AMA New Parent Sleep Deprivation, Learning About The ANGER In You Liver + Patterns of Projection

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 635

Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host and Wellness Force Media CEO, Josh Trent, shares how soon to be parents can prevent and prepare for sleep deprivation and how to deal with the emotions that manifest as physical illness.

Today's Questions

Jim: I'm about to have a baby here in September and you hear all these stories of, Hey, you're going to go through sleep deprivation. It's going to be a high-stress environment. You know, all the things that kind of make you fear of like, oh my god, the baby's coming.

I was wondering if you had maybe a list of supplements or a protocol to kind of help around, you know, dampening the impact of that stress or that sleep deprivation. Maybe if there's things leading up to the birth event, things post-birth, I'm sure there are sets of supplements or practices.

Keith: I've been dealing with some pretty notable liver issues. And for context, 5-6 years ago, I had chronic liver failure diagnosed from Vanderbilt.

I don't have any disease at all.  The doctor said everything's fine with me. So with everything you've, with everyone you've talked to, what are some non-conventional approaches to gut health that come to mind?


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Listen To Episode 635 As Josh Trent Answers Your Questions

[00:00] Intro

What's going on everyone? It's Josh Trent. It's Mar. We're here for another AMA. This is the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast. And this is where we explore these 5 sides of self, right? You know the ones, the mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial ways that we either nourish or starve ourselves here on planet Earth.

Mar, as always, I'm so excited to be with you today. How are you doing? So am I. How am I doing today? It's been a long week for me. It's just a lot of processes happening at the same time. Well, as you mentioned before we started recording, it's a retrograde. So it might be it.

Who knows if it's the stars, the universe, or if it's just me, things are shifting. Yeah. I think it's all of us. And look, y'all can relate to this, right? Like when it's a full moon, 5 years ago, 6 years ago, really when I was in a completely different space, and I hope all of you grow every year at least, definitely every 5 years, I remember I was like, what's up with this moon thing?

Does it really matter if your body is being affected by the neap and the spring tides' magnetic gravitational pull of the moon on the water on the earth? And then I realized, oh my God, Mar, my body is over 90% water by volume.

So if it is true that the Neap and the spring tides, the way that the tides are pulled, the way that the swells are calculated, by the gravitational force of the moon on the earth, and that's water, then we definitely get affected. I get affected, you get affected.

It's less about woo-woo and more about hardcore science when you think about the Earth's magnetic pull and they are affected because the water in our bodies is identical to the way that water is affected by the moon on Earth.

So it's really real y'all, this quotient that Carrie Michelle, my lady, has been studying for so much of her life, the quotient of astrology and the way that planets affect us, it is real.

[07:50] Sleep Deprivation with A Newborn Baby

All right, let's get into the first question. Today's first question is from Jim. He's talking about having a new baby and we're going to get into this right now because this really hits the heart for for all parents that are dealing with being tired.

Hey there, Josh. So I'm about to have a baby here in September and you hear all these stories of, Hey, you're going to go through sleep deprivation. It's going to be a high-stress environment. You know, all the things that kind of make you fear of like, oh my god, the baby's coming.

I was wondering if you had maybe a list of supplements or a protocol to kind of help around, you know, dampening the impact of that stress or that sleep deprivation. Maybe if there's things leading up to the birth event, things post-birth, I'm sure there are sets of supplements or practices.

I know meditation and breathing, but if there is a succinct protocol that you have in mind or thoughts about that for myself and for my wife. Thanks. I appreciate it.

Listen, sleep deprivation is real. But there are ways in which if I could pull the e-brake, if I could have gone back in time, I would have done 3 really important things that I think will help you and any parent who is dealing with this.

Number 1, prepare yourself by building a sleep repository. What do I mean by this? Build a sleep repository. Take stock of the times in which you know sleep deprivation is coming.

And just like you would stock your pantry in your kitchen, start stocking yourself with even more self-care and even more sleep way before the baby arrives. How do you do this?

First of all, you sleep in a room that is about somewhere between 67 and 70 degrees. Then you make sure that you turn off all the EMF in your room. I'm talking 0, like no phone. If your phone's in your room, either turn it off or put it on airplane mode.

Also, make sure that you have covers over your windows, right, this is called sleep hygiene. We had a phenomenal episode with Alex Wolfe. Not only do we talk about legal psychedelic microdosing, which I'll talk about in a minute, that's great for parents, but we talked about the different aspects of sleep hygiene.

So I told you to build this sleep repository, right? You're going to take from this later and your sleep deprivation is going to happen and there's going to be interest. So what does interest do? It stacks up.

So if you know interest is coming and you know that your sleep deprivation is coming, then start to build this big bolus, right? Almost like a camel in the desert. Camels can go a week without water, but they can drink like 40 gallons at a time or so. It's crazy. I don't know the exact amount. It's wild.

