Unbeatable Mind Retreat: Life Changing Practices

This past week, Mark Divine hosted the 2nd annual Unbeatable Mind Retreat in Encinitas, CA from December 2nd-6th at La Costa Resort & SEALFIT headquarters.

Among the athletes, mentors, coaches, and speakers were some of the most sought after *personalities in the fields of health science, medicine, fitness, and wellness.

Over 100 attendees from around the world including Ireland, Australia, and the contiguous United States came together in personal development for a week of advanced training in yoga, breath-work, fitness, nutrition, and cultivating mental forte.

Throughout the retreat, the UM pulse and mantra of “Forging Mental Toughness” could be strongly felt, but as myself and many would soon learn, being tough is less about how much physical pain you can endure and more about developing a personal ethos- grounded in values that strengthen your purpose.

In 5 days of inspiring lectures, varied workouts, and world class psychological training, participants made new friendships while shedding old self-limiting beliefs. Beyond detailed workbooks and fond memories, all attendees took home a new toolset for success in personal and professional endeavors for 2015.

It was clear when the dust settled that whether you're a civilian or service member, a mother of 3 who wants her body back, or even an athlete looking for accelerated training results, the Unbeatable Mind Retreat delivers.

Mark Divine & SEALFIT

Commander Mark DivineSEAL FIT Unbeatable Mind - www.wellnessforce.com has the mind and body of a warrior with the heart of a yogi. From Navy SEAL to multi-million dollar serial entrepreneur and best-selling author, he teaches his game-changing mental, emotional, spiritual, intuitional, and physical toughness techniques to the world.

What's special about the SEALFIT headquarters is that it is truly a family affair. Administration and operations are run by the Divine family, including Mark's step-daughters Catherine, Cindy, and wife Sandy; all whom work hard and give back to the Encinitas community.

Another highlight is the UM curriculum: designed to help you create the strongest version of yourself. With this original program, now anyone can take charge of their destiny in business, home, and everyday life.

From training with numerous coaches and professional fitness mentors in the last decade, I can speak with confidence in saying that Coach Divine's methods are unique and highly effective.

A Day In The Life Of The Unbeatable Mind Retreat

The storyline of the Warrior Yoga Retreat blending into the Unbeatable Mind session lectures, workouts, and mental toughness training reads much like a wellness enthusiast's dream:

Starting the day with exercise for a beach workout, WOD at HQ, or even Qi Gong, you're then shuttled back to eat a healthy breakfast at the La Costa Resort, the #1 wellness spa in the  nation. Right after mingling with the SEALFIT staff, you soak up valuable lessons during the morning lectures given by top leaders and presenters in the industry.

Making your way out to the large sundeck overlooking the golf course, you experience a Warrior Yoga class taught by Catherine Divine. She sings to you as you lie in Savasana. (Yes, her voice is amazing)

After an invigorating lunch, you learn about the 5 Mountains: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intuitional, and Kokoro (Heart & Spirit) that together, create a foundation for all walks of life who are seeking breakthroughs in their mental, physical, and spiritual development.

Your day ends with an expert panel discussion towards how to personally integrate these lessons into your life-practice, followed by Mark Divine's closing remarks and a powerfully clearing Box Breathing visualization exercise.

Developing Your Personal Ethos – A Call To Action

Robert Schoultz had mentioned in his lecture on finding your why that a personal ethos is like “a handrail that leads us into the fog of life.”

My experience at the Unbeatable Mind retreat culminated with a personal call to action of being at peace and staying in focus of the present moment, how ever blissful or difficult it may be.

What will your experience be?

We do today what others won't so we can do tomorrow what others can't – Mark Divine

Discover more

about Unbeatable Mind Retreats at www.sealfit.com/sealfit-events

Unbeatable Mind Speakers

– Fueling Your five Mountain Journey

How to go beyond the Paleo diet and rebuilding your gut and micro-biome, eating for optimum digestion, recovery and energy- no matter how intense you train, and the #1 mistake most most athletes make when embarking on new nutritional regimen.

Dr. Kirk Parsley – America's Biggest Problem

Why sleep and photoperiod considerations are more important than food and exercise, how sleep debt not only accelerates aging but can literally kill you, and the 3 ways to fix your sleep crisis and maximize your rejuvenation during sleep.

Ben Greenfield – Biohacking an Unbeatable Environment

How to hack your office, home, gym and environment to create an unbeatable body and mind, why temperature fluctuations, electromagnetic fields, workplace ergonomics, chemicals and nutraceuticals either slowly kill you or make you stronger, and how to tweak your environment to achieve the latter.

Robert Schoultz – Developing a Personal Ethos

Why having a clear, personal ethos will transform your entire life, using your ethos to create clarity and strength about your key decisions, and the #1 secret to becoming the powerful leader you were born to be.

Mark Divine – The First Premise of the Unbeatable Mind

Win in the mind before entering the arena, “What wolf are you feeding?”, maintaining a vigilant awareness of our thoughts we call “Witnessing,” locking in the performance zone, anchoring, focusing on the present moment, and maintaining the positive, powerful state with mantras.

Sky & Tamara Christopherson – Data Not Drugs

The quantified self and how to tap into 20 X results in all areas, legal ethical athletic performance secrets that work better than drugs, and designing your own trading protocol that “self optimizes” over time.

Dr. Natasha Vita-More – Human Enhancement, Life Extension & Unbeatable Mind

What “transhumanism” is and why it has profound implications for your health, the best ways to slow, or even reverse, the aging process in the shortest time possible and tapping into the “future” to create the richest, most fulfilling life possible.

Panel Discussions

Micheal Ostrolenk, Jeff Grant, Chriss Smith, Robin BrownJoin the conversation on Twitter!@UnbeatableLife  #UnbeatableMind14About the author: Josh Trent,

NASM-CES, CPT, HLC, is a corrective exercise specialist and participatory sports technology expert with over 9 years in the fitness industry. His passion is to accelerate wellness evolution through the power of the Digital Health and Quantified Self movements. You can follow him on Twitter @wellnessforce, or through his website www.wellnessforce.com.


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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Trent Family

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Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? The BREATHE | Breath & Wellness 21 day guided program was made for you. I created BREATHE after my own dark nights of the soul and years of research traveling the world in search of the truth about self-healing.


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