Managing Autism: Expectations vs. Reality

Managing Autism: Expectations vs. RealityEvery child requires some sort of rules, boundaries, regulations, and expectations to grow and develop themselves. And, if your toddler is dealing with an ailment like autism, their need for the same will be even more prominent.


By setting a restrictive boundary, you, as a parent, can define the range of acceptable and unacceptable actions in their life. This will help an autistic kid to learn about the social norms efficiently and behave more profoundly in a communal environment.

In addition to this, boundaries can also offer invisible and unwritten rules of behavior, which instill a proper structure in their life. And, trust me when I say this, your child will love to live a well-structured and -maintained lifestyle.

However, that’s all about your toddler. What about you? How do you deal with them and the newfound “quirk”? Do you have to treat them specially or lower your expectations regarding their future? Please keep reading this article till the end to know more about it.

It’s Not Always The Same 

Like any other brain development-related ailment, the drawbacks of autism are quite difficult to predict. Hence, what’s working for another child, might not fit into your kid’s life at all.

Thus, as a parent, your job will be to talk to your toddler regularly, and understand how their mindset is developing. You don’t have to scold them if they end up doing something wrong. 

Just let them know why they shouldn’t do it again and guide their subconscious gently. Once they understand what you’re saying, they’ll surely obey you.

Managing Autism – Don’t Expect Anything Beforehand 

It’s for the best, you know. 

As I’ve said already, the development of autism tends to be a little different for everyone. So, the parents tend to end up expecting something positive from them.

But, here’s the thing. You shouldn’t expect anything from them beforehand. Instead, I’ll ask you to follow them closely and offer your utmost support, no matter what they’re doing.

It’ll indirectly make them feel safer to discuss what they want to do in their life. And, if your kid starts talking about it with you, it means that you’ve made a huge progress as a dad/mom.

Expectations Vs. Reality – The Dilemma With Autism

Autism, in essence, is still a mystery. The doctors are yet to have a clue about why it occurs or how they can cure the disease. This can sometimes lead the parents to have some wrong or misjudged expectations from their kids. 

But, in this section, we’re going to debunk them. So, let’s get started! 



Wait for a proper diagnosis before starting with the treatment. It might be something else, right?

Don’t wait for a professional diagnosis. If you feel like there’s something wrong with your kid’s behavior, talk to a doctor quickly. And, don’t forget to start the treatment if you can.

Children with autism won’t heed what you are saying. Hence, there’s no need to teach or tell them anything.

On the contrary, a kid with ASD will love to get support and words of kindness from their parents. It might take some time for them to open up. However, once they do, they might grow up to be much better than a normal kid. 

Their behavioral inadequacies will slowly get better with age. There’s no need to opt for treatment or something as such.

Autism doesn’t get better with age as long as you’re not offering the right treatment to your kid. For example, if you want to improve their social skills, you must ask them to engage in behavioral treatment.

The home environment doesn’t play a part in their growth or education. Just going to therapy will be fine enough for them.

Contrary to this thought, your kid will need all the support they can get from their home. So, you’ll need to ensure that you’re making the house a safety zone, making sure your child gets optimal nutrition, and making their home environment as healthy as possible. Adding their favorite visual cues can be a great place to begin with.

The Bottom Line 

Managing Autism: Expectations vs. RealityTaking care of a child with ASD can, indeed, be difficult, even for a patient individual. But, if you want the best for your child, you’ll have to deal with the hardships it comes with. It’ll get better after a while, trust me. Just hold on for a little. 

Read this article about sensory overload to learn more about overstimulation in children.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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