What To Do If You Are Involved In A Car Accident

According to a recent study, there are almost 364 car accidents a day in the United Kingdom. While careful driving can go a long way toward keeping yourself and others safe, it's important that you know exactly what to do if you are involved in such a scenario.

After all, if you lack an understanding of what to do in the aftermath of an accident, you may be more likely to make mistakes or act out of fear. However, if you’re aware of what to do, you’ll switch onto autopilot!

In this article, we’ll explore some of the things you should do in the aftermath of a car or roadside accident.

Keep your cool.

It's normal to feel overwhelmed by a range of emotions in the aftermath of an accident, but you must use stress management tactics to your advantage during this time. After all, stress, anger, and other negative emotions could cloud your judgement or ability to make smart decisions for yourself and others.

As such, you should take a deep breath, and try to calm yourself down before springing into action. This will work not only to your advantage but to the advantage of all of those involved.

Get to a safe place.

Immediately after the accident, it's important that you get yourself (and other passengers) to a safe place. Only exit the vehicle if it is safe to do so, and be sure to turn on your hazard lights ahead of time. This will alert passing motorists and ensure that they proceed with caution.

Contact the relevant authorities.

Once you are in a safe place, it's time to contact the relevant authorities (if necessary). For example, if someone involved in the accident is in clear need of medical attention, you should call for an ambulance. Be sure to give them as much detail as possible relating to where you are so that they can find you as quickly as possible. They may also ask you to provide details on any injuries so that they can prepare the paramedics for the scene or give you some advice on what to do while waiting for them to arrive. You should also contact the police.

For more minor accidents, for example, those where the car is scratched but nobody is injured, you do not need to contact the authorities but should swap insurance details with any other motorists involved. This will make it easier to make a claim on your insurance.

Offer assistance to others.

While it may be tempting to offer medical assistance and support to others before reaching out, it's important that those who are injured receive top-quality care. As such, you should make sure you contact medical personnel first before doing what you can to help.

Take photographs.

If your car has been badly damaged during the accident, taking pictures of the scene is important. After all, this means that all damage is documented quickly, and you can use this to your advantage when making an insurance claim or if the case gets taken to court.

You should also be sure to take note of the licence plates of any other vehicles involved and the insurance details of all parties. Again, this will come in handy if you are planning on making an insurance claim.

Reach out to a lawyer.

In the days that follow the accident, you should also be sure to reach out to a car accident lawyer. After all, if your car is badly damaged and requires extensive (and therefore expensive) repairs or has been written off altogether, working with a lawyer can ensure you receive compensation for any costs that are not covered by your insurance.

A lawyer can also help you to receive compensation for your injuries, especially if you have to take time off work to recover, resulting in a loss of income and financial hardships.

Either way, working with a lawyer is a great way to protect your best interests moving forward. They’ll take a lot of stress off your shoulders when preparing for court by gathering the relevant evidence or helping you to better understand the legal system.

Rest, recharge, and recover.

In the days and weeks following the accident, it's important that you prioritize rest and recovery.

For example, you should give yourself a chance to recharge by taking a break from the chaos of everyday life. This is particularly important if you have been injured, and it would be against medical advice to get back up and going again right away. While it can be frustrating to take time off, returning to normalcy before you have fully recovered could worsen your injuries – which means you’ll have to take even more time off in the long run.

Talk about how you are feeling.

During this time, surround yourself with friends and family and those who make you smile. This will help the time pass a little quicker and could also come in handy when processing what has happened to you. Remember, it's important that you do not bottle up any negative feelings – as this will only allow them to fester. Instead, speak openly and honestly about how you are feeling, and this will make it easier for you to move on. In some cases, you may want to consider enrolling in therapy, especially if you feel as though the accident will have a lasting impact on your mental health. This will help you to change your mindset moving forward.

Get back behind the wheel when you feel ready to do so.

Many of those who are involved in a car accident, however minor, find it difficult to get behind the wheel again right away. After all, you may still be dealing with some residual stress and anxiety that makes the thought of driving feel quite daunting. As such, it's crucial that you do not do so until you feel ready.

Furthermore, you don’t need to jump back into your previous driving routine right away – you could start small with smaller journeys until you build your confidence up once again.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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