Dr. Michael Ruscio | Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Symptoms, & The Truth About Hypothyroid

“There is this rampant and egregious over and incorrect diagnosis of hypothyroidism. It doesn't mean that hypothyroidism does not exist; of course it does but there have been major outcries even published in the Journal of Thyroid or in Medscape that there is this drift to incorrectly diagnosing people all probably because we're trying to help them but it ends up doing way more harm than it does good.” – Dr. Michael Ruscio

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 408

Doctor, clinical researcher and best-selling author of Healthy Gut, Healthy You, Michael Ruscio, DC, returns for the 5th time to share the truth about hypothyroidism, which lab tests you actually need for diagnosing hypothyroidism, sleep's role in helping uncover health issues, and what to do if you have been misdiagnosed with an illness.

Have you been misdiagnosed with hypothyroidism? How can you find a clinician that you can truly trust?

Join us as Josh shares his own story of being misdiagnosed with hypothyroidism this year. 

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘There is this rampant and egregious over and incorrect diagnosis of hypothyroidism. It doesn't mean that hypothyroidism does not exist; of course it does but these misdiagnoses are doing more harm than good.' – @DrRuscio ” quote=”‘There is this rampant and egregious over and incorrect diagnosis of hypothyroidism. It doesn't mean that hypothyroidism does not exist; of course it does but these misdiagnoses are doing more harm than good.' – @DrRuscio “]

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Listen To Episode 408 As Dr. Michael Ruscio Uncovers:


[1:30] Josh's Hypothyroidism Misdiagnosis

[16:00] Sleep's Role In Helping Uncover Health Issues

[26:00] How Singing Can Improve Your Sleep

  • Gaps that might occur with a mattress that tracks HRV compared to the home sleep test that Dr. Ruscio's team does which tracks if a person is snoring to help them with their hypothesis of testing for sleep apnea and other issues.
  • Breaking down why men are at higher risk for sleep problems than women and Dr. Ruscio's theories on why.
  • Weston A. Price Foundation
  • How your sleep angle can play a role if you are seeing metabolic insufficiencies and suboptimization.
  • Why singing and playing different woodwind instruments like a didgeridoo have shown to reduce obstructed sleep apnea because of how it improves the tone of the musculature in the palate and throat.

[30:30] Which Lab Tests Are Beneficial?

Power Quotes From The Show

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Treating someone with medication based on their labs is just chasing a number rather than focusing on how diet and lifestyle changes help heal a person.' – @drruscio” quote=”‘Treating someone with medication based on their labs is just chasing a number rather than focusing on how diet and lifestyle changes help heal a person.' – @drruscio”]

How Common Are Hypothyroid Misdiagnoses?

“Over the last three to four years I've really been honing in on this fact that there has been this division in alternative medicine that is once again trying to help people but incorrectly labeling people with a disease when they're actually in an acceptable, normative range. Why this is so problematic is because literally once per week at our clinic I will see a case of someone who has been misdiagnosed with hypothyroidism; it's really that rampant in today's society.”  – Dr. Michael Ruscio

The Right Way To Speak To Patients

“When people aren't feeling well, there's already a predilection for patients to be a little bit anxious and their minds go to the worst case scenario. I've been there before myself; these thoughts happen and if you prey upon that, it's really the wrong way to handle these conversations because you end up making the person feel worse than they actually are. As clinicians, we should be trying to leverage a placebo in a positive and say something like, ‘Hey, you can heal and you can recover. It's not that bad and these things can be repaired,” rather than telling patients like in your case, “Your body is broken.” Telling people their body is broken causes harm mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially.” – Dr. Michael Ruscio

Do You Really Need Hypothyroid Medication?

“Many of these lab forward clinical models are predicated upon theory. It's a theory that your TSH shouldn't be above 2 or 2.5. So, what we're trying to use at our clinic is proof that when people have certain symptoms and they make diet, lifestyle or supplement changes, there is clinical outcome data showing these changes improve their symptoms. And a much better model is to put that lifestyle change process into a cascade of decision making trees that you can walk the person through until you get the result. Sure, some lab work guides that slightly but it's really the person and their symptoms and their response to therapeutics that drives the model predominantly compared to just treating labs and treating numbers that is again just based upon theory that chases a number and doesn't focus on the person.” – Dr. Michael Ruscio

Links From Today's Show 

About Dr. Michael Ruscio

Michael Ruscio, DC is a doctor, clinical researcher and best-selling author whose practical ideas on healing chronic illness have made him an influential voice in functional and alternative medicine. His research has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals and he speaks at integrative medical conferences across the globe.
Dr. Ruscio’s best-selling book, Healthy Gut, Healthy You, has paved the way for a ‘start with the gut’ philosophy which has enabled doctors and patient to obtain improved outcomes with minimal expense and effort.

He is leading the charge to make alternative medicine more affordable, effective and practical, through a pragmatic application of evidence-based therapies. Dr. Ruscio’s ability to objectively analyze medical literature has made him a trusted voice of reason, a voice he shares on his top-rated podcast and website.

Are You Truly Hypothyroid?


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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