MMJ Card: Everything You Need to Know Before Applying

MMJ Card: Everything You Need to Know Before ApplyingMost American states have launched MMJ card programs to make marijuana more accessible to certain groups of people. Since we’ve got a way to go until the plant is made legal across the country, medical marijuana gives those with certain medical conditions a way to benefit from its therapeutic effects.

You need to qualify as a medical marijuana patient, with eligibility differing from state to state. If you are approved, you will receive an MMJ card, which will allow you to buy marijuana from medical dispensaries where you reside.

Some sites, such as, streamline the application process, guiding you through getting a medical marijuana card. But before you even think of applying, there are some things to know about getting an MMJ card and what it entails.

Each State Makes its Own MMJ Rules

Medical marijuana is a state-by-state matter rather than a federal one. This means that instead of the federal government making MMJ legal across the U.S. and laying out universal rules for all states, the onus is on each state to make its own laws.

Not only does every state decide if they want to legalize medical marijuana in the first place, but they also decide what medical conditions qualify a patient, lay out other eligibility factors, and put in place the process for obtaining an MMJ card.

While some states make the application process quick and easy, others have a more complex approach. Similarly, while you can get your MMJ card the same day you apply in some states, it can take several weeks in others. Moreover, some have stricter rules and processes than others.

You Must Get Approval from a Medical Doctor

Most states require potential patients to undergo an MMJ evaluation to determine if they qualify for an MMJ card. This involves discussing your medical concerns and history with a physician who will decide if you suffer from a qualifying condition and could benefit from medical marijuana treatment.

Typically, the consultation can be done in person or online. Sites such as MMJ Card Online will connect you with sympathetic and friendly licensed doctors who are knowledgeable about medical marijuana.

If the doctor deems you to be a good candidate for medical marijuana, they will write you a recommendation. This approval is a crucial part of your MMJ application.

While these doctors are usually pretty lenient, they can get into big trouble for recommending medical marijuana unnecessarily. So, if you aren’t looking to use marijuana for medical purposes and are just trying your luck at getting an MMJ card as an easy way to access weed, don’t waste your time and money. Most doctors will only grant approval if there is some sort of underlying medical issue.

There are Limits on How much Medical Marijuana you Can Buy

If you are approved for medical marijuana, it doesn’t give you unlimited access to cannabis products. Again, state rules come into play. The amount you can legally buy and possess will differ depending on where you live.

Your doctor may also recommend a certain amount you require, limiting how much you can buy at a dispensary at one time.

There is a Fee Involved in Getting an MMJ Card

MMJ Card: Everything You Need to Know Before ApplyingIf you thought that getting an MMJ card was free, you’re sadly mistaken. In general, it costs between $50 – $200, depending on the state. For instance, in Arkansas and Delaware, it’s $50; in Iowa, it’s $100; and in Oregon, it’s $200. In some states, it’s cheaper, though like in Alaska and Colorado, it’s only $25.

On top of these fees, you also need to pay for the doctor's consultation, which usually ranges between $49 to $199.

Your MMJ Card Will Expire

Once you receive your MMJ card, it doesn’t mean that you’re free to buy medical marijuana products for the rest of time. In most states, the card is valid for 1 – 2 years, after which you must reapply.

Usually, the renewal process is the same as the initial application process. This includes visiting a physician again and getting reapproval for medical marijuana treatment. But again, rules differ between states, and some are more lenient than others. In most cases, you will need to pay a renewal fee.

It’s also worth noting that the state government and physicians have the power to revoke your MMJ card at any time if they find it necessary.



About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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