Molecular Hydrogen: Boost Your Brain + Body Detox Pathways | Dr. Mark Sherwood

Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 583

How does hydrogen help your body fight free radicals?

Dr. Mark Sherwood | Molecular Hydrogen: Boost Your Brain + Body Detox PathwaysDr. Mark Sherwood, Naturopathic Doctor and co-founder of the Functional Medical Institute, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom podcast, episode 583, to share how molecular hydrogen aids natural detox pathways, why the U.S. medical system is dysfunctional, and how big food and Big Pharma are connected through the FDA.

“When you get hydroxyl radical build up, there's only one thing that the body has at its disposal arsenal to deal with it: Hydrogen. We have to have hydrogen because it diminishes the hydroxyl radical. When we have that, we're able to selectively dismantle those excess free radicals.”Dr. Mark Sherwood

$100 Off Holy Hydrogen

Nutrition Tips for a Vibrant Lifestyle: What Is Missing in Your Diet?The Lourdes Hydrofix Premium Edition provides medical-grade hydrogen that supports cellular health, energy production, cognitive health, and weight management.

Hydrogen supports cellular health, energy production, cognitive health, and weight management.

Lourdes Hydrofix generates a hydrogen concentration of approximately 1.6 ppm (equivalent to 1.6 mg/L). So if you drink 1 liter of hydrogen water from the Lourdes Hydrofix, you'll get approximately 1.6mg of H2.

In This Episode, Dr. Mark Sherwood Uncovers:

[01:30] Dr. Mark Sherwood's Background Story

  • Dr. Mark Sherwood
  • Holy Hydrogen – Use code “JOSH” for $100 Off
  • Why our physical health is the fundamental part of our mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial health.
  • Mark's feelings about being an adopted child.
  • How he dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player as a kid.
  • Why he felt called to do many different professions.
  • The reason why he went back to school when he was 40.

[08:15] The Power of The Mind

  • How Mark's mother's suicide changed the trajectory of his life.
  • The experiences we go through make us who we are.
  • 503 Paul Levy | Wetiko: Break Free From Collective Mass Psychosis
  • The mind is separate from the brain.
  • Why you can't empty your mind.
  • How a toxic world creates toxic behaviors.
  • When bad things happen, we need to ask ourselves what we can learn from it.

[17:45] How to Stay Healthy in the Modern World

[23:55] The Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen

[29:30] How Holy Hydrogen Works

  • Why people in Japan are healthier than Americans.
  • Unpacking why we need to address the root cause, not the symptom.
  • How the Holy Hydrogen device creates molecular hydrogen.
  • The difference between using hydrogen tablets and Holy Hydrogen gas and water.

[35:30] Why The U.S. Medical System Is Dysfunctional

  • The body doesn't create enough hydrogen.
  • Why oxygen provides healing.
  • Molecular hydrogen doesn't have any side effects.
  • The problems with Big Pharma.
  • Why modern healthcare is a prison according to Mark.
  • How Mark's wife got fired for helping people.

[43:05] Antioxidant Regulatory Element

  • Josh's experience with Holy Hydrogen.
  • How molecular hydrogen serves as an antioxidant.
  • Why the body's internal antioxidants fight free radicals better than any supplement.
  • How the antioxidant regulatory element is activated by toxins and how hydrogen mimics that process.
  • Why people are not living longer but dying longer.

[49:55] Healthy Lifestyle Should Be The Standard

  • Why leaders are outcasts.
  • Living a healthy lifestyle should be normal.
  • Why parents need to create a change in the world for their children.
  • The ability to be fit gives you the ability to be mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially fit.
  • How the food pyramid created a wrong idea of what's healthy and what's not healthy.

[57:30] Big Pharma + Big Food = FDA

  • Why Josh decided to leave San Diego.
  • Most food we consume today is toxic and inflammatory.
  • How Big Food and Big Pharma are connected through the FDA.
  • Why doctors only have 5 minutes per patient.
  • Big Pharma is behind the medical educational system.
  • Why the Big Pharma statistics are proof that the system is broken.

[01:06:30] Rediscovering Self-Love + God's Plan for Humanity

  • People who don't love themselves forget who they truly are.
  • Why it hurts to heal ourselves.
  • Leaders should represent the desires of the people.
  • Why we need to unite and work together.
  • If we believe we're created by God who loves us, we wouldn't be put here to have this experience.
  • Why fear is contagious.

[01:18:00] The Benefits of Using Hydrogen

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Power Quotes From The Show

Health Trends in the U.S.

“People are not living right now longer, they're dying longer. They're not living through life, they're dying through life. Our health trends are the worst in history, we're creating more diseases faster than we're growing people. Obesity is the fastest growing non-communicable disease in history of mankind. At least 70% of the United States of America population is either obese or overweight.”Dr. Mark Sherwood

Is Ignorance Bliss?

“Ignorance can be bliss until you realize ignorance is deadly.”Dr. Mark Sherwood

The Problem with Big Pharma

“We have healthcare but it's not healthcare it's sick-care. And the sick care doctors are trained in a system that's driven and funded by Big Pharma. So Big Government and Big Pharma fund Big Education. Big Education is nothing more than legalized drug dealers that provide medications through the model of our sick care system to manage people who are made sick by the same system.”Dr. Mark Sherwood

Love Yourself First

“If you can't love yourself, you don't have the capability to love others fully. You have to love yourself first. You have to figure that out. And that does not come without pain. In that situation of people's inability to love themselves, they truly have forgotten who they are. They have been defrauded of their life.”Dr. Mark Sherwood

Molecular Hydrogen Research

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About Dr. Mark Sherwood

Dr. Mark Sherwood | Boosting Your Brain + Body Detox Pathways With Molecular HydrogenMark Sherwood, Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and Michele L. Neil-Sherwood, Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), have a full-time wellness-based medical practice in Tulsa, OK called the Functional Medical Institute where they adopt a whole person approach, which is outcome based looking at each individual’s unique needs.

Their goal is to lead people down a pathway of true healing. Through their unique clinic, various diagnostic tests are used, healing and prevention of common disease patterns are the norm.

The couple has co-authored three Amazon #1 best-selling books, The Quest for Wellness, Fork Your Diet, and Surviving the garden of Eatin’.

They are also movie producers with their first full-length movie, Fork Your Diet, having over 20 million minutes viewed in the US and UK. Their new film, WWJR, was recently released worldwide.

Dr. Mark has completed training and certifications in age management, nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, peptide therapy, hormone therapy, stress management, GI health, and immunology.

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Discovering Molecular Hydrogen for Therapeutic Use – One man's story


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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