8 Top Tips for Getting in Shape After Your Divorce

Wanting to get that post-divorce revenge body? Here are some actionable tips for just that…

8 Top Tips for Getting in Shape After Your Divorce

Studies show that there is such thing as relationship weight – a settled couple are much more likely to put on weight than single people are. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, and everyone is beautiful with or without the extra pounds.

That said, it’s no lie that a divorce can sometimes leave a person feeling a little lost. A dramatic lifestyle change like a divorce may lead you to seek some sort of change. What’s more, divorces can take several months, which may lead you to seek respite somewhere new.

So, rather than taking the alcohol and food route, perhaps exploring the world of fitness might be a better choice? In this article, we’ll be providing some tips on exploring this side of the coin. If you want to get in shape post-divorce, then don’t go anywhere.


1.   Focus on Your Mental Health

A divorce may have a negative effect on your self-image, and this can lead you down a dark path. With this, it can be so easy to get into a vicious cycle of working out to fit an ideal body image that is somewhat unattainable. So, instead, focus on getting in shape for yourself.

After all, not only can exercise cause weight loss, it has numerous other benefits. The endorphins that surge through your body during a workout can seriously improve your mood. What’s more, you’re taking care of your body in ways that you may have not done in while, and this can be an instant boost.

Ultimately, it’s really important to go into this with the mental health benefits in mind, rather than anything to do with your body image. This should hopefully encourage you to build a positive relationship with exercise that’ll become a lifestyle.


2.   Do Exercises You Enjoy

Your divorce should have taught you one thing – life is short! So, why bother spending countless hours in the gym, working up a sweat, if you’re not loving it?

With this in mind, it’ll make getting in shape so much easier if you’re enjoying what you’re doing. From swimming to rowing, weights to cycling, fitness classes to running outdoors, the options are endless. Why not try a little bit of everything to see where your heart lies, and then you can narrow it down to the ones you like the most?


3.   Bring Some Friends Along!

Speaking of enjoyment, there’s nothing quite like exercising alongside someone. Having a friend to catch up with whilst you’re getting a sweat on is much more fun than without some company.

What’s more, now that you are no longer with your other half, you’ll be wanting to nurture the friendships you have. What better way to do so than by heading to the gym, or on a run, walk or cycle, with someone you love.

8 Top Tips for Getting in Shape After Your Divorce


4.   Think About Your Diet

If you’re really serious about getting your body toned and shapely post-divorce, exercise isn’t the only answer. You also need to pay close attention to your diet.

Think about the sorts of foods, drinks, and quantities you’re currently consuming, and ask yourself if this is healthy. Your outsides are unlikely to see an improvement if you’re not fuelling your insides properly.

There’s plenty of dietary advice online for you to peruse, depending on the sort of results you’re after. Be sure to seek suitable advice from professionals in the nutrition and training space to get it right.


5.   Invest in the Right Tools

It’ll be tricky for you to create lasting habits if you don’t have the tools to help you out. So, now that you’re not spending lots of money on couple activities, why not invest these savings on yourself?

Whether it be a gym membership, some at-home gym equipment, or a fitness tracker, there’s plenty to consider. Just be sure that you don’t waste any money while you’re at it; go in with a plan and stick to it.


6.   Consider a Personal Trainer

Speaking of investments, you may find it easier to stick to your new lifestyle with the help of a personal trainer. PTs are there to motivate you and teach you the best techniques for the best results. So, if you don’t feel up to organising all this yourself, be sure to seek an expert’s help.


7.   Plan Your Fitness Schedule

Scheduling your fitness regime is the next step on our list to making this change into a habit. Organising when and where you’re going to be working out at the start of each week is much more likely to encourage you to stick to it.

These days, many gyms have apps allowing you to book in your gym slots, which allows you to pre-plan. You can even book in specific slots with friends, which will mean you’ll be much more likely to adhere to it. After all, you won’t want to let anyone down!


8.   Find a Regime That Works for You

Joanne from shape.com says that after her divorce, she made drastic lifestyle changes to get in shape. To make it work for her, she said: “I work out almost every day, but usually for only half an hour at a time. Since it's not a huge time commitment, I can always squeeze it in.”

For other people, taking a longer time out of their schedule a few days may work better. What’s important is that you do what you think works best, and don’t attempt to mimic someone else’s regime. This way, it’s much more likely to become a lifestyle for you.

8 Top Tips for Getting in Shape After Your Divorce


Ready to Get in Shape After Your Divorce?

These are just some of the many ways you can start getting in shape post-divorce. Of course, there’s no pressure to do so, as everyone deals with lifestyle changes in different ways. However, if this is something you really want to do, then hopefully these eight steps will help you on your journey.

Do you have any more tips for getting in shape after your divorce? Be sure to leave them in the comments down below!



  1. Jonathan Borba, https://unsplash.com/photos/lrQPTQs7nQQ
  2. Anupam Mahapatra, https://unsplash.com/photos/Vz0RbclzG_w
  3. Sriyoga Ashram, https://unsplash.com/photos/QgCl-pNkfPc



About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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