How Long Does It Take To Have Dental Veneers?

There's nothing wrong with trying to improve one's smile. While practicing good oral health can be helpful, there are some things that regular toothbrushing cannot resolve. A quick way you can improve your smile is by using dental veneers.

What Are Dental Veneers?

How Long Does It Take To Have Dental Veneers?Dental veneers are a thin layer of material that goes over your teeth' front part, which helps expose your beautiful smile. With veneers, you can hide what your actual teeth look like but instead give off the finish you want to achieve. They can conceal your tooth's imperfection and give you a picture-perfect smile without anyone knowing what's under the thin layer. 

How Long Does It Take?

Now that you're interested in having one for yourself, you may be wondering how long it takes to get one made. If you're observing a strict deadline to achieve a perfect smile for a special event, then knowing the dental veneer timeline would be a great way to make it happen. 

On average, the complete process of dental veneers takes around three weeks or longer, depending on the appearance of the dental veneers. Once the patients see how their final veneers look, they may want to adjust if they are too light or dark. 

The Process Of Having Dental Veneers

As the duration of the dental veneer application is something you can work with, it's in your best interest to learn as much as possible about the process. Remember that you won't be visiting the dental office and expecting everything to happen in just one day, as there are some observations and preparations they need to do. To thoroughly understand, here are some of the most basic procedures that'll occur before your dental veneer appointment:

  • Consultation

The first thing you'll have to do when deciding to have dental veneers is getting a consultation with your dentist. Unfortunately, not everyone can be a candidate for veneers, especially if oral issues are present in one's mouth. They can suggest if there are some other alternatives you might want to consider or if a dental crown would be the perfect choice for your teeth. 

During your consultation, your dentist will thoroughly check your mouth for any issues, such as infection, tooth decay, or gum disease. While it could be tempting to cover up a decayed tooth with veneers, doing so might cause further damage to the teeth next to it, so it's better to get rid of the tooth altogether. Depending on your tooth's position, some dentists might take X-rays of your mouth to be sure. 

  • Tooth Preparation

Once you're clear for dental veneers, your next visit would be about preparing your tooth to create an impression to be sent out to the laboratory. The lab would then create your veneers, which could take one to two weeks, depending on how many they’ll be making, what type of veneers you’ll need, and their current workload. 

During the tooth preparation, your dentist will lightly scrape a small layer of your tooth's enamel, which allows for better impression results. While it might sound invasive, most patients experience little to no discomfort during scraping. You can ask for anesthesia if you feel uncomfortable with the process. 

  • Temporary Veneer Placement

After your dentist assesses your mouth, they'll place temporary veneers on your tooth. This will help protect your teeth as a thin layer of its enamel won't grow back. This can make your teeth more sensitive and vulnerable. So, adding a temporary veneer can help to protect your teeth until your final veneer arrives and is ready for installation. 

While waiting for your permanent veneers and working with your temporary ones, you need to be careful with what you put into your mouth. Avoid putting too much pressure when brushing your teeth and eating hard foods. During this time, try to chew on the different areas of your teeth or switch to softer foods, such as fish or mashed potato.

  • Final Veneer Attachment

Once the laboratory makes your veneers, they'll send them back to your dentist for attachment. Your dentist will replace your temporary veneers with your final ones during your appointment. They'll use bonding cement to secure your final veneers, allowing for longer adherence to your teeth. They'll use special tools to remove any excess adhesive that peeks through the side of your tooth.

Depending on the final veneer's shape, some might require reshaping or adjustments. But they'll be something they can do on-site, so you don't have to do a revisit. Once your veneers are firmly attached, you can return home and enjoy your new beautiful smile. 

Care And Maintenance Guide

How Long Does It Take To Have Dental Veneers?As soon as your veneers are attached, you should provide extra care and precaution to help extend their lifespan and keep them in their best shape. That said, here are some ways to care for and maintain your veneers:

  • Continue To Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Even if your tooth is covered with veneers, skipping good oral hygiene is not an excuse. After attaching your veneers, you should practice good oral hygiene, such as brushing twice daily and flossing at night. However, switch your toothbrush to something non-abrasive so you don't damage your veneers.

  • Avoid Chewing Excessively

While veneers are durable, they can still chip or break, especially when exposed to intense chewing. Even if you can eat your regular foods, it's best to avoid chewing excessively, especially on the area of your teeth where you had your veneers. You can avoid chewing gum or cutting your food into smaller portions to prevent chewing excessively. 

  • Flush Out Stains

Even if your veneers aren't natural, they can still catch stains, especially when you don't flush them out after each consumption. To avoid discoloration of your veneers, you should flush out what you eat and drink with water. This goes for your coffee and red wines. 

  • Protect From Physical Damage

If you're going to get involved with contact sports, it's highly encouraged that you protect your teeth to avoid any possible damage. You can save your veneers by wearing a mouthpiece during your actual game or practice. It might look too excessive, but it'll guarantee the safety of your veneers, especially if you paid a high price for them. 

  • Visit Dentist Regularly

One of the best ways to protect and care for your veneers is by visiting your dentist every six months to check your overall mouth's condition. This allows them to see the health of your teeth and see if there are some things you need to give attention to. They'll help extend your veneers' lifespan by checking for any issues. 

It may take time to find one that you can trust like Fab Dental.


Dental veneers are an excellent option for those who want to enhance the visual appeal of their smile. As you find out how long the process takes, you might be interested in the procedure and how you'll be able to take good care of it. With proper care and maintenance, you can turn your three weeks of preparation into years of enjoyment, allowing you to have the perfect smile. 


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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