What Kind of Addiction Treatment Rehab Program Has the Highest Success Rate?

What Kind of Addiction Treatment Rehab Program Has the Highest Success Rate?When it comes to finding help for a substance use disorder (SUD), there are multiple treatment options. Searching through inpatient, outpatient, intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization, and more options can make finding the right program a daunting task.

With all these possibilities come a slew of questions. Typical questions are:

Perhaps the most important question is, “which rehab treatment program has the highest success rate?” Truly, there is no straightforward answer.

Statistics tracking addiction treatment success are hard to unpack since most research conducted only tracks patients until the end of their treatment. Also, because defining what exactly falls under the label of a “rehab” is difficult, data can be skewed.

When it comes to a medically diagnosed disorder, such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or an SUD, a lengthy treatment term followed by continued rehabilitation is usually the best way to manage it.

Below we will describe what exactly addiction treatment is, and what makes a successful treatment program.

What Are the Different Types of Addiction Treatment?

Substance abuse is a disorder that affects all types of people no matter their race, class, or gender. With this wide demographic, there is a vast range of treatment options. These can last anywhere from a month to one year. Let’s briefly go over the main types.

Inpatient Rehab

Patients live on-site, away from life's stressors, and receive around-the-clock supervision and monitoring from medically trained staff. A patient's whole day is set around therapy, counseling, group support, and receiving medical care. These programs typically last 20 to 90 days.

Outpatient Treatment

This is where patients will attend therapy or counseling at a rehabilitation center several times a week, but do not live on site. Outpatient programs are typically used for those with a moderate to low history of addiction, and who may have outside responsibilities to attend to, such as a job or taking care of children.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)

IOPs involve more frequent therapy and counseling sessions than regular outpatient programs. Generally, your IOP program might run three to five days per week. It’s typical to enter an IOP after completing an inpatient program.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

PHP is the most intensive option and may involve five to seven days of treatment sessions weekly. These programs are used to transition someone from inpatient to outpatient services. You will attend many therapy and group sessions and may receive medical attention if needed, but will not live on site.

What Makes a Good Rehab?

Many rehabs across the nation will claim they have cutting-edge recovery tactics, but the best rehabs use the simple and effective principles of treatment.

These are:

  • Understanding addiction affects brain function
  • Knowing every patient is different
  • Treatment should attend to the individual as a whole, not just their drug abuse
  • Long-term stay in treatment will yield the best results
  • Behavioral therapies, including family, group, and individual should be utilized
  • Medication-based treatment combined with behavioral therapy is effective
  • A patient's treatment plan should be constantly assessed
  • Treating other mental health disorders is usually needed
  • Detox and physical sobriety is not enough to recover from substance abuse
  • Medication treatment needs to be done carefully
  • Treatment programs should check for other infectious diseases in patients

What Is The Best Type of Addiction Treatment Rehab Option?

Based on the above criteria, what seems like the best option is an inpatient program. These are the most all-encompassing and allow patients to fully focus on recovery, discover why they abuse substances and provide the best space to build strong recovery connections.

Inpatient options are also the most expensive and require the largest commitment. In some cases, it may be best for people to enter an outpatient program, especially if they have a short drug use history or can’t afford to take time away from a job or family.

Final Word

Inpatient programs deliver the most intensive form of addiction treatment, and will usually yield the best results.

However, no matter what treatment option you choose, it’s important to note that continued aftercare through 12-step group meetings, extra counseling, or sober living is essential in maintaining sobriety. Treatment should be individualized, and you may respond to certain forms of treatment better than others.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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