ABA Therapy Techniques That Help Kids With Autism Learn

 ABA Therapy Techniques That Help Kids With Autism LearnAlthough it may not seem so, autism has become quite common in the USA. As per CDC, almost one person amongst 54 tends to get diagnosed with this health condition.

As you probably already know, the titular problem usually affects the brain of an individual. Therefore, most of them tend to have issues with communication, focusing on a singular aspect, managing their behavior and socializing.

Now, when your kid’s still a toddler, the aforesaid issues will not pose a threat to them. But, when they grow up, it may start affecting their personal and professional life. 

So, what’s the solution?

Going through an ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapeutic procedure, of course. Please keep reading to know more about it.

What Is ABA Therapy?

ABA therapy techniques is a type of behavioral therapy that has been created on the basis of the science of behavior and learning. According to LCABA, a leading organization in this segment, it’ll help you and your kid understand –

  • The way behavior works for an individual.
  • The way learning or focusing takes place.
  • The way an individual’s behavior is affected or influenced by the environment.

By undergoing ABA therapy, your kid will learn how they should present themselves in a social situation. Also, it can help them understand how they can talk with someone who is (in terms of age) older or younger than them.

Understanding ABA – Techniques You Should Know About

When talking about ABA therapy techniques, many people tend to think that it’s only ideal for an autism patient. However, that’s not true. As a behavioral therapy, it can offer the best possible solution for anyone suffering from learning disabilities.

The aim of this therapeutic procedure is all about motivating your child towards a particular goal and helping them achieve it. Here are a few techniques that doctors use to instill the idea in the underdeveloped mind of a child.

Technique – 1: Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is all about rewarding your kid when they do something considerably good. For example, if they have talked with an elderly in a proper manner, giving them chocolate can offer a sense of appreciation.

However, when they make a wrong move, make sure to let them know about it. Don’t scold them or anything. Just tell them why it’s wrong and what may happen if they do it again. It’ll definitely help your kid with making a choice regarding what’s right and what’s not.

Technique – 2: Video Modeling

Many people suffering from autism tend to be visual learners. Hence, if your kid is the same, you can use the process of video modeling to teach them something specific.

For example, you can show them a video to teach how they should talk with an elderly person or interact with their peers. 

You may also use this technique to let them know how they can express their emotions, like sadness or happiness, without saying anything. 

Technique – 3: Discrete Trial Training

In Discrete Trial Training, you will have to break down skills into smaller or discrete parts. Then, the therapist will introduce each of them to your child simultaneously. And, if your kid receives them correctly, they’ll get positive reinforcement each time. 

An individual suffering from autism can find it almost impossible to learn a specific skill properly. Due to this reason, most specialists try to separate a single skill into three-four parts and make sure that they understand everything correctly.

Technique – 4: Exercise

Although an ABA training focuses more on your psychological health, it tries to improve your physical well-being as well. Hence, in some instances of ABA therapy, many specialists tend to include exercising as well. Here’s how it can help your child –

  • Increase the happiness of your child and reduce their prominence of mood swings.
  • Reduce the sensation of pain.
  • Makes them feel calm and composed.
  • Improve the memory of your child.
  • Encourage them to use their verbal and social skills (if they’re going to a gym).
  • Helps them with sleeping.

Technique – 5: PECS 

 ABA Therapy Techniques That Help Kids With Autism LearnPECS, also known as Picture Exchange Communication System, in essence, is an augmented communication system. Meaning – it’s a manner of speaking without talking to that person. 

It is primarily used for supplementing or complementing verbal language. However, in some cases, it can also be utilized to support the learning of lingo while your kid is still improving their vocal strength or affluence.

Technique – 6: Extinction

Extinction, as the name partly implies, is an ABA technique that can be used to lower the issue of problem behavior. 

For example, when your kid’s becoming overly loud, you can use the negative reinforcement technique to prevent them from doing so.

As you’re extincting that type of behavior particularly, this procedure is known as extinction. 

Regardless of how the negative behavior has occurred in your child, they can be taken care of by this process. Over time, the child will automatically learn how to distinguish right from wrong and behave appropriately.

Technique – 7: Functional Behavior Assessment

Through an FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment), the child will identify the problematic behavior in your child and try to correct it. 

To develop the FBA of your child, the therapist will spend most of their time observing the kid and how they react to specific issues. In addition to autism tests, they may also ask you, their medical providers, and teachers to learn more about it.

Correcting Your Child’s Behavior!

Every child is unique, whether they have autism or not. So, their learning needs will be quite different from others as well.

Hence, if you’re just starting out with taking care of your child’s behavior, make sure to begin your journey with positive reinforcement. It can offer a much better proposition and help you get the results pretty quickly.

In any case, before you try doing something by yourself, don’t forget to talk to a professional doctor about it. They can teach you about the proceedings and help you understand how you can take care of your child. It’s the safest possible bet.



About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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