“However stuck you feel, don't feel like you have to immediately go and be something like a carrier of love, forgiveness, charity, or good humor. That's not the message. The message is this: Go recognize your unique gift, the part of you that knows why you are here, and place your full attention on that. That attention is food for that aspect of yourself.” – Charles Eisenstein
What if we could leverage a social sharing economy, change how business is done, and shift the way we see money forever?
Wellness + Wisdom Episode 323
Public speaker, gift economy advocate, and the author of several books including Sacred Economics, Charles Eisenstein, explores the new social sharing economy, why financial health is abundant to those willing to rise with the changes, and what capitalism is at its true core.
Discover what our sacred economics are and how they can help us build a stronger society.
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[click_to_tweet tweet=”Every little opportunity that comes your way, no matter if you're in a degrading profession or circumstance, is a chance for you to express your love. – @ceisenstein ” quote=”Every little opportunity that comes your way, no matter if you're in a degrading profession or circumstance, is a chance for you to express your love. – @ceisenstein “]
Exiting The Matrix
Listen To Episode 323 As Charles Eisenstein Uncovers:
[1:30] The Foundation Of Sacred Economics
- Cured Nutrition
- Charles Eisenstein
- Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein
- Purium
Why nature holds all the keys and doesn't follow the law of capitalism.
Where the foundation of sacred economics comes from with the concept of “gift.”
His query as to what an economic system would be like if it embodied the idea of sacred economics rather than a struggle for survival and competition.
Why we're not just here to survive life but to do something beautiful and meaningful.
[13:00] The Law Of Nature vs. Capitalism
The tension that we are all facing in our modern world of capitalism.
What capitalism is at its true core. (15:00)
Ancient myths surrounding money today in relation to the expansion of ownership.
How we can step into a different attitude around money: An attitude of abundance. (17:50)
The idea that the sacred essence of human beings and the world is non-material and an envelope for the spiritual.
Adapting the attitude that there is a purpose to life. (23:00)
Why we don't create the stories and the meanings around life but they create us.
What it would mean for us if the monetary system actually collapsed, interests went below zero, and there was a universal income.
How to treat and use money from a place of appreciation and honor.
[28:00] How To Effectively Monetize Your Business In 2020
The obstacles entrepreneurs are facing in the day and age of Facebook and trying to share their message to a larger audience.
Exploring the idea of why we may not feel at home within our own bodies (31:00)
Starting the transformational process through greater presence, awareness, and actively creating change. (33:00)
How the universe will reward us when we break through a challenge or limiting belief.
Why everything that has happened occurred for a reason for this modern world to unfold before us.
The process to realize the desire we have to make the world a more beautiful place (37:00)
His idea that maybe our destiny is to fail so that they can become a reference point or even a prayer in the future.
[40:00] Discovering Your Personal Mission, Purpose, And Why
Uncovering your personal mission, purpose, and ‘why' to change the world.
Philosophical ethical viewpoints of what will actually make a difference in the lives of others.
The fact that anything we do has cosmetic significance in our lifetimes and beyond. (44:00)
Where our obsession with material possession and having more than enough comes from.
Why he holds greater importance over building relationships than an investment portfolio.
Where you will find the happiest people in the world. (49:50)
Why we may not be able to give us much as we want to the world, but we are giving enough to truly make a difference (53:50)
How to connect with a higher power and bring forth inner strength.
- Unlearning: For Change Agents
[1:00:00] Unlearning To Cultivate Greater Intelligence
Why everything we've been brought up to believe about the world and how it works is completely wrong.
How to reconfigure who you truly are and what your authentic story is for you to honor each day.
The question, “What's the point?” as another proxy for your next, bigger question and unexpressed pain points.
Answering the question, “What does it mean to full ‘whole'?” plus how we can begin to recover all the lost pieces to feel more connected to ourselves and the universe.
Why we all have unique gifts to share no matter what our job role or title is.
- M21 Wellness Guide
- Wellness Force Community
Power Quotes From The Show
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Each failure, in service of an ideal, is a declaration of the world that you want to create. Such declarations that are backed by action, and even failed action, exert a powerful pull on reality. – @ceisenstein ” quote=”Each failure, in service of an ideal, is a declaration of the world that you want to create. Such declarations that are backed by action, and even failed action, exert a powerful pull on reality. – @ceisenstein “]
A Declaration Of The World We Want To Create
The Theory Of Morphogenetic Fields
Using Our Gifts Towards For Their True Purpose
The Meaning of Life? – Deep Therapy for Existential Crisis and Despair – Non-Dogmatic
Links From Today's Show
- Cured Nutrition
- Purium
- Leave Wellness Force a review on iTunes
- Changing consciousness through relationships, Charles Eisenstein
- Metaphysics & Mystery
- The New Economy Movement in the United States
- 096 Daniel Schmachtenberger
- Unlearning: For Change Agents
- M21 Wellness Guide
- Wellness Force Community
- Charles Eisenstein Podcast
- Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein
- Other books by Charles Eisenstein
- Charles Eisenstein
About Charles Eisenstein
Charles Eisenstein is a teacher, speaker, and writer focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution.
His on-line writings have generated a vast following; he speaks frequently at conferences and other events, and gives numerous interviews on radio and podcasts.
Eisenstein graduated from Yale University in 1989 with a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy, and spent the next ten years as a Chinese-English translator. He currently lives near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with his wife and four sons.
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Thanks so much for the informations
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