Why Sleep Beats Food For Fat Loss: Harpreet Rai

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 252

CEO of Oura Health Ltd., Harpreet Rai, reveals how sleep can be the secret ingredient to weight loss success, how rest can be a guiding light to help you show up as the best version of yourself, and the direct correlation between lack of sleep and its effect on our hormones, BMI, and emotions.

How can improving your sleeping patterns allow for optimal fat loss, higher energy, faster recovery, and a stronger body?

Discover how you can create the perfect sleeping atmosphere to help get your mental, physical, and emotional health back on track.

Get $50 Off Your Oura Ring Today


Meet The Benefits of Sleep

Sleep is not the boring part between memorable moments. It’s what makes those moments possible. When you sleep, your body and mind regenerate from the stress of the day. And the need for sleep never goes away – especially if you’re pushing yourself creatively, professionally or athletically. Not all heroes wear capes. But they all need sleep.

Did you know the average person may spend more than 26 years of their life sleeping? We say that’s 26 years well spent. Getting enough restorative sleep helps you:

  • Manage weight
  • Stay healthier – longer
  • Perform at your best
  • Be more productive
  • Avoid hangry mistakes

Understand How You Sleep

Understanding how well you slept is the first step toward better sleep. The free Oura app for iOS and Android guides you towards your goal. Click here to get started on prioritizing your sleep with Oura today

Watch How Sleep Beats Food For Fat Loss

[click_to_tweet tweet=”When you get less sleep, you're doing a disservice to your future self. When you do that, you're making an active choice to not show up and be the best version of yourself that you can be. – CEO of @ouraring, Harpreet Rai ” quote=”When you get less sleep, you're doing a disservice to your future self. When you do that, you're making an active choice to not show up and be the best version of yourself that you can be. – CEO of @ouraring, Harpreet Rai”]

Improve Sleep. Perform Better.

Listen To Episode 252 As Harpreet Rai Uncovers:

  • How Oura is helping people with their weight loss progress through tracking and teaching them about their sleep status.
  • The guilt he first faced when leaving work to go exercise and how he got over that feeling.
  • Three barriers we face that keep us from focusing on our health: time, money, and guilt.
  • How the Oura ring acts as a mirror of mindfulness to help us keep showing up in life.
  • Alarming amount of Americans that are currently taking medication for sleep
  • How social media, smartphones, and even Netflix are amplifying our stress and anxiety which then leads us to poor sleeping habits.
  • Little amount of sleep he was getting a night at 4 hours while being an investment banker and how that led to gaining a pound each week.

Learn More About Quality Sleep

  • Importance of starting our day at the exact same time every morning and being exposed to sunlight throughout the day.
  • How self-monitoring our sleep patterns can be just what we need to help change our behavior and habits.
  • Wellness journey of one Oura ring user and how cutting out the 4 o'clock coffee helped him go back to a normal sleep cycle.
  • Latency feature of the Oura ring that tells you how long it takes you to fall asleep and why you shouldn't be falling asleep right away.
  • How breath is integrated into Oura and the technology aspect with the respiration rate.
  • Why they chose a ring as their product from both a comfort and accuracy standpoint.
  • How no single wearable is 100% accurate but the most important thing to consider is precision in the day to day data.
  • They've designed the Oura ring to be very accurate in its precision to help the individual track their sleep and health.
  • Results Oura users have seen reflected in their data when they've made changes to create a better sleeping atmosphere.
  • 5 senses change when we're sleeping and how to create your best night's sleep experience.
  • Benefits of relaxing and stretching before bed that we don't normally consider.
  • Oura can lead the charge in conversations about personal development through the use of mindfulness and wellness technology.

Power Quotes From The Show

[click_to_tweet tweet=”If you don't measure something, how does it get mastered? But is sleep the be all end all? No; I think there are so many things we need to do to be great humans and sleep is a great place to start.- CEO of @ouraring, Harpreet Rai” quote=”If you don't measure something, how does it get mastered? But is sleep the be all end all? No; I think there are so many things we need to do to be great humans and sleep is a great place to start.- CEO of @ouraring, Harpreet Rai”]

Addiction To Phones

“Addiction to our phones and social media has completely amplified our poor sleeping habits. Our stress and anxiety are leading to poor nutrition and weight gain. We can't sleep well if we're being pulled in different directions by every notification that pops up on our phones.” – Harpreet Rai

Deep Sleep

“When people start to see personal data that pertains to themselves, they begin to question those findings. You might ask yourself, ‘Why am I not getting any deep sleep?' and then you seek answers from other Oura users, podcasts, or books. Once you just start to see the data becoming personal, you'll start to reflect, change habits, and notice patterns.” – Harpreet Rai

The Internet Affect On Sleep

“If you rewind thirty or forty years ago and before the Internet, we probably used to be able to naturally tell whether or not we got a good's night rest and feel the difference. We used to feel and think about our sleeping patterns a lot more but now we're so distracted and I don't think we have time to feel. Now that we're busier than ever, it's harder for us to take the time to concentrate on what our bodies are telling us and therefore, tracking makes more sense now than it ever did before. Tracking holds you accountable as you start to look at the data and ask yourself simple questions that can lead to lifestyle changes.” – Harpreet Rai

Measure Sleep

“If you don't measure something, how does it get mastered? But is sleep the be all end all? No; I think there are so many things we need to do to be great humans and sleep is a great place to start. If you don't sleep properly, it's probably going to be harder to eat better, exercise more, and just be a good human being. Sleep sets you up on the right track to succeed.” – Harpreet Rai

252 Why Sleep Beats Food For Fat Loss_ Harpreet Rai WELLNESS FORCE RADIO PODCAST

Sleep Better:

“Once you start addressing and tracking your sleep, you can start prioritizing everything else. Your mood and energy will increase, and if your goal is losing weight, quality sleep will support faster recovery and better strength for overall fitness performance.” – Harpreet Rai

Links From Today's Show

About Oura Health

Oura Health Ltd. is a Finnish health technology company founded in 2013. Oura is the world's first wellness ring and app that shows how your body responds to your lifestyle by analyzing your sleep, activity levels, daily rhythms and the physiological responses in your body. Personalized for you, Oura guides you towards better sleep, recovery, and readiness to perform. Oura has users in over 60 countries, and several top universities, research organizations, sleep clinics, and companies are utilizing the data and insights Oura provides.

CES Award

In addition to the CES 2016 Best of Innovation Award, Oura Health has received among others the Fitness Award of the American Women's Health Magazine in May 2016. In 2017, Oura Health was selected as the Best Health/Lifestyle Startup in Finland at the Nordic Startup Awards. Oura Health Ltd.'s HQ and major manufacturing facilities are located in Oulu, Finland. Other locations include Helsinki and San Francisco. For more information, visit www.ouraring.com.

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? The BREATHE | Breath & Wellness 21 day guided program was made for you. I created BREATHE after my own dark nights of the soul and years of research traveling the world in search of the truth about self-healing.


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