Got Heartburn? 5 Common Triggers and Tricks To Kick It To The Curb

One in three Americans deals with heartburn on a daily basis. If you’re one of the unlucky ones, then you know how important it is to have an effective strategy to manage it. Even better if you can avoid it altogether. Here are 5 common triggers and some tricks for avoiding indigestion.

Common Triggers

Trigger #1-Stress

Got Heartburn? 5 Common Triggers and Tricks To Kick It To The CurbIt’s no secret that stress manifests itself in many forms. From headaches to heart attacks, it’s not surprising that it also causes heartburn. There’s no scientific proof that anxiety, a symptom of stress, causes reflux but scientists do know that anxiety causes prostaglandin production to deplete. When this occurs, you may be more likely to feel the symptoms of heartburn. Lucky for you, there are several ways to reduce stress in your life and consequently, reduce heartburn.

Trigger #2-Smoking

Most people who smoke know it’s bad for them. And we get it, it’s a hard habit to break. What some people might not know, is that smoking causes the opening between our stomach and esophagus, called the lower esophageal sphincter, to become weak. As a result, the acid from our stomach is more likely to make its way into our throat, causing those pesky heartburn symptoms.

Trigger #3-Spicy or Acidic Foods

One of the most common triggers of acid reflux is food. Spicy foods, deep-fried foods, chocolate foods, and tomato-based foods are all potential triggers. If you’re going to enjoy these foods, take care to have something for relief on hand and enjoy them in moderation.

Trigger #4-Pressure On Your Stomach

This includes being overweight, overeating, and being pregnant. There’s a reason people wear “buffet pants” when they show up for Thanksgiving dinner. Added pressure on your stomach is uncomfortable at the very least and while you might not be able to avoid it when you’re 9 months pregnant, eating smaller portions will go a long way in preventing reflux.

Trigger #5-Alcohol and Caffeine

These two highly popular beverages are highly acidic in nature, so it’s no wonder they also inevitably cause heartburn. Consuming one probably won’t trigger it (unless you have an ulcer) but it’s best to enjoy them in moderation if you don’t want to deal with the side effects.

Tips for Relief

#1 Calcium Supplements

More commonly known as Tums, taking calcium can provide almost immediate relief for heartburn. Be sure to check the label and avoid additives and always take as prescribed.

#2 Peppermint Oil

Got Heartburn? 5 Common Triggers and Tricks To Kick It To The CurbEither in capsule form or applied topically, peppermint oil’s healing properties work wonders for heartburn relief. You can mix it with a carrier oil, like coconut, and apply it right to your stomach to ease symptoms of indigestion. Be careful though. Overconsumption can cause heartburn as well.

#3 Quit Smoking

As mentioned earlier, smoking is directly linked to heartburn. So, it only makes sense that kicking that habit to the curb can help. In case you needed another reason to quit.

#4 Side Sleeping

People who suffer from heartburn often find themselves sleeping on their left side for relief. Biologically speaking, this makes sense. When you sleep on your right side, you’re basically putting your stomach in a position to pour its contents into your esophagus. It’s literally an open invitation for reflux.

#5 Dietary Changes

Just like eating certain foods can cause heartburn, certain foods can help you avoid it. A diet rich in whole grains, yogurt, fresh fruits, especially bananas, and healthy fats such as avocados and nuts can all help minimize your chances of experiencing indigestion.

Medication Warning

Got Heartburn? 5 Common Triggers and Tricks To Kick It To The CurbAs tempting as it may be to resort to prescription or over-the-counter heartburn relief, those aren’t your only options. In fact, medication isn’t even your best option.

Back in 2018, one of the most commonly prescribed medications for heartburn, Zantac (generic form ranitidine) was pulled from the shelves after scientists at the FDA discovered it had toxic amounts of a cancer-causing agent known as N-nitrosodimethylamine. While the levels were within the normal range when the product hit the shelves, over time, the chemical continued to rise.

This isn’t to say all heartburn medications can cause cancer, but with Zantac in particular, there are thousands of pending lawsuits claiming patients who used it regularly subsequently developed cancer. If you or someone you know thinks they might be a victim, reach out to a law office that specializes in Zantac lawsuits, such as, and see if you qualify for compensation.

Most symptoms of heartburn can be treated effectively by taking the measures mentioned above but more severe cases may indicate a more serious underlying condition. If you’ve tried everything you can but are still suffering from acid reflux and heartburn, reach out to your doctor for recommendations.



About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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