BMW or Beauty? Guest Blogger Morgan Hill

BMW or Beauty?

I thought the BMW would grab peoples attention! It grabbed mine 4 years ago! Well working so many hours to afford a place in Little Italy and never home but to sleep and so annoyed that I felt like I needed something to show for all my hard work…Yup that's her above. But I had no true time, time for friends, connection, and things that really mattered to me…just to let an apartment on India St sit cold & empty.

BMW or Beauty?

Well on my journey I have realized many things and among those things sharing stories is one. I hope my story will help you. I have dreams and plans of writing a book one day of all the little details. At the age of 29 loosing nearly $85,000 cash with the economic downturn and every dime I have ever saved since I was 16 and how that made me feel, how it stripped me of everything and yet how I learned that money does not define us. How we are truly and authentically filled by the connection of other people and that is what people really HUNGER for. Nothing is more important than giving someone your time, not a text message or an email but your TRUE attention and time. Making the decision to give up these things so I would have time for what matters, my passion for people, love and skin care. My duty to share the knowledge that I have and serve others was a calling too strong to ignore. I truly believe that we can have both but we must first see the beauty and meaning of what life really is.

My Journey…

Sweet Memories and wonderful lessons=UMM Priceless but it cost me :))

True connection…

Having time to make your family a meal=Priceless

Making a new Bride feel beautiful for her Groom=Priceless

Spending time with your Brother and showing him the ropes to not make the same mistakes I did=Priceless

Blissing out and in the Raw after 72 hours of meditation away from sensory distraction=Priceless

The new and improved MoMo=Priceless

Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind and the ability to master the mind into the present moment of not thinking about the past or worrying about the future=PRICELESS!!! :)))

Everything we do or say has the ability to affect the whole: imagine how powerful that is.

Morgan is a PCA Skin Professional with a BA in Business Management as well as Licensed Esthetician since 2001. She specializes in Ayurvedic skincare and holistic healing. Her journey started within her own skin and health concerns years ago and after achieving optimal health, has a passion to help others improve their beauty and vitality every day. “I Love the outdoors and anything active! Fitness, health, beauty, & lots of lip-gloss!! Appreciating today, creating your own happiness and always serving others. Organic living, Properties of tea, writing, and Ayurvedic principles! Always sharing the knowledge you have learned to better others lives.” –Morgan Hill – Website


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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