance to clients who have failed with all other systems. His unique holistic approach uses nature-based simplicity a child can follow. Motivated as a Versace model in Milan, 26 years ago, Troy studied nutrition, herbs and internal purification as a way of looking and feeling great in front of the camera.


Troy's Mission

He has scoured the Earth for the most powerful health and healing methods, working with indigenous tribes in the Amazon as a medicine hunter, studying the ancient Vipassana Meditation technique, Ashtanga Yoga and more recently at the world-famous CHEK Institute, working closely with Paul Chek. His book #RippedAt50, A Journey To Self Healing, will be released this year.

Troy continues to make videos that have helped millions of people live healthier, he was hired off his youtube channel to work on Discovery’s Network and continues to work in the media today. Producing the Certified Health Nut for Network Television is on the chopping block now. His Vision for clean, air, water, soil and equitable systems for all mankind in his lifetime drives his passionate work for personal and planetary wellness.

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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Trent Family

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