Be a camel when it comes to your sleep, build this repository, do as much self care and as much love, self-love practices as you can, way before the baby arrives, it's going to give you more capacity to be able to deal demands.

Secondly, I talked about the hygienic aspects, right? So have your room be that 67 to 70-degree temperature somewhere in there. I think 67 is optimal.

Make sure you're not bathing yourself in EMF when you sleep. A really phenomenal way to do this is actually just to get some different blockers in your house, things that actually either block EMF or be in harmony with EMF. A really good tool for 1 of those is called the Qi device.

We did an episode with Pavel that we'll link in the show notes. You can just go to That's a really good device for harmonizing EMF while you sleep.

The next thing is to make sure that you actually have some kind of practice before you go to bed that includes you knowing the baby's gonna be there.

So whether you're doing co-sleeping, whether you're having the baby in a different room, make sure that you've communicated about this actual construct that you and your wife will be creating…

[14:40] The ANGER In You Liver

Okay, let's get to the next question. This is a really interesting question. This is from our listener, Keith, and Keith is talking about something that I think we all can relate to. This is a big part of this AMA today, and it's one of my favorite parts.

Sleep deprivation is not my favorite, but it is my favorite thing, one of my favorite things to talk about because gosh, it's just so hard. So I have compassion for you. I really do. I have compassion for you. And Jim, just do your best. Just do your best and have the best strategy you can.

All right, let's hear from our listener, Keith. He's gonna ask us about what's going on with his liver. By the way, nothing we ever talk about on this podcast is medical advice. Y'all already know that, but I get to say it again. Let's hear from Keith.

Hey, Josh, hope you're doing well. Keith Bresee here. So as you know, for the last year or so, I've been dealing with some pretty notable liver issues. And for context, 5, 6 years ago, I had chronic liver failure diagnosed from Vanderbilt.

I've since reversed that from the same doctor by doing things like keto or candida diet or whole 30 basically. I can't have sugar, processed sugar, cow dairy, or gluten. I've had this year alone 20-30 needles stuck in me and I do not have any autoimmune disease. I don't have any disease at all.

And the white coat doctors keep telling me, Hey, nothing's wrong with your liver or gallbladder. Go home. We can't help you. There's nothing wrong with you.

I've had so many tests, nothing's wrong, but I will still have twice a week now, it's come down on the frequency, liver or gallbladder attacks, and it's probably gonna happen today, I can feel it, to where I'm on the floor rolling in excruciating pain and it just surges, It doesn't let up. It is the most excruciating thing I have ever experienced. It is, it's so painful. That's an understatement.

And when it happens, my day is done. I can't, the pain just wipes me out. And so the doctor said everything's fine with me. So with everything you've, with everyone you've talked to, what are some non-conventional approaches to gut health that come to mind?

You know what I find fascinating, Mar, is we are searching in this world for healing spiritual maladies, healing emotional maladies, or disease with the mind and the intellect.

Have you noticed that science is always trying to put a label or a meaning or a definition on something that if you've done any spiritual you know it is coming from either spiritual or emotional or mental distress? Have you seen this? Have you felt this?

Well, we've been conditioned to always go to the doctor when something is wrong and we're disconnected completely from our bodies. It's like the body's telling you a lot.

At the moment that you're processing some difficulties and some struggles, it's already giving you some signs, but we don't feel them because we're so disconnected. And it just like over time, it just like stacks, and eventually it becomes a disease.

So I think it's just like connecting to the body. It's like, there's all the answers you're looking for, but we just cannot see it. We cannot feel it.

Well said. There's a term in Western medicine, it's called idiopathic. And idiopathic is where they just basically don't know what it is. Idiopathic is like spontaneous remission, spontaneous disease presentation.

But we all know that really idiopathic, I find it funny that “idio” or “idiot” is in the first part of it.
And it's because there are certain things that science could never explain.

Science doesn't know why when the sperm penetrates the egg, there's this grand flash of white light. No one can actually understand that. But it's because there are certain things that God creator, that spirit is actually trying to communicate to us and is actually doing a perfect job of communicating to us at all times.

But the challenge is, like you said, we have to be able to be clear enough as a vessel to hear it. Look at our entire society, Keith. Our entire society, and especially I know the work that you do, because Keith is a friend of mine.

Keith works in internet marketing and does a lot of coding and a lot of heady work, a lot of intellectual work. And so I find it funny, and not to make fun of you, I'm not trying to be obtuse, Keith. I find it funny that you would ask, hey, what is the strategy for alternative gut health?

When really, if you've gone to the physicians and they've done the testing and they tell you that nothing's wrong, well then I just ask you to sit with yourself for a moment. What do you feel is wrong?

Not what you think, but what do you feel is really your body's divine intelligence trying to direct you back to the answer? Then just sit with that for a moment.

And we all get to sit with that for a moment because any time that something can't be explained, it's being explained in a way that you've shut yourself off from. It's being told to you, it's just harder to listen if you're trying to use the mind to hear it.

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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