How To Connect With Your Higher Self + Find Your Purpose And Prosperity | Danny Morel

Welcome to Wellness + Wisdom. My name is Josh Trent and today I am talking with Danny Morrell, a billion-dollar entrepreneur.

He's sharing with us the truth about purpose and prosperity, and how to connect with your higher self. Danny's the host of the Higher Self podcast which I've been a guest on and today he's talking about this access point to gather wisdom from your higher self.

How To Connect With Your Higher Self + Find Your Purpose

danny morel How To Connect With Your Higher SelfSo what exactly is the higher self? If you're just starting your spiritual journey or if you've been having mental health issues, anxiety, depression, or just discomfort in general, odds are you are being called forth to grow from your higher self.

But a lot of times that growth can feel so distant from where the egoic mind wants to be that sabotage can set in, or in Danny's case, motivation from a place of pain that drove and fueled him for a while to earn a billion dollars in real estate sales.

This caught up to him later on in life where he burned it all to the ground and stepped into his true purpose by listening to the wisdom of his higher self.

Become Financially Intelligent

I know you're going to love this podcast there's a ton of truth, and my promise to you is that by the end of this show, you will have a greater understanding of what it means to be truly financially intelligent and how you can make more money by being you, just by being the beautiful you that you are.

If you ever wondered what the bridge between having a business, earning money, and spirituality truly is, this episode will rock you right to your core. Thank you for being here. Now let's drop in with the one and only Danny morel.

Fuel Your Brain + Body With Ketones

I hope you're loving this podcast as much as I am and I want you to really hear this. A lot of what I've dealt with in my own life personally has been erratic hunger signaling because of blood sugar issues.

If you're like me and you tend to have late-night cravings for food, or you might get up in the morning and need a little more pep in your step but you just cannot do caffeine anymore, I've got a breakthrough product for you.

It's called exogenous ketones specifically it's called Ketone IQ from my friends over at HVMN otherwise known as health via modern nutrition. These exogenous ketones lower appetite signaling to turn down the volume of this hunger hormone ghrelin.

This is important because a lot of times what stimulates your central nervous system can also as an unfortunate byproduct make you very hungry a few hours later.

It's because you're turning off adenosine and you're ramping up stress chemicals which eventually they all have to be refueled. But what if there's a better way? Well, there is a better way. It's taking these exogenous ketones.

Ketones are already produced naturally by the body in a fasted state but who wants to fast all the time? This is a powerful way for you to get all the benefits of fasting without actually stopping your food consumption.

Think about it as a way to retrain your insulin, your growling, and your body for greater satiation or satiety. Science is also shown that exogenous ketones can suppress inflammatory pathways.

I take ketones on a daily basis and I think you're really going to enjoy the energy, cognition, and appetite suppression that you'll get from these ketones.

Head over to and use the code “JOSH” to get 20% off your order today.


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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