Wellness + Wisdom Episode 344
Qualified Homeopath and Award-winning Filmmaker of The Greater Good, Leslie Manookian, shares what inspired her to join The Weston A. Price Foundation, shares the truth about asymptomatics and face masks, the global ramifications that will impact us post COVID19, the mass medium manipulation from The Gates Foundation, and what's really going on with COVID19 when we look at the actual data rather than the projections of fear and hype from mainstream news.
Discover the truth about health freedom, COVID19, and flattening the curve.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Virology 101: Disease has a cycle of rising and tapering. COVID19 follows this pattern for 6-8 weeks so this idea to flatten the curve is actually a fallacy because what we're doing isn't affecting it.' – @LeslieManookian ” quote=”‘Virology 101: Disease has a cycle of rising and tapering. COVID19 follows this pattern for 6-8 weeks so this idea to flatten the curve is actually a fallacy because what we're doing isn't affecting it.' – @LeslieManookian “]
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Listen To Episode 344 As Leslie Manookian Uncovers:
[1:30] Vaccines: Good or Bad?
- Leslie Manookian
- The Greater Good
- Dr. Zach Bush
- The Weston A. Price Foundation
- CURED Nutrition
What inspired her to create the movie, The Greater Good, plus its core mission for viewers.
Her life before studying homeopathy while working on Wall Street for companies like Goldman Sachs and never ever questioning the system before including vaccines.
How she was getting sicker and sicker after getting flu shots every year to the point that a medical doctor suggested she seek help from a homeopath or acupuncturist.
Her immediate interest in pursuing an education in homeopathy after seeing how much it changed her life.
- Vaccines Are They Really Safe and Effective? by Neil Z. Miller
How becoming a mother made her look at life and health in a whole different way.
- Wise Traditions Podcast #238 Leslie Manookian – Behind The Coronavirus
How vaccines have impacted the medical community including a doctor whose baby died from them.
Independent experts who have scientifically vetted The Greater Good including an acclaimed pediatrician and a highly respected autoimmunologist.
Her experience working with organizations focused on the mission of health freedom for decades.
[13:00] What Is Really Going On With COVID19
- Looking at the real data of COVID19 rather than the projections, hype, and fear that The Gates Foundation-funded media has been pushing.
Documented programs from the Department of Health & Human Services called Healthy People 2020 (2010 and 2030 as well) that call for the requirement of mass population vaccination.
- Healthy People Initiative
Recent activity such as Event 201 in October 2019 which was funded by Bill Gates and was a cooperative experiment in a coronavirus pandemic with John Hopkins and World Economic Forum.
Discussions happening around pushing forward with tracking and changing laws in order to suspend democracy.
Why it's so important to truly understand the facts about COVID19 so that it's not as frightening as the media makes it out to be.
The actual COVID19 death rate at 0.1% that even Dr. Fauci has shared in the New England Journal of Medicine and in private compared to what he says during press conferences. (15:00)
- Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted by Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.
Where the COVID19 death rate models from 3 to 8% came from including the United Kingdom's Imperial College of London which took about $134 million from the Gates Foundation in the last few years.
- COVID-19: Imperial researchers model likely impact of public health measures
COVID19 death rate numbers (1.7 million people) that came from the Institute of Health Metrics and Valuation of the University of Washington in Bill Gates' hometown of Seattle which received a grant from him of around $229 million or above in 2017.
The fact that The Gates Foundation has been funding the media for a very long time and Bill Gates has used past monopolistic practices to push out any competitors. (16:00)
Funding by The Gates Foundation to as much as $1 billion to the media and $550 million in the WHO Foundation.
[19:30] Is COVID19 A Plandemic or Pandemic?
How it is said that 50% of people in the UK have already had it but those people have no idea because 80% of people in community and family settings have been exposed and developed antibodies against the virus.
The fact t virology 101 tells us that viruses mutate once they begin infecting people and COVID19 has dropped 81 letters in its genetic sequence just like SARS did 17 years ago so it's naturally weakening itself already.
Why COVID19 isn't dangerous to the vast majority of people when you look at who it's truly affecting; those already at risk to the flu: nursing home residents and those who have already received a flu vaccination.
The mass confusion that the media is creating by contradicting themselves and oversaturating the public with information constantly.
Exploring exactly when COVID19 hit the USA. Was it as early as September 2019?
Why it's actually good news that the coronavirus is highly contagious because then millions have people have had it and very few people have died. (23:00)
Unpacking flu statistics including the very low number of people who have actually died from it in recent years.
Comparing COVID19 deaths to the number from other causes such as accidents, heart attacks, domestic violence, and suicide.
- **CORRECTION: Leslie accidentally mismentioned 81, instead of 81,000 regarding the flu.
[25:00] To Wear A Face Mask Or Not
Explaining the seven types of coronavirus that specifically affect humans.
