Why Therapy Is Essential In Treating Addiction

Drug and alcohol misuse can be difficult to escape for many individuals. Different psychological and physical factors often influence people who fall prey to such habits in their lives. In many cases, dependence on drugs, alcohol, or other substances is considered an easier way to cope with a bad environment or experience.

Those who want to turn their lives around and recover from their addiction often try to stop consuming whatever substance they’ve misused. However, sudden changes in the body can cause severe withdrawal symptoms, which eventually result in relapse.

Why Therapy Is Essential In Treating Addiction Simply addressing the physical aspects of addiction won’t ensure that an individual won’t return to their old ways. This is why treatments for this problem often incorporate Newgate therapists or counseling in order to get to the root of a person’s addiction. It’s considered a holistic approach that may help reduce the chances of relapse in the long run. 


Why Is Counseling Needed?  

Getting over an addiction is a long process that requires dedication and commitment. A person who’s rehabilitating will experience many hardships, especially when dealing with the physical aspect of therapy. Withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or even hallucinations may persist until the body is thoroughly cleansed of toxic substances.

Going through all of those would be too challenging to handle if a person doesn’t have a support system. That’s why many places like California Rehab offer their assistance to those who want to turn over a new leaf.

Counseling and group sessions are often included in many rehabilitation programs to help people cope with their condition better. Participating in those activities can enlighten an individual on the causes of their addiction and provide advice on how to escape the cravings or cues that urge the use of substances.

Doing so may also help address other potential causes of dependence, such as trauma, mental health conditions, and poor environment. Tackling those matters may bring clarity to a person’s situation and result in a more successful recovery.  

Should You Seek Therapy?  

If you’re trying to get better but seem to find it challenging to stay consistent, seeking therapy may be a good option. Talking to someone about your condition might help you get a load off your mind and focus on your goals.

Discussing your triggers and finding out how you can avoid or address them will make it easier for you to manage your health once you’re out of rehab. There may also be other factors contributing to your condition that you’re unaware of and need to be sorted out so you won’t end up relapsing.

Of course, having the courage to change your life doesn’t come easily. Taking the first step to recovering from addiction is often the hardest part, especially when you don’t know where to go. If you’re serious about getting better, turning to one of the top drug rehab centers in California can be the best course of action you can take if you live in the area. Finding a facility known to provide quality care will make you and your family more at ease throughout the rehabilitation process.

Types Of Therapy  

There are many types of counseling methods used in treating addiction. The ways of addressing the condition’s psychological aspects vary since each person deals with their problems differently. Here are the most common therapy methods you can try:

  • Individual Counseling  

This type of therapy is a one-on-one session with an expert. It can help you if you have other mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder that may require a separate drug addiction treatment.  

Your therapist can recommend activities to you so you can cope with your recovery better. Finding a hobby and engaging in physical activity or meditation are additional steps you can take to help you veer away from substance misuse.

  • Group Therapy 

You’re probably already familiar with this type of approach if you’ve experienced participating in a support group. During group therapy, you sit down with people who are undergoing the same experience as you. These types of sessions provide an opportunity for those who can’t seem to find the emotional support they need to overcome their condition.

Having people around you who share the same goal may help encourage you to strive for complete recovery. You may find it more encouraging to change your ways when you know that you’re not alone in your journey.

  • Residential Treatment  

This type of treatment works by separating you from the environment that led you to consume drugs or alcohol excessively. If you choose this type of treatment, you’ll be required to stay in a facility specializing in rehabilitation for weeks or months.

Throughout your therapy, you’ll be taught new habits or coping strategies to handle external triggers that urge you to go back to your old ways.  

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  

Choosing this type of therapy will help you learn how to recognize the triggers that fuel your cravings. A therapist will guide you and help you get in touch with your emotions, thoughts, and mood, which can influence your decision-making process when confronted with a particular addictive substance.

You’ll learn how to replace those feelings with positive ones so you can stay clean even after your rehabilitation ends. Cognitive behavioral therapy will teach you skills that can last a lifetime, making it a powerful method in addressing addiction.

  • Family Therapy  

Your addiction can also significantly affect your loved ones. When you succumb to substance misuse, your family also goes through a hard time. In some cases, familial ties are a factor in an individual’s addiction. This is why it’s vital to involve your relatives when you want to recover.  

This type of therapy can help you build a better relationship with your family. It’ll also educate the people around you on how to better assist you throughout the process of recovery. Having someone to rely on during the most difficult times of your life can help you manage your condition and lessen your risk of relapse.  

Final Thoughts  

Addiction should be considered as a chronic illness and not a way of life. Being open about it helps create an opportunity to seek treatment and get better. By recognizing that this condition is treatable, a person who suffers from addiction can receive all the assistance they need to heal and recover. Seeking medical assistance and support from knowledgeable people about this problem can help you get your life back on track. 


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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