Tips for Living with Incontinence

Tips for Living with IncontinenceIncontinence is a common medical condition when a person begins to lose control over the muscles and nerves that hold and release urine from the bladder. It is a challenging condition that typically isn't easily discussed even by those who suffer from it. There's a stigma associated with not being able to hold in urine, and people who suffer from the condition can be embarrassed to talk about it to seek help and medication.

People who suffer from any of the five types of incontinence shouldn’t feel bad about their conditions. First, however, they have to overcome their fear and seek help to receive the proper diagnosis and treatment plan to manage their needs. Medical practitioners have access to several incontinence products, which can help people who have the condition live their lives normally. These products can alleviate their fear of being embarrassed in social situations, and they can also give them back their confidence in facing other people.

Here are some tips for living with incontinence:

Drink enough water for proper hydration

Although you may think it’s counterproductive, drinking enough water will help you overcome incontinence. If you don’t drink enough water, your urine will become more concentrated, and the salts in the fluid will irritate your bladder, making the condition even worse. You need to be hydrated enough so your urine wouldn’t be too concentrated, and you can pair it with bladder training to strengthen your muscles.

Practice bladder training and control

Some doctors swear that you can overcome incontinence by setting your mind to a bladder routine. For example, you need to set specific times when you have to visit the washroom to relieve yourself and reduce bladder pressure. Once your body recognises the routine, it will respond accordingly, and you will have a lesser chance of leaking.

Cut back on some types of food

Incontinence symptoms and irritants typically vary from person to person. If you suffer from the condition, you need to observe which foods tend to irritate your bladder and cause overactivity. Then, cut back on those types of food. Examples include citrus fruits, spicy food, carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, or alcohol.

Try to lose excess weight

One factor that doctors point out that affects the severity of incontinence is excess weight. So, if you happen to be above the recommended weight for your age group, you may want to seek to lose the extra pounds because they tend to relieve the pressure on the urinary nerves and muscles.

Reach out to medical professionals

Another thing you need to do is to reach out to a doctor. You have to overcome your anxiety about speaking with someone about your condition, and he will be the best person to give you advice. In addition, he can provide guidance and prescribe medicines and a treatment plan suited for your case.


Suffering from incontinence shouldn’t be a deterrent to living a normal life. Instead, one needs to listen to doctors to gain control over the condition and overcome the social stigma associated with it.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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