5 Tools How to Incorporate Social-Emotional Learning in Your Classroom

5 Tools How to Incorporate Social-Emotional Learning in Your ClassroomAs we hear about social-emotional learning, we might instantly think about the ways to incorporate it in the classroom environment. The trick here, however, is to use it not only for written or verbal assignments but also for those cases when extracurricular activity is involved. Since the talk goes on communication and the emotional constituent, it is essential to help students feel that they belong and can connect emotionally to what is being learned. After all, it is the ultimate goal that must be achieved. As teachers turn to CMS tools to keep everyone in touch, there are also simpler tools that will only require planning and dedication!

5 Tools How To Incorporate Social-Emotional Learning In Your Classroom

1. Provide Students With More Control.

If you truly want to connect with your students on a deeper emotional level, let them know how challenging and unique your work as a teacher is. It can be achieved easily by giving students more control to help them belong. Let them take authoritative roles, ask for their opinion, and let them form the lessons as they learn. It will become a great cooperation project where everyone is special and important. Most importantly, it also teaches them to be more responsible and thoughtful!

2. Apply Social Media In Your Learning.

While it is still relatively new in the academic community, turning to social media has numerous benefits as you start school groups, participate in social projects, charity, follow blogs that are restricted to certain people (no bullying), and much more. As for the older students, they can research various subjects by exploring information online as they gather first-hand information. The teachers can also use social media to connect with the students and learn all the latest social media trends to understand all the chatter that goes around among the students!

3. Focus On Team Projects.

5 Tools How to Incorporate Social-Emotional Learning in Your ClassroomDo not ignore working with team projects where every student can be assigned certain roles based on their academic merits and unique skills. It will not only make them feel safe as they learn but will also provide them with additional analysis skills as they share what they can. As the other students see that everyone is right where they belong, they will cooperate in a more emotional way and will communicate differently as there will be no pressure or harassment of any kind.

4. Start Unique Research Exploration.

Another great tool to incorporate social-emotional learning is getting the students engaged in their own research based on a certain subject. It may be a mixture of written assignments and verbal tasks that will include presentations and analysis of case study writing or dealing with information that has been encountered independently. If you are one of the students who find it challenging, it is always possible to receive additional assistance by turning to the best website for assignment writing for tasks like topic selection or proofreading. This way you can always stay on the safe side!

5. Global Learning Strategies.

As an educator or as a student, you can make a proposal to your school about global cooperation or exchange with foreign schools. Since we are living in a global community, it would only be natural to learn about different cultures and ways of life. It will help to connect emotionally with the rest of the world as foreign languages and cultures are being explored. If you have multilingual students, they can act as linguistic mediators!

Even Remote Learning Must Work For Students’ Benefit

Since the majority of students these days are forced to learn remotely or face a complex mixture of in-class activities and online learning, it is still possible to incorporate SEL in a digital scenario. It can be achieved by using various surveys and online blogging, which will add some interaction to any learning process. For example, you can think of starting a survey before your Zoom session starts or let students approach the Quizlet app to create something special each time by using their unique skills. Be it creative writing or recording audio clips and dinos or something more complex (for college students), it will ensure that no one is left behind!


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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