Erin Claire Jones | Your Blueprint For Human Design

Erin Claire Jones

“Understanding our Human Design type makes loving ourselves easier because it sheds light on all of these aspects of ourselves that maybe we felt burdened by in the past but they're actually our gifts.” – Erin Claire Jones

How can knowing your Human Design help you better understand your human nature, what makes you unique, and allow you to step into your highest potential?

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 316

Human Design Guide and Leadership Coach, Erin Claire Jones, breaks down each different type, how they can be applied to both business and personal transformation, and what your strategy is whether your type is a Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, or Reflector.

Learn all about Human Design and why it’s an opportunity to be intuitive, really listen to your gut, and get in alignment with your true self.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘So much of Human Design is basically getting ourselves out of our heads and into our bodies because our minds are so powerful but often not reliable in terms of making decisions. ‘ – Erin Claire Jones” quote=”‘So much of Human Design is basically getting ourselves out of our heads and into our bodies because our minds are so powerful but often not reliable in terms of making decisions. ‘ – Erin Claire Jones”]

Your Unique Human Design Blueprint

Get 10% off your 30-page Blueprint with the code WELLNESSFORCE

As a gift to our listeners, Erin is offering 10% off of your 30-page, comprehensive guide to how you are uniquely designed to lead, make decisions, communicate, cultivate relationships, and so much more based on your unique design.

Discover what sets you apart:

  • Learn how to make choices that are always a full-bodied yes
  • Navigate opportunities that are in flow
  • Find and use your voice
  • Leverage your strengths in work & relationships
  • Overcome the shadows that linger in your life
  • Successfully collaborate with a world of people designed differently than you

Erin Claire Jones

Almost 30 x Erin Claire Jones: Living Your Human Design

Listen To Episode 316 As Erin Claire Jones Uncovers:

1:30 What Is Human Design?

  • Leave Wellness Force a review and enter to win 90-day supply of Organifi
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  • Why it was the perfect timing in her life for a stranger to sit down next to her and tell her all about her Human Design.
  • Her immediate interest in Human Design and how it just automatically made sense to her.
  • The constant dysfunction she was constantly witnessing in corporate America.
  • How understanding both yours and your team members' Human Design can change how your team operates.
  • Breaking down and understanding the study of Human Design based on a combination of the logical system that brings together principles of The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics.
10:00 The 5 Types Of Human Design
18:00 Our Deeper Layers Uncovered By Human Design
  • Why certain types of Human Design respond better to specific vs. open questions and ideas.
  • What different types will be drawn to expand and act upon the moment they enter a room or have a new thought.
  • How knowing your Human Design type can help you better understand your fears but those fears will never truly go away.
  • The different roles each type plays for their teams, relationships, and society.
  • A list of the most common Manifesting Generator qualities and characteristics. (21:00)
  • Why you don’t have to operate in a certain way when you know your design; knowing it might just help you operate a little easier.
  • Generator qualities and characteristics plus why they’re similar to Manifesting Generators. (24:40)
  • How Projectors fit in with a world full of Generators and Manifesting Generators. (26:00)
  • The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
  • The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
28:00 Honoring Ourselves & What We Need
  • The Human Design types plus the unique qualities they possess in their environments.
  • Why actors and actresses are normally Reflectors compared to the other possible Human Design types.
  • Our various language models and how they can be applied to Human Design to help us better understand ourselves and each other. (30:30)
  • Why Manifesting Generators and Generators need certain things in a relationship to help them feel energized. (33:50)
  • The importance of honoring ourselves by focusing on what we need, not saying ‘yes’ to everything, and setting healthy boundaries.
  • Hidden benefits of sleeping alone in your own bed and not with a partner yet this won't help everyone; just a select few. (36:00)
38:00 How Our Types Impact Relationships
  • How your type can impact your relationships whether that's romantic, friendship, or business.
  • What helps her and her partner stay committed in their romantic relationship, business, and mission. (41:00)
  • How you can honor your partner’s different type and value their unique qualities.
  • Why you may be drawn to specific other types whether they’re similar and opposite.
  • The fact that any relationship type combination can work as long as you’re open to understanding the other person.
  • Which types might have to do more hard work to make relationships work including Reflectors and Manifestors.
49:00 Each Type’s Strategy For Life
  • How each type has a different strategy based on daily interactions.
  • Strategy for Manifesting Generators and Generators: they allow life to come to them like a magnet.
  • Projectors wait to be invited in and instead of waiting forever, they should find ways to make themselves recognized and invited in.
  • Manifestors are all about initiating and informing of their decision.
  • Reflectors are also waiters but like to give themselves a full 30 days before they make big decisions.
  • Changes that have happened since the Human Design Founder’s passing about 10 years ago.
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  • What the different 12 Human Design blueprint fraction profilings such as 3/5, 4/6, 2/4 are and how they impact your ability to manifest your purpose. (52:30)
54:40 How Your Human Design Impacts Your Parenting

Power Quotes From The Show

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Human Design makes loving ourselves easier because it sheds light on our gifts, gives us permission to step into who we are at our core, and helps us find our purpose.' – Erin Claire Jones” quote=”‘Human Design makes loving ourselves easier because it sheds light on our gifts, gives us permission to step into who we are at our core, and helps us find our purpose.' – Erin Claire Jones”]

Our Natural Gifts

“Understanding our Human Design type makes loving ourselves easier because it sheds light on all of these aspects of ourselves that maybe we felt burdened by in the past but they're actually gifts. Human Design is like an experiment. You have to play with it a little bit, find out what happens when you play with it or pay attention to your gut and build it like a muscle. You have to trust your unique Human Design and see where it can lead you.” – Erin Claire Jones

The Magic of Language in Human Design

“What is magical about Human Design is that it basically gives us a language to understand all of this energetic stuff that's underneath the surface. So, often when I'm telling people what their design is, it's not something that they don't know already but they've never had a language before to actually express it. Human Design gives people a framework and a structure of how they operate and to communicate about it. You can imagine how helpful that is in teams and partnerships when you know exactly when that's happening. When there are friction and conflict, you now have something to reference back to and understand what is happening.” – Erin Claire Jones

Getting Out Of Our Heads & Into Our Bodies

“So much of Human Design is basically getting ourselves out of our heads and into our bodies because our minds are so powerful but often not reliable in terms of making decisions. ” – Erin Claire Jones

The Aura Types – Ra Uru Hu – Human Design System

Links From Today's Show

About Erin Claire Jones

Erin Claire Jones

Erin Claire Jones is a leadership coach specializing in Human Design. She has been featured in Forbes, Nylon, Well+Good, mindbodygreen and more.

She helps individuals and teams step into their highest potential by offering them the self-knowledge and tools to perform at the top of their personal and professional games. She has consulted for startups all over the world, built companies supporting executives, partnerships and small teams to operate more harmoniously and effectively, and conducted research on leadership challenges at 90+ early-stage companies.

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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