Other types of coronaviruses we've known about for decades: the common cold, SARS, and MERS.
Why the numbers and stats around viruses are already always scary but a virus will always mutate and weaken just like the coronavirus is doing already.
Exploring the two pieces that are used most in fear propagation are face masks and asymptomatic people who might give someone COVID19 without being aware of it.
Why the government is pushing decisions from face masks to lockdowns as if the people are not responsible enough to make decisions. (28:00)
Comparing distance guidelines between CDC which recommends 6 feet and WHO which says 3 feet when COVID19 is not airborne like smallpox and tuberculosis, only the actual droplets are contagious.
Explaining why wearing a face mask actually isn't good for a healthy person. (24:30)
- Can A Mask Really Keep Us Safe?
The psychological implications of wearing face masks and seeing others wearing them.
How people are symbolically being gagged, silenced, and forced into submission by wearing a mask.
Asking the question: Why aren't politicians or those in the media wearing face masks themselves when they are telling us that we should be doing that?
Reasons why she herself will not nor ever wear a mask from health concerns to being the owner of her body and life.
[34:00] Clarity On Asymptomatic & COVID19 Testing
The big picture of our microbiome and that as long as 80% of our bugs are good, they keep out and in check the 20% bad ones.
Unpacking the fact that 1/3 of us are carrying staph in the back of our noses and on our skin yet we're not in fear of it nor in lockdown because of it.
Why healthy people are not having a problem with COVID19 in compared to others such as the 94% in hospitals in New York City and 99% worldwide that had a comorbidity or underlying condition.
How coming into contact with people and things like door handles in public actually give our immunity a boost.
The different tests being used in respect for COVID19: PCR and antibody plus whether they are efficient or not in diagnosing people. (38:00)
Why the creator of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, stated that it should not be used for diagnosing people with COVID19.
- Kary Mullis
The fact that there is no concrete, ‘Hallmark' symptoms with COVID19 compared to something like measles where everyone gets a rash.
Where COVID19 testing went wrong and what they should have done and should be doing instead.
Why the Cleveland Clinic is not using an antibody test for COVID19 because this virus, like the common cold, is ubiquitous and therefore the COVID19 antibodies are already present in high numbers.
[45:00] Mass Media Manipulation In COVID19 Coverage
The importance of just trying to stay calm and breathe during all of this as COVID19 is “no different than the common flu for 99% of the people.”
How the mainstream media is manipulating people by using footage from other events in their COVID19 coverage.
The importance of digging and doing your own research on topics rather than just relying on the mass media networks that have been paid to push stories.
Why the media never created so much hype in the past about whooping cough because 85-100% of the cases in some places were already fully vaccinated compared to how the media approached measles and now COVID19.
False claims Dr. Anthony Fauci has made in testifying at Congress including saying that measles vaccines do not cause brain damage and inflammation when in reality, there is evidence that they do.
Federal court and law including The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 that recognizes that vaccines injure and kill some children.
- The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
[52:30] Why Do Political and Other Authorities Suppress Free Speech?
Exploring the immense amount of censorship on vaccine scientific research from big-name brands including MailChimp, Google, and GoFundMe.
How social media websites from Facebook to YouTube are censoring voices so that we are systematically suppressed.
- Dr. Judy Mikovits
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Questioning why political and other authorities are suppressing free speech when they don't like it and they have something to hide.
- Expanding Power While We Run for Cover
What big tech is doing to censor, manipulate, frighten, and track us.
Unpacking the fact that Bill Gates and his foundation are funding a micro patch vaccine that will leave an invisible mark under your skin which is readable through an infrared app as well as one that will track and connect to your medical and vaccine records.
- Do You Notice a Pattern Here?
- Tightening The Grip?
Questioning why Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci would say, “We don't want to see too many people get the virus,” which is also saying, “We don't want to get to a place where we have natural herd immunity.” (56:30)
Exploring our constitutional rights and how they're being trampled by fear-mongering from the media and politics.
Bill Gates' patent on a Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data.
The fact that Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Health gave the Wuhan Institute of Virology a grant to study coronaviruses and how they, specifically from bats, infect humans.
[1:02:00] The Real Truth About Flattening The Curve
Why we have such a hard time understanding that there are people out there including government officials who might not have our best interest in mind.
Leslie's own waking up when she was in so much disbelief about how vaccines can harm some people.
Other aspects of health suggestions from the government that people might not trust including nutrition, holistic health, acupuncture, and essential oils.
Explaining The Flexner Report which was a Carnegie and Rockefeller funded exercise to discredit natural healing modalities that existed to pave the way for the chemical-based medical paradigm that we now live with.
The fact that it's scary when we realize we can't trust anyone and we have to do our own research but it can also be extremely empowering.
Understanding that there will be more curves to flatten from COVID19 including suicide, poverty, domestic violence, bankruptcy, and more.
