Everything You Need To Know About Kanna And LiftMode + Giveaway ($7,500 Value!)

Celebrating 500 Episodes With Bandit French Of LiftMode

Today is the day, it's episode 500! And to kick it off today, we have a podcast that is super close to my heart with one of our new partners that I know you're going to love when it comes to emotional and mental health.

Today we learn from Lift Mode's Bandit French about nature's version of MDMA: Kanna. It is a heart opener, a plant medicine, and absolutely pants down something that has changed the way I relate to my own nervous system and how my partner and I connect with one another.

This podcast is free for your viewing and listening pleasure. Wellness + Wisdom is brought to you by JoshTrent.com/Store.

In the store, you can find the best of the best curated biohacking and wellness tools, whole foods, and organic supplements for breathwork and sinus care, emotional health, focus and cognition, gut health, home & kitchen, library, mental health, sleep, duality, stress reduction, superfoods, blood sugar, travel and jet lag, water and hydration…

It can be so complicated to find your own carefully vetted organic nourishing products. I heard this for many years from many of our audience members so I decided to put everything in one easy place where you can get all the products I have personally checked out myself and use on a daily basis for up to 40% off.

Just head over to JoshTrent.com/Store to get these best of the best curated whole healthy supplements and wellness tools you can start using right away for a lot less money.

How I Entered The Wellness World

If you're just tuning in with us, welcome! We've had such amazing growth since Mind Pump, Aubrey Marcus, Skinny Confidential, and The One You Feed Podcast so welcome to everyone that's come to Wellness + Wisdom from those amazing communities.

You are also welcome here, today and always, because this is the place where we help humans discover physical and emotional intelligence to live life well.

It brings up a lot of emotion in me. I'm standing here in the brand new studio with over 500 shows recorded and I reflect back to 2015 when I had broken up with a woman I thought I was going to be with forever, put my mom in a mental home, and was fired from a “safe” corporate job.

I even have the photographs to prove it, with all my duffel bags and suitcase packed, living out of my friend's closet when I started this podcast.

This podcast has always been my therapy, my confidant, my connection to God, and my way of being of service to the world as I authentically and honestly learn about how I can live my life well and share it with you.

I knew that the wellness world needed a disruption because I had been a personal trainer for 10 years and today I'm ecstatic. I'm thrilled. I'm all the things because we are giving away $7,500 in prizes as a huge celebration for 500 shows.

Enter The Wellness + Wisdom Giveaway

If you've been following the podcast for a while, then you know I believe that plant medicines and psychedelics are not for everyone. They actually can cause more harm than good if you're not prepared.

However, when it comes to regulating our nervous system and creating a baseline of true emotional presence that has nothing to do with rumination of the past or anxiety and fear of the future, just being in the present moment, there is no greater tool than Kanna. And today we're going very deep into the science and the story and the spirit of Kanna.

Before we get into this episode, let me tell you about all the things are going to win in our giveaway by heading over to JoshTrent.com/Giveaway. You can enter until December 23rd, 2022 and you can get as many entries to win and increase your chances with every entry.

The grand prize winner will receive a Kiwi Organic Mattress from My Green Mattress and an Infinity Bloc + HEAL Capsule Necklace from LEELA Quantum worth $3,000.

First, Second + Third place winners will receive generous prize packs from our best partners including:

…And a handful more incredible brands who love to give and want to give to you for this celebration and to make your holiday wellness dreams come true!

There is no purchase necessary. All you have to do is head over to JoshTrent.com/Giveaway and enter as many times as the contest page will allow you. You get special extra entries for leaving us a podcast review and subscribing to our YouTube channel and following us on Instagram.

Make sure you head over to JoshTrent.com/Giveaway right now. The earlier you enter, the more entries you will have to win one of our prizes. I hope you win I really do especially if you've been a listener since 2015. The winner will be selected by a computer software, and an email will be sent out on the Christmas morning.

Help us celebrate episode 500. It's the perfect timing for the holidays to gift yourself or someone you loved $7,500 in wellness prizes.

Now let's tune in with Bandit French and learn about Kanna, nature's MDMA, and how you can get a legal, safe, and powerful heart-opening medicine, to support you in living your best life.


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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Trent Family

Find freedom from chronic stress using your breath.

Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? The BREATHE | Breath & Wellness 21 day guided program was made for you. I created BREATHE after my own dark nights of the soul and years of research traveling the world in search of the truth about self-healing.


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