Tips For Finding Mental Peace

The world can be a chaotic place, and after a turbulent few years, many people are feeling worse for wear mentally and physically. Finding some mental peace when the daily news can be terrifying, and added to the continual scrolling on phones, it can be tricky to find some mental peace.

Need to step back from screentime? Check this: How To Set Yourself Healthy Screen Time As An Adult – Wellness Force Media.

So what can you do to get a few moments just to decompress and find some mental lightness?

We Don’t Have Control

Many of us spend hours, days, and even years thinking about the things that we can’t control. Life can be unpredictable, and learning that you can’t change and control everything can be a huge step towards finding peace. Letting go of the worry can feel strange, but ultimately, accepting that we can only control certain things can be very freeing.


Guided meditation can bring you small moments of peace everyday. There are many apps that offer guided meditation and relaxing music, but you can also find things on Youtube and even spotify playlists. Meditation takes time and practice to get right, many people can’t sit for an hour the moment they decide to meditate for the first time.

Even thirty seconds can make a huge difference though. Make a start by putting your phone away for a short while and sitting in peace just focusing on your breathing.


Millions of people drift away from their faith or their spirituality when they are going through a tough time, and sometimes reading bible verses about mental health, or thinking about how your faith or spirituality used to make you feel. Reconnecting with the things that used to give you comfort can reignite that passion, and can help you find some peace.


For those who have always been drawn to writing a daily journal, they know a certain type of peace. Offloading the day onto a page can be liberating. If you have never written a journal or a diary entry, it might seem strange at first.

But once you have done your first day, you might just find you feel a lot lighter mentally. Writing in a journal and keeping it isn’t for everyone, some people find peace in writing it down, and then shredding the paper and throwing it away. Writing is very therapeutic, and can bring the mental peace you are looking for.


Humans and nature go hand in hand – but often we put barriers in the way of getting there. When we are in a state of emotional distress or a busy mind, heading to the woods or the seaside can do wonders for us. The sounds of nature like birds singing, leaves and branches crunching underfoot, running water or waves bring us peace.

Looking for peace of mind in a busy world is something that we need to dedicate ourselves to. In the end no one can give you the mental peace that you are seeking, carving out time in your busy life to make it happen is a must. And, everyone deserves peace.



About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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