Your Guide To A Mindful Life With Stacy Conlon

Stacy Conlon

Your Guide To A Mindful Life With Stacy Conlon

Caution! This episode for a mindful life will allow you to breathe deep, be still, and relax so please be careful if driving while listening to this episode.

Stacy Conlon, also known as The Zen Girl, is a Certified Wellness Coach and Mindfulness Facilitator who helps people transform stress into peace. A yoga and meditation practitioner for the past 15 years, she leads guided meditations and mindfulness sessions for startups and enterprise companies.

Stacy is also the Business Development Manager for the Lean Startup Training Program and Labs Summit Series. With more than 15 years of experience in sales and marketing, her goal is to help startups and enterprise companies get the tools, training, and exposure they need to make their organizations more successful.

Doing the Work

Stacy's life wasn't always filled with deep breaths and peaceful sunrises. She's had to learn this practice by doing the work. Day after day, with her mindfulness and meditation practices, Stacy shares vulnerably about her dance with anxiety and feeling overwhelmed, and how having a foundation for her physical and emotional wellness is essentially what gives her more power, presence, and energy in her busy life.

We talk a lot about wellness technology and behavior change on the show, so of course, as the 2016 machine begins to unfold, there has never been a better (and more important) time to learn a new system of habits that can give us more energy when we need it the most.

In my own wellness journey, meditation has meant a world of difference; from the way, I eat to the way I interact with others.

Even with the knowledge of all the potential energy found in the practice of meditation, however, there is a natural resistance to sitting still in this busy fast paced world; it can be one of the most difficult things to do.

Doing nothing.

Just “being” a human being.

Whatever way you get there, know that finding a still and quiet space where it's just you and your breath doesn't have to be daunting and time-consuming.

As Stacy will share, some of the most powerful meditative experiences can happen in less than just 5 minutes.

Worry Less, Live More

In working with clients, what comes up a lot is not having the time to meditate and it not being important. Paradoxically, what is hidden in the restorative power of mindfulness and meditation is transformation.

See this example from Stacy's blog:

“Most of us have had the experience of learning something new such as a sport, an instrument or a second language. In the beginning, it’s challenging and requires a lot of concentration. However, over time it becomes easier, requires less effort and you improve.

Mindfulness works in a similar way. We know from the latest neuroscience research that we have the ability to create new neural pathways in our brain. That means our brains can literally transform through experience.

Mindfulness is mental exercise — a workout for your brain. And like a muscle, these neural pathways get stronger and more effective over time. This leads to dozens of health benefits, including less worry, fear, anxiety, and stress — the oftentimes root cause of unhappiness, illness and disease.”

Listen As Stacy Uncovers

  • How to reduce stress and practice mindfulness and meditation in a busy world.
  • What little things can we do throughout our day to start practicing
  • How to create a culture of mindfulness
  • The future of wellness in the workplace
  • A morning routine that will change your life

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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