CV19 Truth Series: Protecting Your Health Freedom

This special edition 6-part CV19 Truth Series: Protecting Your Health Freedom podcast with host, Josh Trent, spotlights the best and most trusted information you will find in the online wellness world when it comes to taking your health and wellness into your own hands.

Breaking Free From Fear & Confusion

This will be one of the most polarizing shows we have ever done for many reasons including firstly the fact that so many of our fellow human beings are literally paralyzed right now in fear. They have been force-fed a narrative after a narrative that they should stay inside, wear a mask, give away their freedoms, and stay silent. The second thing most people are experiencing right now is confusion when it comes to the disparate information sources about COVID-19. This is confusion by design and here's why: The mainstream media is seizing this opportunity for the largest amount of pay per click, website traffic, and ad revenue the internet has ever seen in its history. All major news outlets are doing as much as they can to polarize, divide, and separate you and me not only from the truth but from each other.

The Radical Truth About COVID-19

For all of us, 2020 has been in many ways the year of the phoenix rising from the ashes. Right now we are still watching it burn down to the ground.This podcast episode above all else will bring you the radical truth about what's really happening in our world during this time of transformation so that we can guarantee our heath freedom for the future, and so that we may protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Watch All (6) Episodes Below

Zach Bush MD: Humanity, Consciousness & COVID-19 | Full Video #Podcast 345


“Our patients are dying from a lack of oxygen-carrying capacity not a lack of respiratory capacity or lack of oxygen in the atmosphere or lack of oxygen in the respirator machine. They're dying because we're not treating the hemoglobin.” – Dr. Zach Bush MD

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 345

Triple board-certified physician, Founder and CEO of ION* and Executive Producer for the docu-series, Farmer's Footprint, Dr. Zach Bush, explains why COVID-19 actually isn't a respiratory virus, explores humanity's awakening in the global shutdown, how spraying pesticides and insecticides has increased COVID-19's impact and the use of hydroxychloroquine and cyanide poisoning kits against COVID-19.

Is the approach to healing COVID-19 patients with respirators all wrong?
Discover what tools and methods might be the key to help heal COVID-19 patients efficiently and quickly.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Our patients are dying from a lack of oxygen-carrying capacity not a lack of respiratory capacity or lack of oxygen in the respirator machine. They're dying because we're not treating the hemoglobin.' – @DrZachBush ” quote=”‘Our patients are dying from a lack of oxygen-carrying capacity not a lack of respiratory capacity or lack of oxygen in the respirator machine. They're dying because we're not treating the hemoglobin.' – @DrZachBush “]

Leslie Manookian: COVID-19 – The Truth About Flattening The Curve | Full Video #Podcast 344


“Virology 101: Disease has a cycle of rising till it peaks then it tapers off. COVID-19 follows this pattern for 6-8 weeks so this idea to flatten the curve is actually a fallacy because what we're doing from lockdowns to wearing face masks isn't affecting it. Scientists are finding that 5-15% of the people will get COVID-19, that most of the people will never know they have it, most people are exposed to it, and we shouldn't be as frightened of it as the mainstream media is pushing on us.” – Leslie Manookian

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 344

Qualified Homeopath and Award-winning Filmmaker of The Greater Good, Leslie Manookian, shares what inspired her to join The Weston A. Price Foundation, shares the truth about asymptomatics and face masks, the global ramifications that will impact us post COVID-19, the mass medium manipulation from The Gates Foundation, and what's really going on with COVID-19 when we look at the actual data rather than the projections of fear and hype from mainstream news.

Is COVID-19 a plandemic when we look at the real numbers and science?

What would happen if we all stopped buying into the projections, hype, and fear the mainstream media is feeding us?

Discover the truth about health freedom, COVID-19, and flattening the curve.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Virology 101: Disease has a cycle of rising and tapering. COVID-19 follows this pattern for 6-8 weeks so this idea to flatten the curve is actually a fallacy because what we're doing isn't affecting it.' – @LeslieManookian ” quote=”‘Virology 101: Disease has a cycle of rising and tapering. COVID-19 follows this pattern for 6-8 weeks so this idea to flatten the curve is actually a fallacy because what we're doing isn't affecting it.' – @LeslieManookian “]

Dr. Ben Lynch: Dirty Genes & COVID-19 | Full Video #Podcast 353

“We're a very sick population and if we keep thinking that we need to kill and hunt down these sicknesses, viruses, and bacteria, that will forever put us at the mercy of the government or other organizations claiming to try and save us vs. us putting the actual work and effort in to become the healthiest versions of ourselves. It's all about choices vs being manipulated and basically lied to in my opinion.” – Dr. Ben Lynch

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 353

Best-selling Author of Dirty Genes, Naturopathic Physician, and President of Seeking Health, Dr. Ben Lynch, explains how to overcome genetic dysfunction, the difference between making our own health choices vs. being manipulated by the system, why any face mask that isn't N95 certified is useless, what the Super 7 Genes are and how they can be supplemented with products from Seeking Health.

