Invisalign vs Angel Aligners

Invisalign vs Angel AlignersAre you at a fork in the road, deciding between Invisalign and Angel aligners? Choosing the right method to straighten your teeth can be challenging, but the goal is still to give you a smile you can be proud of. 

We believe that everyone is entitled to a smile that gives them confidence, and that’s the reason we make these comparisons: to give you insight into what teeth straightening methods you have to choose from and help you make the right decision that’ll benefit you. Today, we will compare Invisalign and Angel aligners to discreet types of teeth straightening devices that have shown promise.  

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a brand that has developed a discrete mouthpiece that fits snugly into your mouth and over your teeth to guide your teeth into a better position, thus providing you with an improved smile in the process. 

Also known as invisible braces, Invisalign trays are made from medical-grade plastics and moulded to the shape of your mouth so they exert the right amount of pressure onto your teeth and jaw to push them into place. The plastic they’re made from is clear, making them blend into your mouth seamlessly and less noticeable compared to braces, for instance. 

They’re also removable, so you just need to remove certain foods when you want to eat them. However, for them to be effective, they need to be in your mouth for most of the day, at least 20 to 22 hours. The cost of Invisalign treatment varies depending on where you get it, but you can expect to pay anywhere between $7000 to $9000 for the full Invisalign treatment. 

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign uses innovative technology to give people a more convenient option to fix their teeth and get the smile they’ve dreamed of. Here are some benefits you can expect from using Invisalign:

  • Invisalign fits your teeth tightly, making them almost invisible
  • They’re made with a smooth, gentile material that is kinder to your teeth and gums, reducing discomfort
  • It’s easy to clean your teeth with Invisalign. All you need to do is take out the aligner, give your teeth a brush or floss and put it back
  • With Invisalign, you can remove it to eat, allowing you to enjoy different snacks
  • You’ll have fewer dentist check-ups with Invisalign. Usually, they require a checkup every four to six weeks, but in some cases, you wouldn't need an in-person check-up

Drawbacks of Invisalign

Like any good thing in this world, there are always some downsides that we need to consider. Here are some downsides of using Invisalign:

  • Invisalign are better for teeth that need slight adjustments. They aren’t as effective for teeth that need more significant correction
  • While you can remove them to eat, Invisalign’s need to stay in for 20 to 22 hours for them to be an effective treatment
  • Invisalign is expensive, especially for the full treatment
  • Invisalign requires you to have good dental hygiene to avoid developing bad breath or cavities. Users need to brush their teeth more often
  • Certain Invisalign treatments might need additional attachments to help the process. These attachments can only be applied by the dentist, which may require you to have to make more trips to the dentist

What are angel aligners?

Angel aligners offer versatility with a range of different aligners. Much like Invisalign, Angel aligners are designed to be seamless and virtually invisible. They function in a similar way, applying gentle pressure to your teeth and jaw to correct crooked teeth. The procedure involves wearing a series of custom-made aligners that are each slightly different. Each aligner will play a part in moving your teeth closer to the point they need to be. 

This is probably the biggest difference between these two aligners. Whereas Invisalign requires you to wear one aligner, the Angel aligner has:

  • The Angel Aligner Pro Series
  • The Angel Aligner Select Series
  • The Master Control S Series

In terms of cost, Angel aligners vary. Because the treatment is so subjective, it’ll have different costs for different cases. The cost also depends on what angel aligner you need to use for the treatment. 

Benefits of angel aligners

While Angel Aligners are still being tried and tested by many dentists, they have shown to be beneficial in many cases thus far. Here are some benefits of using Angel Aligners:

  • Angel Aligners are virtually invisible, providing a discreet option for straightening teeth
  • They're custom-fit and generally more comfortable than traditional braces, with less irritation
  • Being removable, they allow for easier eating, drinking, and maintaining oral hygiene. This removability also contributes to better dental health since cleaning teeth and gums is easier
  • The treatment involves predictable results thanks to advanced 3D imaging, and patients typically need fewer visits to the orthodontist
  • Angel Aligners are versatile and capable of correcting a wide range of dental issues, from simple to complex

Drawbacks of angel aligners

Angel aligners have some significant benefits, making them a great choice. However, like anything, they do have some downsides. Here are some downsides of using Angel Aligners:

  • Because they are removable, their effectiveness relies on the individual's discipline to keep them in. For younger kids, this is more difficult
  • There’s an initial discomfort when you first start using them
  • They need to be cleaned regularly to prevent staining and odour, adding to daily oral hygiene routines
  • Angel Aligners aren’t suitable for severe cases
  • The cost varies depending on how complex the case is and can be quite expensive
  • In some cases, the aligner needs attachments added to help it grip properly. This might make it more noticeable

Final Thoughts

Now that you have a good overview of the two aligners on the market, we hope that you are able to make the best choice to ensure that you get the smile you deserve. Both Angel Aligners and Invisalign offer a good alternative to standard braces; you just need to weigh which one will be better for you. 



About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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