Anahata Ananda, the founder of Shine Sedona, discusses various important topics in episode 545, including inspiring people to shine, intuition and inner knowing, how pain motivates us to heal, learning from peak experiences, how blocked chakras make us sick, and how to practice self-inventory.
Anahata Ananda blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening.
As a Certified High-Performance Coach, Shamanic Healer, and Soul Guide, Anahata has guided thousands of individuals through core life shifts, helping them to turn their life around and manifest the life of their dreams.
Anahata is the host of the internationally acclaimed Shamangelic Healing Podcast. She is the founder of Shamangelic Healing, based in Sedona Arizona, where she offers high-performance coaching, inspirational workshops, group retreats, private healing sessions, and online courses.
What Is The Meaning of Blocked Chakras?
Anahata shares how her experience with the Dark Night of the Soul helped her hold more space for others and how it is important to look at our childhood wounds and heal our inner child as adults. She also talks about the difference between our soul path and when we are “asleep.”
She emphasizes the importance of trusting our intuition and inner knowing and how being taught as children to suppress our inner knowing can make us insecure. She also explains how pain can motivate us to heal and why coping mechanisms are not long-term strategies.
Anahata also explains in this episode how learning from peak experiences is crucial, and how everything can be our medicine or our poison. She also talks about the importance of integration and searching for tools to help ourselves. Additionally, she shares her experience of healing her relationship with alcohol.
“You're processing your external reality through what you can see rather than closing your eyes and seeing what's inside.When we don't use our third eye, when we don't connect with our crown, it's like not using a muscle – it begins to atrophy.
We're only receiving data from our human eyes which is like looking through the lens of truth through a straw and thinking that's all there is. Social media, Netflix, the news, the screen… This is the truth, this is reality.
We need to put away the screen that is funneling what agenda I should be prioritizing. If we don't have the discipline to say: I need to turn it off so that I can actually look at and perceive the soul's screen, the divine consciousness, the sixth chakra around perspective, and see the bigger picture. Because when we close the human eyes that look through a straw, now the third eye can see.” – Anahata Ananda
Tune In With Anahata Ananda
In this episode, Anahata talks about what's blocking our third eye and how to practice self-inventory. She stresses the importance of setting boundaries and letting go of what's not serving us, and why the stimulus we receive all the time through our eyes is blocking our third eye.
Additionally, she talks about the importance of genuine connection and how practicing self-inventory can help us realize what's bad for us.