How To Look After Your Body During Pregnancy

How To Look After Your Body During PregnancyWhen you get pregnant, you’re growing a baby in your belly. This is something that you need to think about when it comes to knowing what’s good for your body and what isn’t. There are plenty of things to do in order to create a temple that is your body.

Looking after your body is something to be proactive about, especially in the days and months before getting pregnant and while you’re pregnant. Here are several tips to look after your body during pregnancy.

Do regular exercise

Regular exercise is great for your body and in general. When you’re doing exercise, make sure it’s something that you enjoy and not simply because it’s been recommended or you feel would be best for your body. It should be fun and something that you’ll want to do before you do it.

With regular exercise, everyone’s idea of regular will be different from the next. For example, if you’ve always been active with exercise, then you’ll want to continue with the fitness levels you currently have. Don’t worry, even when pregnant you can likely sustain a lot of the exercise you currently do.

At the same time, if you’re not doing much exercise, then you don’t want to do too much in too short of a time.

Take folic acid

Folic acid is something to take for your body and baby when pregnant. It’s also something that you should be taking prior to getting pregnant too.

Folate helps to make healthy red blood cells, so when it comes to helping your baby, it’s pretty important. It helps with the baby’s brain, skull, and spinal cord to ensure everything develops properly. Otherwise, you might be at risk of a baby having development problems like spina bifida.

There are plenty of supplements on the market to take in order to ensure your body is getting the right amount of folic acid, as well as a variety of other nutrients needed for the health of your body this year.
Drink more water
Water is a good way to stay hydrated and when it comes to looking after the baby, the more water you can drink, the better. Why? If you’re not drinking enough water, then your baby isn’t getting enough either and this is important to keep your baby healthy in its home for the next nine months.

You’ll naturally sweat more, so this can also diminish your water content. You may find yourself getting thirstier, so it’s good to stay on top of the water intake where possible. Try walking around with a bottle of water on you at all times. That way, even when limited for water supplies, you’ve got something available for you immediately.

If you travel via car a lot, having one in the car can also be handy. An intake of a liter or two a day should be enough to keep you sufficiently hydrated while pregnant. For when you’re not a big water drinker, try to add in some cordial to help make it more enjoyable. Otherwise, you might want to add in fresh fruit or veggies.

Avoid overexerting yourself

Overexerting yourself is always something to be mindful of when it comes to getting pregnant. One of the side effects of being pregnant is sciatica. This can be uncomfortable and annoying to deal with on a daily basis, which for some, can be the case.

Typical symptoms of this problem are sharp shooting pain in the buttocks and down the leg. For others, it might be a tingling or numbness in the leg or foot.

Be conscious of how much you’re doing on a daily basis. If that’s becoming too extensive, then take note and take a break. Don’t push yourself too hard, otherwise you might end up causing yourself some injury.

Accept help and build a community of support

Being pregnant is more than just carrying the baby, it’s everything that comes with it. The physical strain and the mental rollercoaster can take you on. Therefore, it’s good to have a network of support that you can rely on.

Accepting help is never a sign of weakness and is definitely something that you should be proactive with.

If you’re looking to gather more support around you, consider who you love most and who you value, who might be nearby. Some friends and family might be in closer proximity to you than others, meaning you can get more assistance from those when needed.

Get plenty of rest

Rest is something we all often wish for when it comes to life in general but it’s something to take seriously when you get pregnant. A lot of work and effort goes into growing a baby, which is why you should not only get several hours of sleep per night, but you should also make sure you’re putting up your feet and getting the rest you need.

If you’re not getting enough rest currently, it might be worth drafting in that all-important support network so that you can get a few shut-eye moments during your pregnancy where possible. Rely on your partner if you are fortunate enough to have them around so that they can take some of the slack that you need to relinquish in order to get the rest your body needs.

Cut out any bad habits

Bad habits are something many of us are culpable of having but some bad habits can cause harm to you and your baby. For example, smoking, alcohol, and taking drugs are the three big no-nos when it comes to being pregnant.

These bad habits can cause development problems and even stillborn deaths. It’s therefore important to kick the habit well before you get pregnant in order to prepare your body for the baby both before and during pregnancy. If you need help, do reach out to professional services if it’s required, especially for addictions to any of the above.

With these tips, you’ll be able to look after your body successfully and contribute to a more relaxed and problem-free pregnancy.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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