HigherDOSE Products For Your Wellness + Discount Code For 15% Off

HigherDOSEProducts are perfect for your wellness needs! The HigherDOSE PEMF Mat, Red Light Face Mask, Sauna Blanket, and Infrared Sauna can help improve circulation, increase collagen production, reduce inflammation and pain, detoxify the body, and improve sleep quality.

Give yourself the gift of better health with HigherDOSE products! Learn more about how to use HigherDOSE Products for your wellness below.

  1. Infrared PEMF mat – this mat uses pulsed electromagnetic field therapy to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing
  2. Red light face mask – this mask uses red LED lights to boost collagen production and improve skin tone
  3. Sauna blanket – this blanket uses infrared heat to help detoxify the body, improve circulation, and relieve pain
  4. Infrared sauna – this sauna uses infrared heat to promote relaxation, improve skin health, and boost immunity

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1. HigherDOSE PEMF Mat

higherdose infrared pemf matIf you’re in need of physical and emotional healing, the HigherDOSE PEMF mat may be the answer you’ve been looking for.

By using pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, this therapeutic mat helps to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing in a natural and non-invasive way.

The calming effects of the HigherDOSE PEMF mat can be further enhanced with other treatments such as a red light face mask, sauna blanket, and infrared sauna.

All of these treatments combined create an optimal relaxation experience that will help your body and mind heal on a deep level.

2. Red Light Face Mask

Red Light Face Mask: Rejuvenate Your Skin With HigherDOSEA red light face mask is an innovative way to improve skin tone and promote collagen production. Utilizing the power of advanced LED technology, this red light treatment provides a medical-grade facial that can reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging.

It has anti-inflammatory effects throughout the body, making it an ideal part of a workout recovery routine. In addition to using a red light face mask for skin care and wellness, incorporating a PEMF mat, sauna blanket, or infrared sauna into your routine will further enhance its efficacy as you strive to look and feel your best.

3. Sauna Blanket

higherdose sauna blanket infraredA sauna blanket is a perfect way to deeply relax, physically and mentally. By using infrared heat technology it helps the body detoxify, increase circulation, and reduce pain naturally.

As a form of passive exercise, it can help reduce stress levels while improving the quality of sleep. Moreover, its use can be enhanced when used in combination with therapies such as a PEMF mat, a red light face mask, or an infrared sauna for an even deeper experience.

Integrating these items into one's wellness regimen is becoming increasingly popular due to their many benefits – from improved muscle recovery to increased energy levels and more – leading people towards a healthier lifestyle in today’s world.

4. Infrared Sauna

higherdose infrared saunaInfrared sauna therapy is a great way to relax, improve your skin health and even boost your immunity. This type of sauna uses infrared heat to penetrate deeply into the body’s tissues, promoting relaxation while also increasing blood circulation and stimulating the body’s natural detoxification process.

In addition to experiencing many of the benefits associated with traditional sauna sessions, infrared saunas heat up much more quickly than steam or dry saunas.

The pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) mat, red light face mask, sauna blanket, and infrared sauna from HigherDOSE can help you get the most out of your infrared experience by providing even further healing properties that range from reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair to improving skin elasticity.

Special Discount Code For The Wellness + Wisdom Community

Incorporating products that use these four technologies into our regular daily routines can drastically improve our overall health and well-being.

The HigherDOSE PEMF mat uses pulsed electromagnetic field therapy to target inflammation and promote circulation. The red light face mask helps boost collagen production and soothe skin.

Meanwhile, the sauna blanket and infrared sauna both combine to detoxify the body, improve circulation, reduce pain, help the skin look younger, relax muscles, and even boost immunity.

All of this can be accomplished in our own homes with the right technology! Make your wellness a priority today and join the revolution with HigherDOSE.

Save 15% on HigherDOSE ’s #1 Selling Sauna Blanket, Infrared PEMF Mat, and Red Light Face Mask ONLY at JoshTrent.com/HigherDOSE with code “JOSH15” (link + code must be used together for discount).


About Mar

Mar is a trilingual Content Manager and wellness enthusiast who combines her professional skills, creativity, and multiple years of self-development with a dedication to helping people thrive and live a liberated life.

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