9 Reasons Why Registered Nurses Become FNPs

During the coronavirus pandemic, nurses served as our nation’s most valuable assets against this deadly disease. It’s estimated that some 115,000 healthcare professionals worldwide have succumbed to the pandemic, thereby showing our nursing workforce’s utmost dedication. However, the world needs to produce more RNs and reskill/upskill the existing ones! Studies have indicated that attaining high-quality education leads to better patient outcomes. So, nurses must consider honing their credentials today.

The shortage of physicians in the United States has shifted the burden on NPs who offer several facilities provided by doctors in medical settings. Hence, RNs shouldn’t neglect the career-advancing opportunity to become family nurse practitioners in the 21st century. For several families, FNPs now serve as primary healthcare providers. It’s not like switching careers. Instead, RNs upgrade their expertise when they decide to transform into FNPs. So, let’s discuss some benefits of this conversion here for your benefit:

Why should RNs become FNPs?

1. Online degrees

How can busy nurses juggle working and studying at the same time? Many nurses intend to become well-qualified for promotions, but an eventful schedule thwarts their dreams. Well, RNs now have distance learning opportunities to enhance their academic excellence. You can join online FNP programs to become a well-certified family nurse practitioner in the industry. This online learning is helpful for nurses who can’t afford to commute and want to study at their pace for career-making.

2. Better jobs

Since 2009, journalists have been regarding NPs are the most sought-after vacationists in the country. Since family nurse practitioners can replace physicians in several medical settings, their services in today’s COVID-infested society will be required increasingly. Earning your credentials as an FNP, RNs acquire better job prospects than their under-educated colleagues. So, RNs today should consider switching their majors to become FNPs. This decision can help them acquire better-paying jobs in the future.

3. Higher salaries

You’ve guessed correctly now that FNPs have a higher earning potential. Their credentials help them make more money while catering to the needs of their patients. The National Salary Survey states that NPs earned over $90,000 a year. However, it was back in 2017! Today, experts have indicated that FNPs can easily make more than $113,000 annually. With experience, you can hope to raise your earning potential drastically in medical settings.

4. In-demand skills

9 Reasons Why Registered Nurses Become FNPsAs the pandemic progresses, our national health sector will require more well-skilled professionals. So, FNPs possess the skills demanded by modern-day stakeholders in the healthcare industry. What does the government have to say about FNPs’ skills being sought-after? Well, we read that BLS expects an immense (45%) change in NPs’ job growth during 2020-2030! It means that 50,000+ jobs will now be produced in this sector. Getting your degree as an FNP can help you become eligible for these jobs.

5. More autonomy

Nurses can obtain more autonomy by becoming FNPs, after which they essentially provide some of the services as physicians do. So, what does increased autonomy mean for nurses? Well, it means you’re permitted to diagnose patients and prescribe medicine. Most states allow FNPs to examine patients without a doctor’s supervision. This autonomy leads to nurses creating a more flexible schedule for themselves, thereby avoiding burnout/depression. Let’s discuss prescription authority more deeply.

6. Leadership roles

The expertise of FNPs is required in different medical settings, without which our healthcare system can’t remain functional anymore. Family nurse practitioners are busy educating/empowering patients and performing leadership occupations where their services are needed. So, FNPs serve as advocates for patient research and education today. Moreover, they’re also required for academic services as well as policymaking. Several FNPs have stayed involved in developing mentorship programs.

7. Prescription authority

While describing FNPs’ authority, don’t forget that family nurse practitioners can prescribe medicine to patients. We’ve discussed how FNPs may serve independently in some medical settings without a physician supervising them. Currently, twenty-two states and the District of Columbia have given the prescription authority to FNPs. Moreover, sixteen states give them the “reduced authority” in which they should find a doctor to collaborate with their prescription. You’re authorized to some extent.

8. Quality caregiving

Getting a better paycheck isn’t the endgame for most nurses since they’re pursuing better-sounding objectives than that! Our nursing workforce seeks to empower patients while educating society about the threats from community diseases. Better-informed nurses provide high-quality caregiving as they’re well-equipped with the knowledge necessary for regulating infectious ailments. That’s why modern-day RNs must transform into FNPs to serve their patients more effectively.

9. Job satisfaction

The nursing vocation’s famous for providing immense amounts of “job satisfaction” that has stayed unmatched by other professions. However, COVID-19 has introduced “job dissatisfaction” to nursing with burnout and depression caused by an overworked and understaffed nursing workforce. So, RNs should consider changing careers and becoming FNPs to better mental stability in their jobs. You can enjoy more autonomy, thereby controlling the work-life balance for enhancing your mental health.


How many FNPs are there in our country today? Data shows that 36,000+ NPs completed their education in 2019-2020. Almost 70% of these experts are certified as family nurse practitioners. You can guess that nurses today have become integral to the medical services received by Americans in the 21st century. So, why should RNs become FNPs during an ongoing pandemic? We’ve described some reasons why RNs can benefit from continuing their careers as FNPs. Hence, let’s recap this information for your knowledge.

Now, FNPs enjoy more authority and flexibility than junior nurses. They have prescription authority and can perform several services physicians usually provide. Moreover, FNPs are well-paid people; their services lead to better patient outcomes. So, RNs can become FNPs by obtaining a degree digitally. Don’t forget that family nurse practitioners easily achieve a work-life balance in their careers. These reasons, it seems, are enough to convince nurses to pursue this degree. Bolster your career through the internet.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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