5 Ways to Improve Research Skills As a Nurse

Research skills are essential for any nurse. In an ever-evolving healthcare environment, nurses may stay knowledgeable professionals by efficiently researching the newest treatments and practices and having a broad awareness of their subject. Although certain materials about research methodologies are offered by nursing schools, it is ultimately the responsibility of each practitioner to advance these abilities. These five strategies will help nurses become even more proficient researchers while still delivering top-notch care.

1) Set Clear Goals

Setting clear goals and knowing what you want to achieve will help you focus your efforts and narrow down the scope of your search. You should set small and attainable goals to keep you motivated. For example, instead of saying I want to learn about all of the new developments in nursing, set a goal like I want to learn about three new developments in nursing or read five articles on patient safety. This way, you can track your progress and evaluate how well you have achieved each goal.

2) Stay With Current Research

Nursing practice is always changing due to ongoing breakthroughs and discoveries in the dynamic realm of healthcare. When it comes to current literature, medical journals, and pertinent publications, nurses who are serious about honing their research abilities have to get involved.

Gaining access to a multitude of peer-reviewed publications and studies through subscriptions to respectable medical journals or frequent use of databases such as PubMed guarantees that nurses have the information required to implement evidence-based practices in their clinical settings. Additionally, you may set up an alert system to receive new articles immediately into your inbox as they are published online and pertain to your area of interest.

3) Utilize Online Resources

Numerous online resources provide free access to medical journals, textbooks, databases, and discussion forums. Utilizing these resources can save time by allowing nurses to quickly find relevant information without spending hours searching through books or journals at the library.

Additionally, researching reputable nursing schools online can be an excellent choice if you want to further your education or specialize in a particular area, like leadership. Online programs offer flexibility and allow nurses to continue working while pursuing their academic goals.

4) Participate in Clinical Trials

Clinical trials provide the opportunity to design and conduct research experiments, gain experience with data analysis and statistical software, and present findings at professional conferences and peer-reviewed publications. Clinical studies help advance the nursing profession and offer direct benefits to the nurse participants, such as access to cutting-edge treatments and mentorships with established researchers. Participating in a clinical trial can hone critical thinking skills, develop a broader knowledge base, and enhance resumes and job applications.

5) Network With Other Professionals

A fantastic way to stay up-to-date on the newest developments in medicine and expand your professional network within the healthcare sector is to attend conferences. You can exchange ideas with other individuals and learn from experts in your field to enhance the care you provide for your patients. You can take part in courses that offer practical experience with novel medicines or technologies that aren't commonly utilized in clinical settings just yet.

Also, connecting with colleagues is essential to stay informed about changes in healthcare practices and regulations. Joining nursing organizations or social media groups can help you stay connected with your peers while giving you access to helpful resources like job postings or continuing education opportunities they may not have known otherwise.


For any nurse practitioner, being up to date on the most recent advancements in nursing is crucial. Nurses can gain a deeper grasp of healthcare practices and stay current on trends by using internet resources, attending conferences, interacting with colleagues, and taking part in clinical trials. By doing this, they'll be more equipped to help patients and grow in their jobs.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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