Taking Care of Your Mental Health: A Guide for Students

Taking Care of Your Mental Health: A Guide for StudentsDo you need mental health help as a student? Are you having difficulty adjusting to university life? You are not alone. The National Center for Biotechnology Information estimates that 40% of students will experience an emotional or mental health problem during their time at university.

Looking after your mental health is a crucial part of your well-being. But it is not easy, especially if you’re a student. There will always be deadlines, essays to write, and term papers to submit. The stressful academic environment and pressure to maintain a work-life balance are other factors that can take a toll on your well-being. 

Although it can be hard to deal with all this stress and balance everything around you, you can get help with academics from EssayHub. The online platform has professionals that write essays for money in a timely and efficient way. This allows you to focus on your well-being and not feel overwhelmed.

Here are some ways to care for your mental health.

Talk to Someone About How You Feel

When you’re in school, it’s easy to feel isolated and alone. But you’re not. You have people around you who want you to be healthy and happy. Talk about your feelings to teachers, counselors, or friends if you need someone to listen. They will be supportive of whatever you are going through.

Sometimes mental health problems are caused by harsh deadlines or academic overload, so speaking to someone can help you manage your mental well-being. Besides, you get to hear from others about their experiences and how they overcome their challenges.

To take some of the load off, you can hire an online paper writer from PaperWritingService at an affordable price and get professional assistance with your schoolwork. They’ll do the heavy lifting for you so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. 

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is one of the best ways of taking care of your mental health. It helps reduce the amount of cortisol in the body. The level of this hormone in your body rises when you’re stressed, which can cause symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and muscle aches.

Exercising also influences the level of another hormone – endorphin. Endorphins relieve pain, boost mood and energy, and make you feel happier. So, by exercising regularly, you can reduce anxiety and stress, lower your risk of depression, and begin to sleep better.

Some of the activities you can do as a student to maintain and improve your mental health include

  • sports at school;
  • cycling;
  • high-intensity interval training exercises;
  • walks in the park;
  • house chores;
  • gardening.

Eat Well

Try not to skip a meal, especially breakfast (the most common mistake students make). Skipping meals can lead to low energy levels or feeling cranky or hungry, making it difficult to focus on your schoolwork.

Also, ensure you eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet benefits both your body and mind. For example, eating foods low in fat but high in fiber will help prevent heart disease and stroke – severe health conditions that can harm your mental health if left untreated.

Get Enough Sleep 

Taking Care of Your Mental Health: A Guide for StudentsYou need to get enough rest because it helps your brain stay focused during class time. Moreover, it allows your body to fully recover from a long day of classes, studying, or working at a job on campus.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep each night for adults aged 14-25 years. So, if you’re having sleep problems, consider waking up at a set time, even on weekends. Gradually, you’ll notice you want to go to bed at the same hour every day, too, and you’ll develop another healthy habit.

Make Time for Fun Activities With Friends + Family

Spending time with loved ones can reduce stress levels and boost happiness by releasing endorphins in the brain that make you feel good about yourself and your life.

It also helps you see things from another perspective when you talk through problems together or enjoy each other’s company without worrying about studying or work.

Do What Makes You Happy

Doing things that make you happy is one of the best ways to improve your mental health. Spend some time doing something that brings you joy and inspires you.

Whether it’s going for a run, playing video games, volunteering at a charity, reading a book, watching TV, or listening to music – whatever you enjoy, spend more time doing it every day.

Use an App

Mobile apps can be a valuable tool for students to take care of their mental health. By providing a user-friendly platform to document thoughts and emotions, apps such as Sensa allow students to express themselves and gain insights into their mental well-being. With the app's tracking and reminder features, students can build positive habits for self-care, such as practicing mindfulness.

Additionally, Sensa's educational content and resources on mental health topics empower students with the knowledge to manage stress, anxiety, and other challenges effectively. Overall, mental health apps promote mental wellness and help students create a supportive and balanced approach to their academic and personal lives.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining your mental health is more than just taking extra time for sleep or exercise. It also means eating well and engaging in fun activities like watching movies or playing video games (as long as they’re not interfering with your sleep schedule).

It’s equally important to open up to people you trust and avoid bottling up emotions. Ultimately, developing a healthy state of mind is a balance between having a good social, personal, and school life.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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