5 Ways Your Home Impacts Your Health

5 Ways Your Home Impacts Your HealthThe home you live in can have a major affect on your life. Being in a safe and enjoyable house can have positive health effects.

You might not realize how much your small things can affect your well-being. Here are five ways your home impacts your health.

1.   Air Quality

There are many things in your home that can affect your air quality. Good air quality can improve your health and well-being. Poor air quality can contribute to asthma, allergies and other respiratory conditions.


Moisture in the air can get onto your walls. Dark, damp spaces can lead to mold development. Mold spores can travel through the air and get into your lungs, irritating them or causing an allergic reaction.

You can reduce the risk of mold by mitigating humidity and cleaning any mold that may appear.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

VOCs are chemicals that many household products contain. While they aren’t dangerous in a solid form, they can be toxic as a gas. You can find them in many cleaning products and paints. They can also get absorb by carpet and other porous materials.

These chemicals can cause mild symptoms like eye, nose and throat irritation, nausea and headaches. They can also lead to severe conditions like kidney, liver and central nervous system damage.

You can mitigate exposure to VOCs by regularly cleaning porous surfaces and using greener products.


Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that can increase your lung cancer risk. It’s naturally emitted from rocks and soil and can get trapped in your home.

It’s normal to have some radon in your home. The good news is that radon doesn’t rise more than a few feet above ground level, but they can make basements hazardous and affect small children and animals. You purchase radon test kits to determine whether your home is at a safe level. If not, a radon mitigation system can resolve it.

2.   Flooring

Your floors can positively and negatively affect your health. Wood, tile and laminate are easy-to-clean options, helping you keep a healthier household.

Sanitizing carpets is a lengthier task but can be worth it if you have small kids or need to stand on a softer surface.

There are safety concerns to stay aware of with different types of flooring. Though uncommon, hardwood splinters can form and harm people if not addressed. Laminate and tile floors can get slippery, causing a potential safety hazard. Dirty carpets can also get slick.

By properly maintaining your floors, you can avoid these risks.

3.   Insulation

You insulation works hard to keep you and your family healthy. Though inappropriate use is risky, properly installed insulation keeps your heating and cooling systems from regulating your home’s temperature.

There are severe health risks of being too hot or too cold. Freezing temperatures can lead to hypothermia. When the temperature gets too hot, you could suffer from heat stroke. Both conditions are deadly. Without insulation, your home can’t stay an appropriate temperature. With it, you can remain comfortable throughout your house.

Even without extreme temperatures, staying uncomfortable can cause stress, which can lower immunity and negatively affect mental health.

In-wall insulation is the primary source but properly sealed, thick doors and windows also help insulate your home.

4.   Natural Light

Having many windows in your home leads to increased natural light exposure. Sunlight has positive effects on some health conditions, such as insomnia and psoriasis.

Natural light also benefits your mental health. Sunlight decreases the risk of seasonal affective disorder, a form of depression often exacerbated by fleeting daylight in the winter.

Being in natural light boosts serotonin levels in your brain, which can boost your mood and regulate your circadian rhythm.

5.   Comfort

5 Ways Your Home Impacts Your HealthHaving a comfortable home is important for both your physical and mental well-being.


Ergonomic furniture can help keep your spine in alignment, mitigating aches and pains and keeping you energized. Having comfortable couches and chairs can help you relax your mind and body.

Just changing the texture or firmness of your cushions can make a big difference.


Some people like to be more organized than others but living in a chaotic environment could increase your stress level or make it easier to slip or trip over things. A calm, breathable space can reduce anxiety, encourage happiness and help you stay mindful.

By eliminating items you don’t use and keeping your floors and furniture clear, you can create a spacious, relaxing space for rest and relaxation. You can install shelving to help keep your items organized.


The interior design of your home can improve your mental health. Warm undertones can help you feel calmer at home, with earth tones helping you be more mindful.

Having plants around you can reduce mental health symptoms. Being around plants can improve your mood and help you focus. Some plants also improve air quality, making your home a healthier place.

Using Your Home to Improve Your Health

Your home is a sanctuary that should promote your well-being. You might not realize the everyday things in your home that aid in your physical and mental health.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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