Why there is a massive decline in infectious disease mortality (roughly 90%) when public health measures such as washing hands, proper refrigeration, and cleaning up the streets are implemented vs vaccines and antibodies.
[1:11:00] Serious Ramifications From COVID19
Ramifications from suicide to bankruptcy due to COVID19.
Mark Armstrong's economic models for everything in life from climate to disease to economies to political systems.
The incredible amount of people that are and will be out work due to COVID19 and why many cannot even apply for unemployment help because they are working part-time jobs to get by.
How it took 3 years to get to 25% unemployment in the US during the Great Depression but it only took 7 weeks now because of COVID19.
Why coronavirus vaccines are incredibly dangerous and what we've learned about them from SARS vaccine animal testing.
The frightening possible consequences of the FDA permitting fast-tracking the coronavirus vaccine without even doing animal testing first.
Why there is power in asking questions, digging deeper, and doing your own research rather than relying on the mass mainstream media.
The importance of finding media outlets that you can personally trust instead of owned mainstream media outlets.
Fact that 70% of television revenue comes from the pharmaceutical industries and you will not find the truth there. (1:16:00)
Independent media resources that Leslie trusts including Weston A. Price Foundation, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and Just The News.
- Just The News
Why you should join a health freedom group in your state via a search engine other than Google such as DuckDuckGo or Brave.
- DuckDuckGo
- Brave
How Google was censoring searches on topics last year such as homeopathy and how they manipulate people through their search engine optimization.
- Why the World Needs a Google Detox
- Kissinger's post-pandemic world order and the demise of the Chinese Communist Party
Power Quotes From The Show
[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘It's scary that we have to do our own research about health and that we are responsible, but that's also super empowering because it means we're free.' @LeslieManookian of @greatergoodfilm” quote=”‘It's scary that we have to do our own research about health and that we are responsible, but that's also super empowering because it means we're free.' @LeslieManookian of @greatergoodfilm”]
Dr. Fauci's COVID19 New England Journal of Medicine Statement
Health Freedom
Why Is Actual COVID19 Research Being Suppressed?
Links From Today's Show
- Leave Wellness Force a review on iTunes
- CURED Nutrition
- The Greater Good DVD
- Supporting Research And Fact Check For The Greater Good
- The Greater Good Movie Science
- Dr. Zach Bush
- The Weston A. Price Foundation
- Vaccines Are They Really Safe and Effective? by Neil Z. Miller
- Wise Traditions Podcast #238 Leslie Manookian – Behind The Coronavirus
- Health Freedom Idaho
- The Bill & Melissa Gates Foundation
- WHO Members & Partners – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Healthy People 2020
- Healthy People Initiative
- Can A Mask Really Keep Us Safe?
- Kary Mullis
- The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
- Dr. Judy Mikovits
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
- Expanding Power While We Run for Cover
- Do You Notice a Pattern Here?
- Tightening The Grip?
- Just The News
- DuckDuckGo
- Brave
- Why the World Needs a Google Detox
- Kissinger's post-pandemic world order and the demise of the Chinese Communist Party
- How is the World Health Organization funded?
- Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively with forwarding by Robert Jr. F. Kennedy
- California Health Freedom
- This Spiky Patch Could Invisibly Record Vaccination History Under Skin
- Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted by Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.
- COVID-19: Imperial researchers model likely impact of public health measures
- CDC Daily Updates of Totals by Week and State
- Tracking Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Comments On Coronavirus
- C-SPAN User Clip: Dr. Fauci hoping we don't have so many infected that we actually have herd immunity
- CDC data suggests coronavirus may have been in California as early as December
- Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine
- Global vaccine market revenues from 2014 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)*
- M21 Wellness Guide
- Leslie Manookian
- The Greater Good
About Leslie Manookian
Leslie Manookian is an award-winning documentary film producer and writer and former successful Wall Street business executive. She chose to leave Wall Street at the height of her career in order to pursue a more meaningful path. She is also a qualified homeopath, nutrition and wellbeing junky, and a health freedom advocate.
Originally from Idaho, Manookian’s career in finance took her from New York to London with Goldman Sachs. She later became Director of Alliance Capital in London running their European Growth Portfolio Management and Research business. She has been featured in a cover article in Barron’s, in numerous other financial publications, in dozens of TV, radio, print and Internet interviews, and a presenter at numerous conferences.
The Greater Good
She learned of the vaccine debate while living and working in London and determined that one day she would make a documentary exploring the issue. The Greater Good movie is the result.
She is Chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation and advocates for nutrient-dense traditional foods and sustainable farming. She has served on the board, managed or consulted for many organizations in her community. She has been active legislatively, playing a leading role in defeating the extension of a vaccine-tracking registry in Idaho and helping to secure legislation protecting consumer access to raw milk.
She holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and a BA from Middlebury College
The Greater Good Movie Trailer
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