Using Viagra the Right Way

Viagra is usually taken by men struggling with erectile dysfunction. It is a common medication that generated around $500 million in revenue in 2019. Every person deserves bodily autonomy, which is why it’s essential that you know what you are getting into when you take this product.

It is vital that you consult your doctor, and that you read the Viagra directions so that you are well informed about potential side effects or risks. In this article, we’ll break down the right way to use Viagra for your safety and well-being.

What Is Viagra?

Belonging to a drug group called phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, the drug active in Viagra is called sildenafil, while Viagra is just a brand name. Viagra is available in the form of tablets taken orally. It is not a product that you have to take every day.

How to Take Viagra

Using Viagra the Right WayViagra is the most effective when it is taken around 60 minutes prior to sexual activity. After you ingest it, it takes its time to start metabolizing in the body and then becomes active for long enough for you to engage in sexual intercourse. It essentially produces an erectile response in correspondence to sexual stimulation for a duration of four to five hours after taking it. However, if you experience that it is not lasting long enough or taking a long time to work, it’s a good idea to consult your prescriber about modifying your dosage.

Should You Take Viagra With Alcohol and Food?

Whether it’s drinking a lot of alcohol or eating a large meal at a similar time frame as taking Viagra, you should be aware that the more your gut has to work at digestion and the longer it’ll take to metabolize this drug. It is okay to eat before taking Viagra, but you should try to limit the amount of food you’re eating.

Keep your alcohol intake before taking the drug minimal as well. Though alcohol does not directly mix with the drug, it can reduce your responsiveness to arousal, making it difficult for you to get an erection. Studies as far back as 1976 showed that while a low level of alcohol in the system didn’t have a notable effect on male sexual performance, a large amount, such as 1.5 to 1.8 ml per body weight kg, did result in a significant effect on sexual response.

What Is the Dosage?

It is recommended to take only one Viagra tablet in a 24-hour time period. If you feel like taking just one tablet is not working effectively for you, you should talk to the professional who has prescribed the drug to you so they can increase your dose as needed. If you are indulging in taking more than three tablets weekly, it’s better to shift to a different medicine.

Warnings and Side Effects

There are certain medicines you should not mix with Viagra, as they can have dangerous consequences. If you’re using a nitrate drug for chest pains or heart problems or are indulging in recreational drugs such as amyl nitrate or butyl nitrate, you should not take Viagra. Taking these drugs together can lead to an immediate and severe decrease in your blood pressure.

If your erection is painful or lasting longer than four hours, immediately get in touch with your doctor or get emergency medical attention. This also applies if you experience sudden vision loss.

Your doctor should be well informed about any medicine you are currently taking before prescribing Viagra to you. Moreover, some common Viagra side effects include headaches or dizziness, insomnia, muscle pain, an upset stomach, and nosebleeds.


It is becoming easier to buy Viagra online without having to wait in pharmacy lines and by consulting a doctor on the phone who can provide you with a prescription online. An active and healthy sex life is an integral part of holding loving space in a relationship as well as for your mental and physical well-being. When used carefully and with the right dosage, products like Viagra can help boost your sexual performance and reduce the anxiety you might be experiencing regarding your sexual health.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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