How Will Automation in Healthcare Impact the Quality of Care Patients Receive?

How Will Automation in Healthcare Impact the Quality of Care Patients Receive?Technology has always had an impact on the human condition. There have been plenty of important markers in the history of technological advancement which have led to great leaps in innovation, serviceability, and efficiency, but few of those inventions can compare to that of computer automation.

Despite the gradual adoption and now heavy reliance on computer-based systems to support healthcare’s numerous departments of operation, there are certain technologies which have been slower to be accepted than others. Surprisingly, automation is one of them which raises the question of, “Why?”.

For those who are still a bit skeptical, or just have questions about what automation has to offer the medical industry, here are some ways in which automation in healthcare may impact the quality of care patients receive. First, however, it may be helpful to clarify just what is meant by automation in healthcare.

Automation in Healthcare

Technological automation comes in many forms, and differs from industry to industry, but for the most part, generally speaking, automation is the use of computer-based software and hardware systems that, when implemented, can simplify many processes. There are plenty of tasks that have, for decades, required the attention and due diligence of human beings. Even while some of these tasks and responsibilities were aided by other technologies, there were still pieces of those processes that needed to be managed by humans.

A few examples of these early adaptations could be things like customer questions, billing, and appointment bookings. While parts of these things still do require and often accompany the attention of personnel, sections of those tasks and their processes can now be handled by technologically enhanced automation systems. A great example of this is booking appointments.

Where in the past an office had to be open under specific hours, and individuals needed to call and connect directly with an employee, there are now entire apps and systems that make it very easy for a patient to schedule an appointment without ever having to talk with someone.

Those considering nursing as a second career, need not worry about being overtaxed by boring paperwork. Automated systems have the ability to keep defined parameters that are easily communicated to active clients, allowing enough freedom that those people can pick and choose from what is available. Booking and even confirmation utilize multiple systems like email and text features to contact and remind patients of what they may need to do in preparation.

These features not only lead to greater efficiency and clarity between offices and patients, but they save time. Patients no longer have to wait on hold, and employees are free to attend to more pressing and specific matters, all while lowering hours worked which has the potential to lower healthcare costs.

More Benefits of Healthcare Automation

Data Sharing

It would be hard to find a hospital or medical office in a developed nation that does not use and require the assistance of massive data systems to store, monitor, and transfer patient data. Being that so much of the success in patient care comes down to inter-communication between other professionals, the ability to transfer patient data between offices with speed and clarity is a necessity in healthcare. 

Data systems manage large amounts of information, and if those systems don't run smoothly then hundreds if not thousands of patient cases can be affected in a week. Automation helps to ensure that interconnected devices and systems maintain their useability cross-network saving more time and money.

Disease Detection

AI and automation technologies have become so advanced that they are regularly being utilized in the delicate tasks of disease detection. Software has the ability to recognize patterns in charts, scans, and patient histories that signify markers which clue doctors, and nurses seeking greater autonomy, into possible developments of diseases. This early detection, like a set of extra eyes on scans, greatly increases the likelihood of slowing or stopping the spread of diseases.

Reduced Medical Errors

Humans are far from perfect, and despite years of diligent training, experience, and the development of policies and procedures meant to protect against the likelihood of such mistakes, they still happen. It is very hard to compensate for factors like extended shifts during emergencies, unexpected patient numbers, and burnout in employees, but automation has the ability to reduce the strain put on those systems and its workers.

Automation can do things like create and manage case notes, copying and forwarding them across multiple systems and departments which reduces the strain on already taxed employees to do detailed work in high stress situations.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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