How Apps Are Changing The Way We Manage Our Health

Technology is rapidly evolving with each passing minute, and arguably, we are evolving with it. Having a device that holds almost all the world’s information in their pockets has changed the outlook people have on life drastically. Especially when it comes to our health and habits. We are more aware of the dangers and benefits that certain behavior brings with it. So, what did change in our behavior regarding health because of the mobile phone apps?

Health Education

Knowledge is power. And knowledge is something that was not available to everybody before the technological revolution. As stated in the ZenBusiness guide to starting an app business, starting an app is one of the best ways to reach wide audiences because at least 75% of people own a mobile phone. With that high of a percentage, we can safely deduce that now, more than ever, many people have become educated on processes that go on in their bodies. The first thing that most people do when they need medical advice or feel unusual symptoms is going into their search engine or an app and looking them up online. 

Keeping Track of Our Daily Habits

Our daily habits can make or break our health. Is not uncommon for a person to feel less than stellar, without being able to figure out why. Many mobile apps offer you the possibility to keep track of your habits and estimate what it is that you do that causes you problems. For example, some wellness apps have sleep tracking tools that can tell you a lot about your quality of sleep.  

According to Sam Watson, functional movement coach and owner of Start Rowing, tracking habits can provide essential feedback on whether or not you are making progress and if a new course of action is necessary.

Sam says “formulating good habits and seeing our desired results often takes time. This is why it’s so difficult for many of us to stick to them. We want immediate feedback from our efforts. Using a tracking app can provide a short-term reminder of what we’ve already achieved and provides motivation to continue.”

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

The popularity of apps for maintaining a healthy diet has increased massively in the last few years. Everything you need is just a few taps away. You can see
the nutritional value of the food you ordered, plan your meals in advance, and calculate your nutritional intake. There is no need to waste your time on potentially unsuccessful diets that can do you more harm than good. You simply need to enter your data and your goals, and you will have a personalized diet plan at your fingertips. 

Staying Active and Fit

Exercising and staying active is one of the keys to leading a healthy life. And with the occurrence of fitness apps, maintaining a fitness regime on your own, without any fees paid or time lost, has become easier than ever. A personalized exercise routine, daily step count, and progress tracking are just some of the options they offer. A small health tracking smartwatch is something you may need in a very busy life today – that wearable device is always on your body to keep everything update with your health in real time – pretty cool, right? 

Professional Advice Is More Accessible Than Ever

With a plethora of information available online, it is hard to discern between the truth and lies. The immediate need for information is what often leads to misconceptions. That is why mobile app developers have perceived the need for including expert medical and wellness advice. You will be able to get verified health advice in only a few seconds.The health habits of humanity have changed and their needs as well. And mobile apps are being made with this exact purpose in mind. However, some people forget that they should not be a substitute for professional medical attention. Contemporary life has become dynamic and unstoppable, and mobile apps have helped adjust our health routines to it.


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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