Wellness + Wisdom Articles

Master Your Wellness Pentagon: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual + Financial

What ancestral lessons are waiting for you? I want to share the story of my personal Vision Quest. This is the ultimate

Countless people across the planet are struggling to keep their weight within a healthy range. It can be very difficult to achieve,

CBD or cannabinoid is herbal medicine, meaning it is a therapeutic remedy derived from a plant. In this instance, the Cannabis Sativa

Heal with holodynamic energy.  Most people don't even know what love is because the truth is we have all been taught

Strength training, a technique that’s quickly gaining popularity in fitness circles and gyms. In case you’re unsure of what this term exactly

 How much salt is good for me and my brain?  Salt is a confusing topic when it comes to health. There

Do you feel tired and exhausted? You are not alone. Many people seek ways to boost their physical energy. According to the

A limb injury is a crack or a break of one bone in your arm or leg. Some causes of such an

Premature Ejaculation (PE)… aka the confidence wrecker! Premature ejaculation treatment is common as men age. All men shudder after hearing these two


Are you tired of being stressed out and overwhelmed?

The cure for overwhelm + stress is here: a simple yet powerful 21-minute morning system that melts stress and gives you more energy through 6 science-backed practices and breathwork.