Do you have symptoms of Dirty Genes?
Discover the connection between dirty genes, how to clean them, and how to protect yourself from COVID-19 as well as all viruses out there.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘We're a very sick population and if we keep thinking that we need to kill and hunt down these viruses that will forever put us at the mercy of the government claiming to try and save us.' – @DrBenLynch ” quote=”‘We're a very sick population and if we keep thinking that we need to kill and hunt down these viruses that will forever put us at the mercy of the government claiming to try and save us.' – @DrBenLynch “]

Greg Anderson | Health Freedom: Brave Police Officer's Truth On COVID-19 | Full Video #Podcast 350

“When at any time in American history can a cop tell you what you have to put around your face? We do not have the option to go and enforce these executive orders and destroy people's livelihoods with lockdowns. ” – Greg Anderson

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 350

Former Port of Seattle Law Enforcement Officer and Wellness Advocate for our health freedom, Greg Anderson, shares his mission to change the way officers across the USA are enforcing unconstitutional laws, how COVID-19 lockdowns are directly benefiting our government's pockets, and why what the mass media is telling us about the coronavirus is not lining up with what's really happening at the hospitals.

What constitutional rights have been taken away from you during the COVID-19 lockdown?
Look at the facts and ask yourself: Does this feel right? Does this feel right in my heart? What is my truth

Discover what it means to have true health freedom and how to make it yours for life.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘I don't want my message to be your truth about COVID-19. I'm just a person just like you're a person but what I'm imploring people to do is simply look at the facts and ask themselves, ‘What feels right?” – Greg Anderson” quote=”‘I don't want my message to be your truth about COVID-19. I'm just a person just like you're a person but what I'm imploring people to do is simply look at the facts and ask themselves, ‘What feels right?” – Greg Anderson”]

Dr. William Li | Eat to Beat Disease: How Your Body Can Heal Itself | Full Video #Podcast 348

“Treatments can be game-changers but why don't we prevent disease in the first place? Yes, we should treat disease; that's important but even more important is preventing it. When you talk about prevention, you can't really talk about medicines or drugs; you have to talk about other tools and that's what has brought me to researching food as medicine.” – Dr. William Li

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 348

Internationally recognized medical expert and New York Times Best Selling author of Eat To Beat Disease, Dr. William Li, explains his 5 Health Defense Systems against all disease, what angiogenesis is and why it's so important for our health plus the power of focusing on what healthy foods you already love rather than spending time and energy thinking about the ones you should cut out.

Will the choices you make at your next meal help your body's ability to fight off disease? Or will they weaken it?
Listen and find out what to do next to boost your immune system with Mother Nature's greatest gift: food.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Maybe we shouldn't be looking at what makes diseases different from one another but what makes them common.' – Dr. William Li” quote=”‘Maybe we shouldn't be looking at what makes diseases different from one another but what makes them common.' – Dr. William Li”]

Keith Norris: Bread, Circuses, & Mind Control | Full Video #Podcast 354


“I know very well what propaganda is; I know what thought control is and how to avoid it from having been taught in schools in the military. What we're seeing right now in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic is text-book thought control. The first thing you want to do to break someone down or control them is no. 1 create confusion and no. 2 instill fear…

…What do we have going on right now? Confusion; wear a mask, don't wear a mask…wear a mask, don't wear a mask. They don't know. Social distancing? We don't know; is it 6 feet, 12 feet, 18 feet? Ask anyone on the street right now; what does the CDC say about face masks? Nobody knows. Then they instill fear by putting people in unusual circumstances; what is more unusual than social distancing and mask-wearing? It is textbook mind control. Step back and ask, Is this about health? Or is somebody trying to control me?” – Keith Norris

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 354

CDO & Co-Founder of Paleo f(x), Keith Norris, explains how the government and organizations are instilling confusion and fear to enforce mass mind control, explores how humans are designed to live vs the modern-day American lifestyle, discusses the war going on inside our collective consciousness and unpacks the “bread and circuses” that are present amongst us today in Corporate America.

Are the government lockdowns, CDC guidelines, and face masks about health or is somebody trying to control you?

Discover how to empower yourself and unleash your own health freedom now during COVID-19 and beyond for life. 

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘What is more unusual than social distancing and mask-wearing? It is textbook mind control. Step back and ask, Is this about health? Or is somebody trying to control me?' – @KeithNorris of @PaleoFX” quote=”‘What is more unusual than social distancing and mask-wearing? It is textbook mind control. Step back and ask, Is this about health? Or is somebody trying to control me?' – @KeithNorris of @PaleoFX”]

ION* Gut Health

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ION*Gut Health is a gut-strengthening, brain-boosting mineral supplement sourced from 60-million-year-old soil that naturally supports microbiome balance. The active ingredient, Terrahydrite®, has been shown to support the integrity of tight junctions in the gut lining, even in the face of damage from toxins such as glyphosate.

ION*Gut Health goes beyond other supplements to support your wellbeing at a foundational level. By laying that foundation with ION*Gut Health, you aren’t just supplementing; you're supporting.

Keeping Your Gut Healthy

It’s a critical barrier to keep strong so that a vibrant microbiome can flourish. Good health depends entirely on gut health because a lot more than digestion happens in the gut. It’s also where proper immune system function begins and the majority of our neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, are created.

Say yes to ION*Gut Health and you are saying yes to optimal gut-brain connectivity and feel-good transmissions, protection from the toxins we face every day in our air, water, and food, immune function, digestive wellness, and supported gluten tolerance.

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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Trent Family

Find freedom from chronic stress using your breath.

Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? The BREATHE | Breath & Wellness 21 day guided program was made for you. I created BREATHE after my own dark nights of the soul and years of research traveling the world in search of the truth about self-healing.


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