What Is Nutritional IV & What To Expect During A Typical IV Spa Session

What Is Nutritional IV & What To Expect During A Typical IV Spa SessionIn recent years, IV nutritional therapy has gained massive popularity, and people use it to treat general fatigue, hangovers, jet lag, and much more. However, it’s still relatively considered new and you are probably wondering about its effectiveness and potential side effects, as suggested by several media outlets.

Due to higher percentages of sedentary lifestyles and the abundance of opportunities that encourage unhealthy eating habits, staying fit is the need of the hour. But, so is having adequate knowledge about different medications, remedies, and therapies that you intend to use for improving your health. 

In this post, we will walk you through a typical IV session to give you insights that will help you understand whether it’s an ideal treatment option for you or not. 

We will also cover other crucial information, like what it is, how it works, and some tips to ensure you know what to expect and feel as comfortable as possible during therapy. In the process, Nutritional IV centers such as Reset IV have evolved the service into a spa-like setting where you will feel more comfortable than in a typical hospital environment.

So, let’s begin with the basics.

What is IV Therapy? 

Intravenous Therapy is a professional medical therapy that administers vitamins, nutrients, and hydration directly into the human bloodstream to ensure maximum absorption. Unlike regular oral consumption, it is the quickest and risk-free system of injecting nutrients. 

Clinics consistently record an average of 90-100% absorption rate, making it one of the most sought-after medical treatments for daily health maintenance and improvement. IV therapy helps people replenish their energy reserves to power through the day. 

Furthermore, IV therapy can help people suffering from anxiety or stress-related issues as well as strengthen their overall immunity. However, its primary benefits will depend on the type of nutritional IV you choose. There are a myriad of therapy options available today that almost seem like a spa treatment. 

Consider exploring mobile infusion services for convenient access to personalized IV Therapy solutions tailored to your needs.

What to Expect During Therapy

What Is Nutritional IV & What To Expect During A Typical IV Spa SessionTo start with, the person taking the therapy undergoes a blood test to analyze the body's current nutrient availability and requirement. After the test, the person is injected with an IV catheter. 

Depending on the blood test and severity of the scenario, the IV treatment may take 15-45 minutes. Here is what to expect during therapy.


  • Once the lab work is done, there will be a short waiting period. This time allows the staff the opportunity to prepare your medications for the infusion.


  • If they discover any particular medical condition that will contradict IV therapy, they will notify you and encourage you to avoid moving forward with the session. IV therapy centers facilitate thorough lab work that helps detect such problems.


  • As we mentioned earlier, to provide comfort and from a marketing perspective, IV therapy clinics provide you with luxury amenities such as recliner seats, pillows, TV, free internet, etc. Some centers even have a therapy dog that makes rounds during your treatment to make it a more fun experience.


  • During treatment, it’s common to experience chills or mild temperature fluctuations. So make sure you carry layers. Regardless, most reputed clinics will provide necessities such as heated blankets.

When treatment is coming to a close, a nurse will come and check to see how you’re feeling. Also, it is important to stick to a specific diet post IV Therapy, as recommended by your practitioner.


IV Therapy is suitable for people who wish to boost their energy levels after a hangover or a strenuous workout session. Also, people with depression can choose this therapy for increasing immunity levels and ensuring overall well-being. In addition, people in emergency medical situations or surgeries can also benefit from it. 



About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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