Preventing a New Year Cold

Preventing a New Year ColdIs there anything worse than starting out the new year feeling stuffy and sick with a cold for weeks? You are supposed to go into a new year feeling optimistic about the days ahead, not sore, in pain and stuck with the world’s most never-ending runny nose. You are supposed to be comfortable and not sneeze your way to work with a tissue-laden pocket.

Instead of feeling sick and staying in bed all day long, you should be able to breathe easily and comfortably and the only way to do that is to work on preventative measures that will put you back in the driver’s seat. From stocking up on cold and flu medicines at Medino Pharmacy to ensuring that your diet is in the right place, let’s take a look at how you can prevent your year starting off with a cold. Oh, and so we don't forget: bless you!

  • Make sure that you are washing your hands. We all know that we're supposed to wash our hands after using the bathroom before we eat our meals, but if you are also sneezing and coughing, making sure that you give your hands a wash between touching other things and catching a sneeze is important. Wash your hands with soap and water and carry antibacterial gel with you at all times.
  • Keep as hydrated as possible. If you want to make sure that you prevent a cold from coming on, then you need to make sure that your daily water intake is still above average. In the cold weather we don't often feel thirsty as much, so we don't drink as much water, but if you are dehydrated, you're going to find it much harder to recover from being sick. If you want to stay healthy drink at least 2 liters of water a day to keep hydrated and have soup or bone broth to keep your fluids level up.
  • Look at your diet. A healthy and well balanced diet during the silly season is not always easy to come by. But moving into the new year, you want to make sure that you're eating food with an ample amount of nutrients to keep you healthy. Their attention to vitamin D and zinc intake levels as well, because these are the nutrients that will boost your immunity and reduce your risk of falling sick.
  • Make sure that you are sleeping enough. Depending on your circumstances isn't it may not be easy to come by, but you need to be able to fight and prevent infections and that's easier to do when you have enough sleep. When you get quality sleep at night time, your body will produce the right cytokines and these are the proteins that target inflammation and infections. Aim for seven hours at a minimum to keep your immune system going.
  • Get moving. A good way to help to prevent a cold is to move your body. It helps the immune cells to travel more quickly as you improve your circulation, and you'll feel better for it anyway.

About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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