Healing Inflammation: Melatonin Miracle Molecule

Ending Inflammation In The Body

It's Josh Trent and this is Wellness Force soon-to-be Wellness + Wisdom, next week…

I'm going to be sharing exactly why we're switching names and how excited I am for you to learn why I'm changing the name and also how I'm going to serve you even more authentically from my heart as I go through the changes in my own life.

With my son here, and now as a father, and in my own spiritual maturation process, I'm sure you can relate that what serves us for sometime always reaches an evolution and a natural ending once a purpose has been lived out.

And that is the case in so many different ways and in so many metaphors for this episode w/ a powerhouse guest who is changing functional medicine and the way we look at wellness forever!

The Future of Wellness Force

Make sure you are subscribed (hit subscribe wherever you are listening) to the podcast for the absolute blockbuster guests we are having and with the rebranding of this Wellness Force podcast to Wellness + Wisdom so I can serve you even more deeply in 2022 and beyond.

I really can't explain with words, I think you can feel it in my voice, how excited I am for the road ahead with you.

I have received some incredible clarity and inspiration that has renewed my passion for this podcast and forward Wellness actually is that I'm going to be sharing with you next week so don't forget to subscribe, remember to subscribe to hear the update coming next week.

Rejuvenate Your Body

I have a big question for you today when you think about rejuvenation: what does that actually mean to you?

A return to innocence, maybe a return to youthfulness?

Whatever you feel about the term rejuvenation, we can only experience it in the absence of inflammation.

Let me share more… it is really inflammation that creates the cytokine storm and rapidly degenerates tissues.

My guest today is going to share about how we can all end inflammation for good with a myriad of groundbreaking and cutting-edge scientific practices, including a powerful meditation mist that I have been using over the past three months.

Melatonin Miracle Molecule

I was introduced to it by my friend Luke Storey, and this meditation missed from my toes and has completely changed the game for me – and also for my relationship with Carrie.

I'll get to that in 1 second, but let me share about a naturopath and Chiropractic neurologist who has been in practice for 30 years and is the author of Melatonin: Miracle Molecule.

He’s an all-around world-class expert in functional neurology, regenerative medicine, whose treatments have proven successful for both chronic infection and chronic neurological conditions.

With the belief that toxins and infections are at the root of many conditions including autoimmune, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, inner ear conditions (which is near and dear to my heart with the rain in my right ear) and that most degenerative neurological conditions…. this is the one and only Dr. John Lieurance.

Improve Your Sinus Health

If you yourself have been experiencing issues when it comes to sinus health, this is going to be a really important episode for you.

We will learn about Advanced Rejuvenation healing protocols including the meditation missed my toes end, which by the way just go there right now I know you haven't heard about the product yet but it is hands down one of my most favorite products I've ever used you can find it at wellnessforce.com/mitozen and use code “WELLNESSFORCE” to get yourself a nice discount.

Let’s talk about hapé, oxytocin and the combination of these powerful substances on the sinus health and nervous system.

We'll also talk about what it's like to combine breathwork with these modalities. Then how we can strengthen the nervous system, a real master-class of how our nerves work and what they require for Activation and fuel.

Explore going with the flow of Life, Dr. John’s Wellness Journey having experienced mold exposure and Lyme disease which caused him the physical pain that put them on the medical path of holistic healing.

Truths & Myths of Melatonin

And the big bomb drop today… we are talking about the myths and the truths of melatonin.

Why high-dose supraphysiological dosing can actually transform the way that you sleep and wash your brain.

This is so huge. Especially about melatonin.

I learned in this episode that when we don't get enough deep sleep, the brain swims and its own excrement.

I know that's kind of a gross sentence… but the Melatonin suppositories that you can find at the same link with the same discount are giving people across the world so much deep sleep and brain repair.

Be sure to go to the show notes page on this one as you know we always take very intensive and detailed show notes, some of the best out there in the world I believe, and you can find this at wellnessforce.com/436 to learn more about melatonin.

Okay let's dig in, here is Doctor John!

MitoZen Meditation Mist + More!

Healing Inflammation: Melatonin Miracle MoleculeEvery single night before we go to bed, my partner Carrie Michelle and I perform a beautiful ritual using the ZEN extra strength + Oxytocin.

It is what I believe the world needs right now. A centered, calm, and powerful third eye opening meditation tool that will change the fundamentals of your practice.

ZEN Meditation Mist™ is the strongest formula. It is made from different medicinal plants from the Amazon. It calms and quiets the mind, as well as to reduce anxiety and stress.

The ZEN EO Meditation Mist™ is made with Ultra Nano Liposomal terpenes & essential oils. ZEN CBD Meditation Mist™ contains essential oils, terpenes and full spectrum NeuroHEMP™.

The Zen formulas are powerful in the ability to calm the mind and allow for maximum vagal activation. This includes stimulation of the vagal nerve.

You will experience a powerful afterglow effect, following the initial temporary burning feeling after administration.

*Go to wellnessforce.com/MitoZen to get your ZEN extra strength + Oxytocin.
*Be sure to select ZEN extra strength + Oxytocin at the cart.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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