Michael Tamez: How To Lose 100 Pounds By Finding Your Authentic Self

Michael Tamez

“I drank two liters of soda a day. I ate fast food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, not caring at all about the consequences. I thought exercise was a joke, and it got to a point where I’d get winded just tying my shoes. Weight loss wasn’t even on my radar.” – Michael Tamez

Michael Tamez: How To Lose 100 Pounds By Finding Your Authentic Self

Whether you're a supportive coach or a person on the wellness journey looking to lose 40, 50, or even 100 pounds or more, the light at the end of the tunnel can sometimes seem dark.

Hours on the treadmill.

Counting calories in MyFitnessPal.

Starving yourself.

But what if losing weight had less to do with diet and exercise and ultimately was more about the emotional intelligence you have in your most authentic self?

Finding Your Authentic Self

From doing the powerful inner-work, letting go of his past, and changing his behavior, Holistic Health Coach and Author, Michael Tamez, was able to shift his functional relationship with food and realize his most authentic self to lose over 100 pounds.

Michael Tamez is a certified holistic health coach and the author of “Transformative Nutrition” The Ultimate Guide To Healthy& Balanced Living.”

He's stopping by Wellness Force today to share his 15 year story of overcoming severe sleep apnea, high blood pressure, advanced gum disease, and going through layers of self resentment to then transcend and transform his life to let go of a surreal amount of weight.

Hiding Behind The Fat

At age 20, Michael was morbidly obese, had severe obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and advanced gum disease. By coming out of hiding and facing the anger in his heart, not only did he lose 100 pounds and reverse all of those lifestyle related health conditions, he also transformed the dysfunctional relationship he had with food, his lifestyle, and his true self.

This health transformation experience was intensified when he lost five family members within eighteen months. Because of the tremendous impact of these losses, Michael was forced to have major mental, emotional, and spiritual breakthroughs in some the most difficult times of his life.

After experiencing all of these life transforming deaths, he was highly inspired to write an empowering book about life.

In Michael’s book, Transformative Nutrition: The Ultimate Guide to Healthy and Balanced Living, he describes his influential health journey in detail. Having been on the other side of balance, Michael can relate very closely to what people deal with when it comes to weight issues and lifestyle related health imbalances.

Healthy And Balanced Living

His unique and progressive approach is not just for people who want to lose weight or eat healthier; it is intended for anyone who wants to establish a functional, healthy relationship with their body, meanwhile impacting every area of their life.

Michael's mission is to inspire a permanent shift in the way people eat, think, feel, live and love.

More from Michael's Work:

“Unless you address the underlying causes of being overweight in the first place, the weight is most likely going to eventually return. The second question is going to take some work. That is what my whole book is about. People don’t become overweight overnight, do they? I know I didn’t. Therefore, they aren’t going to become skinny overnight either. Even if someone could magically wake up 50 pounds lighter, do you honestly think all of the negative mental and emotional attachments to being overweight will disappear? I can tell you from my permanent weight loss journey of initially losing almost 70 pounds over the course of the first year, those attachments took many years to break free from even after losing the weight.”

Resources Mentioned In The Show

Listen To Michael Uncover

  • How to let go of old weight by finding your most authentic self
  • Why all diets don't work due to emotional roots
  • What to do next when diet and exercise aren't enough
  • How to use your body's signals to direct your personal wellness
  • Why personal development is the missing link for sustainable weight loss

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Fat loss isn't just diet & exercise. It's about the emotional intelligence of your authentic self.' – @TransformativeN” quote=”‘Fat loss isn't just diet & exercise. It's about the emotional intelligence of your authentic self.' – @TransformativeN”]

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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